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Emilia 7d
I look into the mirror and slip past its glass surface
Past the mirror is a strange land, a nice land at some times
but most times you cant tell,
since the land past the mirror always hides how it feels
You have to go so so so deep to truly know
But this is expected, since the land past the mirror mirrors me

The trees look twisted and weird past the mirror
Since the land past the mirror mirrors me
Never fitting in with their surroundings
Always changing into something increasingly worse

Everyone past the mirror knows so much
So much
They brag about it all the time
They flaunt there facts in the faces of flawed people
For few people past the mirror are not flawed
Figures since the people past the mirror mirror me

The ground past the mirror is always shaking
It never stops to take a breath
Triggering tremendous tremors that take total control
So much time is trashed, during these tremors
The ground seems to shake as if, everyone is watching it,
And as if it is never enough
And even though everyone sees the ground shake
Shaking as if it cant belong a place in the world
They walk on it anyway
True this since technical, topics past the mirror mirror me

The water past the mirror is  never still
It is sloshing and slugging so swiftly
Some sing songs to the water
And some of the songs sooth the water
Making it so smooth that you can see silver stones shining in the bottom
Soon though the songs are not enough
The water sees things is doesn't understand
Confused the water is.
Always confused
But such is the things past the mirror
Since the things past the mirror mirror me

Moments past the mirror make my mind murky
Mumbling people tell me my mind needs fixing
Maybe they're right
But maybe the land past the mirror is made for me
For my mangled mind to comprehend and understand
Some people look in the mirror and see themselves
Now don't get me wrong, i see myself, but I don't see my face
I see things mirroring myself
Meaning in simplest terms
I see me, in a way that I can understand
Instead of faces, that always deceive
Instead of body’s that look different from my sight
Instead of eyes that can change in the quickest instance
I see in my mind in a way that I can be sure that I'm not lying to myself
As we all so often do
NK Mar 16
Take me to the movies
Tell me something you mean
Give me something I can cry about
Give me something I can feel

I've been miserable
My heart's been impaired
My mind's enraged
As if I would break

But these tears
It won't come out
Because I'm afraid
Please, let me cry
I think I was taught unconsciously to ignore my feelings. Especially the little stuff that would make me upset. But lately, these little upsetting moments keep pilling up, but I can't cry, because somehow it's too trivial. I want to find a big enough of an excuse so tears can fall down my eyes. Like movies, something touching  or scary. But I think I'm afraid showing vulnerability.
AndresAjala Mar 15
From a bench in the park,
I saw myself walking.

And I thought,
he looks good,
he works, he writes,
he does what he loves,
he has something to offer.

What I offer has value,
I have value.
AndresAjala Mar 14
10 days,
and 20 nights.

but never resting.

I close my eyes,
tell my mind,
"You must stop!".

Silence arrives,
the calm before the disaster.

What will happen tomorrow?
And your love?
The payment?
The salary?

I want my body
to melt into the sheets,
to receive an embrace from the bed.

For the pillow
to absorb my thoughts.

For my soul to leave,
and return with the dawn.

I want to sleep,
so that in the morning I wake up,
as if yesterday
had never existed.
AndresAjala Mar 13
"Today I woke up like every morning,
the sea sounds angry at my window,
today I woke up longing to be loved.
But the wind only whispers emptiness,
and the waves embrace me with their cold.
Is love just a lost echo,
or a ship that has never sailed?"
Ankush Mar 9
Standing up front
Watching the  eyes
Looking in depths
Deep inside,
Finding meaning
As to nothing ,
Exploring with hope
Core to those eyes ,
Found the reflection-
The reflection of mine.

The strange curious eyes
Of mine watching the eye
To those of mine and
so to ME
Exploring the self  into the
Core ,
Like a boat amidst
the sea .
I asked the mirror what do u reveal
"In response it just reflected me" .
A simple revelation, attachment leads to wrong perception of something which is not true , aloof it's own meaning and nature.  You can't find your self in your mere reflection, it's just your physical apperance.
Ankush Mar 9
The question that is ,going through me
When I was a kid or  when I am grown up
the thing which resides within ,the one who grants it
I don't know whether it's me or someone ,
Full of truth or lie whichever is it  Just tell me
What am I?

It's not real ,it's not fake ,
Curious for world nearby lake
Thinking in nights ,dreaming in day
Whether it's me , my soul or someone else
I don't know what i take it as a role or just a lie
Whichever is it Just tell me
What am I ?

Existence , persistence, patience not so be true to be truth,
The things I know ,why nobody knows?
Feelings, strength, emotions ,dreaming about it but what takes
Us to exist and extinct if we don't know the relation,
The relation of being in reality,or rather in fake all around it ,
Everything till now was just a fallacy , us to smile or just cry
Whichever it is just tell me
What am I ?
Niranjan R Mar 12
The pain was brutal, unable to bear
She was gone forever,
Why wasn't I there for her?
While she prayed for me to stay with her?
Was I even a good lover?
But she was gone forever,
Never to say, "Only you and I, hereafter"

Closed my eyes to drown the regret,
But all the good memories with her
Were now nightmares, too much to bear,
But she was gone forever,
Never to make new ones, ever

The pain was brutal, why was she gone?
I looked at the mirror, saw a broken one
What made me lose her, my only one?
I will remove them, one by one!
And once I was done
I looked at the mirror, saw they were gone
The one left standing, the one she loved,
I smiled at myself, I sat down
It was quiet all around
Also, inside
I was free
Forever in peace
Niranjan R Mar 12
"I wonder", asked one
"Why do you wear that watch
The one that doesn't even run"
"Why not repair it?" wondered another
"I wonder,
Why even bother with an analog?", asked another
"I will do one better”, said another
Why wear one at all when you have a phone?"
They all wondered
And left

But here I am
I wonder too,
Why do I wear a mask outside?
Hiding the pain inside
Why can't I let go?
Even though I must
Why am I stuck in time, just as my watch?

I wonder too
AndresAjala Mar 6
Many times,
life denied me
what I longed for,
what I expected,
what I believed was mine.

wrapped around me.
Why others?
Why not me?

Again and again,
I thought I understood:
It wasn’t mine,
I didn’t deserve it.

But today,
under the sun,
I ask myself:
Why not?

I am a worthy being.
I know how to love,
I strive every day.
I respect,
I believe,
I share,
I give.

And those who know how to give
also know how to receive.

I deserve everything in my life.
I deserve freedom.
I deserve health.
I deserve peace.
I deserve prosperity.
I deserve love.
I deserve happiness.

What are you depriving yourself of?
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