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bilbo Feb 2021
ice as white laces
which are shining at the sun
are cradling the heart
Nikkie Jan 2021
So what will take the place of you?
Shall I drink of your lustful stare,
are shall I hold in my hand the key
to your heart in which you gave to me
on bended knee?
Do I have to wait to see your face?
Or take your photo and sleep next to it.

On your pillow your scent is alive.
I sleep on what you left;

I woke up this morning, a song reminded
me of just how much I’m missing you.
On cold days, I turn up the heat, and
cover myself with your spirit alive.

When I finally get to sleep at night, I dream
you up and you come to me.
Everything you offer is stored in a special
bottle that can only be opened when I
dream about you.

I feel complete when you’re in my presence.
When you leave, a brief disappointment clouds
my everlasting state of mind.
In your heart, I see the most beautiful day that
was ever made; the sun is shining, the temperature
is perfect, and most of all, I see you.
The mot beautiful person (in heart) that I’ve ever
For the rest of my life, my entire being, is required
by nature to keep your spirit alive.
Celestial Nov 2020
The light bright and lime,
It was there but dull.
You found the chime,
And found your own light full.

Shining brightest among the best,
In spirit, I must confess.
Known far and wide,
To be welcomed with pride.

Telling stories, memories,
To pass, what I call, inspiration.
Tales to bring back humanities,
In times of such separations.

Keep singing your heartfelt songs,
And giving love deserved.
Hope will bring those bonds,
Your time is being well served.
A new friend
I am a diamond that fell off a ring
I am lost but I know my value
I am broken but I know my worth
I am a diamond that has never been worn
I am yet to be adored but I will never stop shining
I will never stop shining...
There was a boy who lives alone
He likes his only toy and gazing the moon.
He had no friends.
But a toy and time to spend
He always used to say "I won't fear till my friend (toy) is near "
He was very happy
No one to care, to burden to beat.

One night he went out to riven
In cold night and everyone else would have shivered.
He went there to play with his toy and to had a little joy.

But suddenly a storm blew and taken his toy along.
Boy shed into tears and all his glow is gone.

He was crying, the moon stopped shining ✨.
Then a man comes and said "Don't cry, boy .storms will come and take will take joy.
It is the first loss but
life will take more than you think it cost "
"Everyone you love will go and in this world, you will left alone as I'm now.
Life will take everything you had and leave you in a state of sad ".

The sun set right behind him
While he tried to match his steps
Busy, the last hours of the daylight has always brought him the best
His lens captured the shining moments
As the sun set

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