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silvervi Jun 2020
Of what?
Of what's inside of me.

How evil
Could it be?

I am my own careful detective
Investigating parts of me
That I myself have hid
For years quite stubbornly

Will I be able to rejoin
All parts of me together?
Will I be able to enjoy
The wholeness then forever?

It's not as easy to put into words
It feels as if I had maybe two hearts
There's one that tries to be so nice
But underneath it lies...
Another one, the dark and rough,
That one was made by times so tough
That really it just cannot smile
It has its own dark heavy style

I'm digging deep to see
My fear is growing though
That's how I managed to ignore
My darkness for so long

But finally, for feelings' sake,
I gotta stop before it's late
I need to see and to admit
Who am I underneath the dry smile
That I have been practicing for a long while

Scared of losing myself?
But I gotta risk it,
Don't I?

After all I just know
That my darkest side
Does deserve the attention
Of my soul and mind

It's a part of me
I'll express it in arts
Before my dry fake smile
Dries out both of my hearts.
A human trying to connect to suppressed feelings
silvervi Jun 2020
No, I don't know
What love is
At all.

I am wondering
And my soul
Is about to fall

What is love
Why is love
And why are we all?

Are these simply questions of a depressed mind?
But also of one that is trying to find

To live and to feel and to love.
And more honestly than ever.

Searching is my current state.
It's rather stuck, but does vibrate
Uncomfortably under my ribs
Where the deepest of feelings should be

Instead I am mostly inhibiting my head
But I want to learn to change that
My body needs more of my attention
I need to connect
To reconnect I guess.

I noticed there is a big gap
Between my soul, my head, my body..
It is as if I am existing in parts.

Maybe it's true cause energy is divided

I don't really know much
My focus recently has been very shallow
I guess I lost other people's touch
The human connections with fellows

They matter. Society matters.
This is where love meets me
But rarely.

I did experience hate though
In groups.
No body came to save me

But that's over, isn't it?
Or do I still have to learn to trust?

Am I still so influenced by it?
That I'd rather deny myself
Than to accept
That someone might not like
Sth about me instead.

Why is it so bad?
How to get rid of this weird energy.
How to find a way to be finally free.
I am not even begging for materialistic freedom.
I just want to be able to decide
How my life is gonna be
Where I am gonna be
And in each and every moment
What is actually right for me?

I know I overstepped some boundaries
And I will overstep even more
There are boundaries I overstep unwillingly
And there's others that I knowingly ignore.
A human mind reflects...
Alex T Jun 2020
its not like im running
        where would I go?
when there's nothing above me
         and nothing below?
Matthew Sabella Jun 2020
Answer me, God.
Why won't you answer me?
What have I done that has caused your face to be turned away?
Answer me, my God.

My Lord, why have you forsaken me?
In this hour of need, I cry out in empty rooms.
In this hour, I cry to empty skies.
My Lord, my God why have you forsaken me?

Are you alive?
Do you still listen to prayers?
Do you still listen to your people?
Are we allowed to ask and receive?

God is your eyes still fixed on this nauseated land?
Do you still have ears to hear when we call?
Are you alive?
Are we worth listening to anymore?

My hands clasps books and philosophy trying to understand.
My feet walk in nature trying to see the beauty of your creation.
I don't understand why you say you love me.
I don't understand how this applies to those around me.

Answer me, God...
This silence is killing me.
Sometimes we question even our deepest of faith.
jessa Jun 2020
they come and go
almost indescribable
turning into actions
are they true and real?
we ask ourselves between right and wrong
we know everything
and yet know nothing
tangible but intangible
Poetry Art Jun 2020
"are you
still in love
with me?"

asked the moon
with tears
flowing down
her cheeks

"i am afraid
that i
no longer am."

answered him
as he vanished
from the sky

the setting sun
leaving the world dark
leaving the moon behind
i hope that we find that love that never leaves.
For years, I have a doubt
Which I still could not make out
Was it your beautiful face
That made me lose my pace
Or the moon-like eyes
Which kindled my love to rise
Was it perhaps your lip
That gave me a beautiful slip
Or was it your cute cheek
Which played with me hide n' seek
Was it your charming smile
Which threw my heart away a mile
Or your twinkling white teeth
That made me pause to breathe
Was that the rainbow eyebrow
That caused my feelings to grow
Or your cute, timid walk
That gave my nerves a shock
Was it your long black hair
That made me simply stare
Or your elegant eyelash
That gave upon my face a bash
I still could not figure out what
How you did enter my heart
The questions that nag inside me
Has got no answer at all to see
But I am unaware till now
How I did fall in love.
I still wonder, how I fell for you!
Mike May 2020
I look at the sky and wonder

Is it even real?

Is it even blue?

How can I understand what's real and what's not

If I can't even understand


Soon as "life" goes by

What have I understand?
Brewomble May 2020
I have wept in my mother's sorrows
In tears of those of lost and labored-
That life is waster when settled,
And regretted when hated.
The drugs have never covered-
They will never coat the fear that lives inside of you;
And the bottle that I've used to block the days before me
Have left me in depths of hollow and confusion,
To which the sky says yet again when I'm on my knees and looking for an answer-
I have yet to find but more questions.
This reflection I stand before shows more than I know;
Or wish to see,
Open your eyes and break the dark uncertainty.

~Bre Womble
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