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Diesel Dec 2021
Decayéd the sky!
   It throbs in black,
And senile the moon,
    She sit afraid:
Recall back the stars,
   To help the Earth,
Infernal the clime
   On darkness day:

Renewed-well the trees,
   To breathe us right,
Relighted the stars—
   But blackened all—
Refiltered the dirt,
   The breeze takes eyes—
But soured the work,
   By crows in fall:

Despondent the moon;
   The sun is gone:
Decrepit the wave,
   On weakened sea;
Uncharted on earth,
   Where none belong,
And a wilted land—
   The black in skies.
Written Jul 6/21
Diesel Dec 2021
I have this heart with nowhere to go
I have this smile that no one will see
I have a soul that could stretch for miles
I wonder then what's left of me.
Written May 18/21
Rama Krsna Dec 2021
🔥🔥🔥 poems🔥🔥🔥
🔥are  🔥often 🔥birthed🔥
🔥 in🔥fiery🔥 moments  🔥🔥
🔥🔥where 🔥life🔥 is🔥 lived🔥
🔥 right  🔥at the razor’s edge🔥🔥
🔥while🔥firmly 🔥🔥immersed🔥
🔥🔥🔥🔥 pure awareness🔥🔥🔥

  © 2021
dedicated to all my fellow poets on HP
Odd Odyssey Poet Dec 2021
I am a riddle;
  (only a few understand)

An unspoken poem;
      (few will find)

As shall by the gates,
do wisdom and I meet.

A riddle of purpose, &
the answer we all seek.
Rama Krsna Dec 2021
that pure lightness of nothing
needn’t be traumatic,
where voids seen and unseen
force regrettable choices and actions.
unlike a visit to the dentist
not all gaps need filling.

‘twas the dive
into the deep void,
after all,
that made the buddha smile
in boundless ecstasy.

© 2021
As Christmas day will soon be here, our journey,
This life, has taken us through, another year,
Enjoyment during the season, full of cheer,
Take time to think, why are we here?
So much talk, commercialism, starts earlier each year,
We all hold memories, of the holiday, in different ways,
Always remember the first Christmas day.
Much talk about gifts, colorful, decorations,
We need to look at our life, the roads we travel,
Our special, inner inspiration.
Many plan for weeks, to create, a special day,
We all need to arrange our life, remember,
Our final destination, be prepared, every day.
Our travels in this life, will soon enter the year 2022,
Share, help others, this world is for all to learn.
Look for, talk about the good in others,
As you would want them to do to you.
The Original Tom Maxwell ©12/06/2019 ( original 2002 )
A M Ryder Nov 2021
Out there
A stillness
A darkness
Yet known
A nothingness
Awaits us
And it's better
That way

The purpose of life
Is that it ends
And people
Don't think
About death
Until they're
Forced to
Together we prosper
Alone we survive
Together we triumph
Together we thrive

So let’s work together
Each day we’re alive
And follow the adage
Together we thrive

Rejoice in the bounty
That seems to arrive
When we stand united
Together we thrive

Our planet we’ll care for
Our soil we’ll revive
Let’s focus our purpose
Together we’ll thrive
This is Prosperity Poem 135 at and you can see it displayed on a beautiful background (copy and paste the link below).
You can sign up for free weekly delivery of poems at Prosperity Poems (.com)

This poem was inspired by President Nelson's talk about what we have learned from the pandemic.

At about 7 minutes is when he talks about how we need each other!

We can accomplish SO much more together than we can alone.  This is true - let's work together.

Be fit to be useful
Be fit to be free
Be strong as you’re able
And you will then see

That fitness is serving
Each day that you live
On good days and hard days
Find something to give

Stay fit - and stay focused
With purpose to serve
No need to be perfect
Just simply observe

Stay fit to be useful
And let others know
That you’ll do what you can
To help blessings flow
This is Prosperity Poem 133 at and you can see it displayed on a beautiful background (copy and paste the link below).
You can sign up for free weekly delivery of poems at Prosperity Poems (.com)
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