P===>Put everything aside, get away from your worldly problems, let your soul fly in the skies of faith by the starting point of "takbirat elihram" Allah is the Greatest , and everything is just none ...
R===> Relax your soul and refresh your mind , let your every vain of heart be filled with the purest glimpses of light, of pure love and eternal true belief ..
A===> Awaken your soul from its oblivion and remember that every single creature on earth is praying to Allah, the Almighty ..
Y===> Yearn for paradise, imagine its eternal beauty and enchanting rewards with every move in your prayer ...
E===> Engage in your salât with the deepest concentration and embrace Allah's marvellous bounties on you ! Be a thankful grateful servant !
R===> Repent to your Lord whenever you sin ... Repentance is embedded in your salât, Allah is the most merciful , just be sincere and declare your honest repentance ...
Rule your life the way you want , YOU ARE THE LEADER OF YOUR OWN LIFE.
أقم صلاتك ... تستقم حياتك !
by : Meriem.A
Salât : Islamic prayer