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Anais Vionet Feb 2023
A governess, a guardian of the young, so known and dear as to be called “Mother” and a noblewoman, just barely 12 by age, named Portia, sit talking as the sun sets the stage for a cool, cloudless night.

“Mother, who invented candlelight and the slow, delicate brush of lips?”
“Some rakish boy, pawning his experience for present pleasure, no doubt.”
“Say true, Mother. If you were a man, would you find this common body worthy of love?”
“You show no blemish child, and display a certain bony voluptuousness - I should think.”
The governess begins to comb and braid Portia’s hair for sleep.
“I saw Portincio this morning, in the courtyard.”
“The boy from Padua?”
“He’s a man Mother, and his cast portents a passion so sweet - it shakes my very frame.”
Mother chuckles, “Even hopeless birds sing in cages.”
“I am not hopeless!” Portia writhes angrily, like a snake about to strike but mother calms her.
“Shoo, shoo, now,” Mother purrs, brushing all the more gently, “I meant nothing of it.” After a moment, she continues, “Love is more than coquetry, little one, and it soon passes - like a parade, or a rash. For now, be happy, you are like the chaste stars - unreachable.”
BLT Marriam Webster word of the day challenge: Coquetry: “flirtatious acts”
Anais Vionet Feb 2023
Peter and I are together and we’re in a grove.
Time is our treasure, precious and dwindling.

I watch for signs of the future unfolding,
like a twitch that might be the first sign of a stroke.

Answers will come - slowly - or they’ll parachute in from nowhere.
We spend a lot of time together but most of it is spent studying.
We both have silences that shouldn’t be penetrated.

I have so many questions, but I keep them at a safe distance,
so I don’t feel the need to interact with them.

All I know is we’re alive, and we still have to dance.
It's not always fun, operating in the face of uncertainty
but what else can we do - except go through the motions?

“When exactly did the world lose its collective mind?” I asked, reading the news on my iPad.

Peter looked up from the book he was highlighting with a phosphorescent pink pen.

“They’ve found toxic metals in CHOCOLATES. Everywhere.” I announced, like that Poe bird.

“I guess we’re canceling chocolate then,” he said, sarcastically, “we’ll adapt.”

“Yeah, you bet.” I said with genuine irony.
BLT Marriam Webster word of the day challenge: Adapt: to adjust in the face of change.
Alex McQuate Jan 2023
Why are so many poems sad?
So serious and full of melancholy?
Where are all the poems of puppies and socks fresh out of the dryer,
Those poems that fill you with glee?

I want those rhyming schemes filled with jokes,
That make you want to chuckle and stamp your feet,
That make you feel a bit happier,
That make you feel a bit of cheer.

I know that it all can't be kittens and rainbows,
But can we open the blinds from time to time,
To let natures beauty shine through to you and me?
LeV3e Jan 2023
Is it better to be seen?
Or should I hide the parts
Of my mind, the unseemly
Things that eyes don't like, so
I can sell enough bits and
Pieces of my soul to
Pay this month's rent?

Is it better to be heard?
Or should I quiet the
Sounds that my thoughts are making
When feelings start biting
At my rib cage and my heart
Skips across the cold street
To keep the peace?

Is it better to be owned?
Or should I keep trying
To make it work? Just because,
I'm used to suffering
by now, you'd think it wouldn't
hurt so bad while watching
you walk away...

I have a question to ask
If God ever finds time
I've been wondering why for
Quite a while despite
My parents trying their best
Telling me I'd get it
but, Eventually
hasn't come yet.
Melody Mann Dec 2022
Infinite was the reservoir of love she poured for him,
Abundant was her acceptance for the imperfections he held,
Tireless was the pursuit of her loyalty,
Wasted was her time on a man momentary.
When people trash talk Bitcoin
Ask them some simple questions
See if they’ve done their homework
Below are a few suggestions

Who started Bitcoin years ago?
And what inspired this founder?
And how does fiat money work?
And why Bitcoin might be sounder?

When was Bitcoin started?
What’s relevant about that year?
And from the short whitepaper
What is meant by peer to peer?

Name two countries where it’s used
To protect from high inflation
And two more where Bitcoin helps
The people in oppressed nations

Maybe they know, maybe they don’t
Yet you’ll see how much they know
And maybe asking these questions
Will cause their knowledge to grow

An opinion based in ignorance
It’s worth?  Not very great
And maybe they will do the work
To improve their financial fate
This is Bitcoin Poem 030 at and you can see it displayed on a background when you (copy and paste the link below).
Anais Vionet Oct 2022
To take the hero's journey, I left the ordinary world.

Now my heart is wildly pounding because the wolf is at my door.
That tireless executioner craves the very blood therein my veins,
but I set out to defeat it, so I guess I can’t complain.

The wolf is known as “ignorance” - when he’s posing as a sheep.
The most frightening aspect of the wolf is that he has a home - in me.

I find myself both - the hunter and the hunted.
I’m the question and the answer, the cure and the cancer,
the music and the dancer, the magic and the necromancer.
Megan s Sep 2022
My problem is I don't actually know what love is or how to properly "love" someone. I think I do... but love in my head is so ******* up.
Little things I saw throughout my life tell me love only hurts in the end...
-Nights without *** are nights filled with fighting
-Skipping over the "I love you" means they are lying
-Phones staying locked means their is someone else
How do I know these aren't true?
"Love" has only left people broken. Am I wrong?

Things that are "good" for me always end up hurting me... How is love any different?

Funny thing is I do love... I love people...

I allow myself to fight this terrifying thing in my brain for the hope that it won't hurt me like I have seen my entire life?
Will me loving leave me even more broken then me never loving or will I be shown love is a good thing?

Maybe I'll look past the little things. maybe the little things will show me how to properly love.

Or, am I just a coward?

I've never doubted my own version of love...
Maybe I guard myself to much from other peoples versions of love.

-Why is love so painful and confusing?
-Why do I always think they are lying to me?
-Why do I think I am a short-term escape from people?

Is this what "love" does to people?

Will I always be loved as I saw my parents love? Will I learn that my past has changed? Will I always be seen as the girl who didn't know what she was doing and love-able for a short time?

Is it sad I'm in my 20's and still want the fairytale ending?

I have so many questions.
William A Poppen Sep 2022
Who knows

Not the best of us
Nor the stargazers
Not the book readers
Nor the book writers

Especially not the politicians
Who never stop
To ask the question
Or to ask any questions

Their nature is to accumulate
Pretend to lead
Pretend to guide
Still, their nature is taking

Some pretend to tilt
toward compassion
Toward caring
Toward altruism

Me, a grizzled octogenarian
Asks no questions
Merely wonders

Where has all of the wonder gone
Is altruism real
And if it is, why is
It ******* by greed
revised from a previous post
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