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Clutching at straws for purchase, I dive in every direction.
Leaping off faith like churches, I bend to the will of the wind.
Searching for scraps of focus, my heart beats the way as it sings.
Thanking the world as it teaches,
I exalt what the future may bring.

The drive lights in my head as sparks, forced from my mind pray they fly.
The weight of “what if" pockmarks, eager sow seeds ‘til one catches.
Doubts thrown at me from my darks, each explosion paint ******* my way.
A way out not promised yet trying,
Is the only thing worth ‘til I die.

Fear lords over me as a despot, chance spirals before me like time.
Crawling from lazy this cesspit, resistance the bane of us all.
My goal simple as respite, shed stress I know vestigial
Find me my path steady carving.
Eroding at life ‘til I'm fine.
Wayward Jul 2018
There are times when you feel your heart shatter,
You'll hear it break, but it won't matter,
You'll reach a point when you can't care,
And emotions become a weakness you can't bear.

What breaks you, you'll never know.
It could be a friend or a foe.
You try and try to hold on tight,
But nothing you do turns out right.

You lie awake, night after night in bed.
You don't let anyone see the tears that you shed.
And in that one misguided moment you decide,
That your only way out is suicide.

The idea of death consumes your mind,
The thought of not hurting anymore makes you blind.
And when you finally reach a dead end,
You welcome death like an old friend.

There's nothing inspiring about this subject but I wanted to take a different approach for once. To spread negativity or to promote this isn't my objective. Its just a thought.
Jungdok Jul 2018
Rarely understood
Always disregarded
Most of the time irrelevant
Perpetually worthless

That's how I'd describe my existence.
Why do we exist anyway?
Kwamé Jul 2018
Prisoner without a cage
Soul forever trapped
Confined to a lifeless shell
Devoid of emotion
Slowly I waste away

Endless nights dreaming of escape
For this is not the life I chose
I don't believe in that higher power
For who would trap me here
Like a caged bird
Doing tricks for crackers

I'd rather be exploring Astral Plains
And wander lusting for knowledge
Than stay here another moment
Around people sippin the Devils potion

For this brew is awfully potent
One sip fills you with wrath and rage
As you begin to rattle my cage
All their minds filled with green

As they do anything to fulfill their greed
And begin to gorge themselves
Like glutinous giants grilling in Grenada
Never getting their fill

Lusting after thick thighs
And supple *******, doing
Anything for that 2 piece meal

Envious eyes eying everything in sight
Boasting that selfish pride, as your
Inner voice says that can't be me
He's talking about
You yes YOU

As you sit smug with your
Body shaped like a circle
Due to years of sloth like behavior

Don't worry about me I know
I'm different, I don't belong here
I know that
We are nothing more
Than temporary beings
Gone in an instant

Seeking the meaning of
Our existence
What is my purpose?

I guess I'll never
Know why I'm on this craft.
Arcassin B Jun 2018
By Arcassin Burnham

They say diamonds are a girls bestfriend,
Well Lucy in the sky still ******* with
I can make it in this world yes I can,
I can make it in this world yes I can,
What is it you don't understand?
Its hard to be a woman or man,
It's hard to make those dividends,
That revenue , that income man,
Incoming man , there's a meteor full
of poverty and hatred man,
That's all we need is love,
Say thats all we need is love,

Take your time,
Hold on tight , its gonna be a bumpy ride,
Breathe in, exhale,
Gifted in your Birth rite..

You Are He as you are me,
I'll explain it comfortably,
Blankets , blankets , lots of blankets,
Conversations, very basic,
Looking love and a purpose,
the subject is not even worth it,
Made a hell of a lot of mistakes,
the light could take them away,
And plus my fears, cover your ears,
don't want to hear ******* from past peers,
Can take loss but not a death,
Walking towards peace with every step.

Take your time,
Hold on tight , its gonna be a bumpy ride,
Breathe in, exhale,
Gifted in your Birth rite..

Cause Lucy In the sky with diamonds.
gabriela Jan 2014
we stare at boxes full of light
it takes what we think it gives
experiences now across wire lines
instead of real events

even typing poetry
I feel that earth has gone amiss
when in fact the 'whole world' is right
behind my fingertips

if we could only lift our eyes
we'd see our world exists
but could you only tell me what's
the purpose of all this?
Robin Carretti Jun 2018
Does life really have the purpose
Feeling like a slow turtle
The Floridian Fort Myers
The sandy silk the remedy
Seashell Rose thorned
  The happening day I was born
Robin- Joy tiny 5 pounds of gold
Joy to the world 4 ounces
Birth I was her world
to guide me the incubator
I was named after
"Grandma Rose'
The dictator attention newborn babies
Crying please Arnold the
terminator doesn't terminate
her completely just stop
her from crying

Spiritual bud those rare finds
Someone took my funds
How was it laid out like
a birth flowing
Without anyone seeing
the beauty of it showing

The purpose in life being
moved inside another mind
A samba walk like a girl from
Not always about someone's
  the treasure she passed
not to see
What is truly required
being sad to let it be
Or saying it's my pleasure

On your way to hope-land
or finding more time homeland
What a fine host heartland
Friendly sword-like
The love fever when
the hayfever got to
Raggedy Ann dandelions
and ragweed
Her hot fever planting her seed
It works two ways to be the believer
My temperature rising

Your head is buzzing next song
The Spin city laughing gitty
But God! why are we  really here
Like Tinman Olive oil good
for the heart
That Scarecrow if I only had
a brain I'm over
there and here
How I am scattered straw
Row your boat somewhere

Go gently computer streaming
Website world
That less induced stress
She lifts her smile that
black number dress was
A huge success

Her reduced waistline to cope
What is really the purpose of
Valentines Day Ray of hope
Every holiday gets you crazy
no matter if it is some purpose
Or that crucial number
coming to America has a purpose
Being Italian cannoli music
playing Pavarotti

All hell breaks loose he is high up
in the cabin whole lotta shaking
going on
  Rocky Bullwinkle Moose
Westchester eggs caboose
Wilted-wedding is not organized
Deeply touched to be personalized
Also the numbered seating, he left
his heart in your Ivory Starlite plate
What is really the purpose when
people invite you and show up late
You are writing again Amen
Velicity of higher force gravity
true vibe
The family of  my tribe
Another letdown, please
found me
Next season  firmly grounded
Someone will see you in the
magazine did they subscribe?

The foundation of Faith
Please describe
Nothing makes sense
You got a raise
He gave you kick in the pants
This life is a game of stunts
The purpose of life this is my translation I feel I never get a vacation too busy but life will bring me to salvation I always try to put humor in my writing that the only things to keep me going what do we see in our world what it's telling us
Deepa Ravi Jun 2018
The 5 O clock sun hit me with the abruptness of a bird flying into a window.
I squint in irritation and turn to look at my laptop screen.
I stare blankly at it for a while when my vision suddenly adjusts to the reflection of my chest on the screen.
I look intently.

The image of my chequered chest rising and falling, very slowly, burns into my head.
Isn’t this why we do everything we do?

To lie down on a warm bed of wet mud and take a lung full of fresh air before we fall into a deep slumber?
Death is inevitable. We breathe everyday only to die.

This doesn't stop us from celebrating birth and life. So why mourn death? Life a full life and take a happy last breath!
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