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Jessica Jarvis Mar 2018
Sitting in the florescent glow of my desk mirror,
wondering how I can paint myself into your arms again.
3/4/18 Unless you know makeup, you probably don't know that the title is a pun on makeup terminology, but even you don't, it still makes sense, right?
Jessica Jarvis Feb 2018
Well, hello! We meet again.
I’ve brought you here today to inquire about your likeness.
No, I’m not going anywhere, yet.
But I do want to inform you on how important you are.
Compliments are just a formality, but you’re pretty,
Despite the chains that hold you back,
There are keys to happiness and you’re one of them.
I wonder, though, how even with your colorfully streamed
Shimmer, how you still manage to get lost…

But no judgment here!

Without you, I’d be stuck more often than I already do.
Please consider how much I appreciate your companionship
On those many exhausting rides, and casual strolls.
Now, if you’d excuse me, we gotta go, or we’ll be late.
Please don’t get lost again.

Another punny poem about an inanimate object...
Jessica Jarvis Feb 2018
5 pennies in a nickel…
10 pennies in a dime…
25 pennies in a quarter…
100 pennies in a dollar…
Each penny plays a particular part in
the grand scheme of economic "advancement"

Money is exchanged.
It comes…
It goes…
Some people see its worth,
while others don’t.

It makes people happy,
But then again,
It only brings sadness at the same time.

It's counterproductive.

Over the counter, at the minimum wage shopping center,
Minimal glances are changed,
For minimal durations…
Each penny is a part of a whole…
There’s a price to be paid…
It moves into the hands of another.

I like putting puns in my poetry...
CA Smith Feb 2018
To you, the ground beneath my feet
Every step I take,
you support me.

You stand with me,
in my times of trouble

I am warmed by your embrace,
as I become entranced in your outfit of lace.

Nothing could be more finely crafted,
than my connection with you.

The ages may wear on you,
yet you remain the only one
my sole longs for.

For you truly are...
My favorite pair of shoes.
Tina RSH Feb 2018
I creep towards a flicker of light
No sheets to keep me from the callous cold
My bare flesh introduced to the February night
Transfixed by the light, my eyes swim and glitter
I rush away from the old creaking bed, away from that shell.
Where he gifted me memories of dust, dark and bitter.
I flee my partner in crime, my everlasting disease
As he fast sleeps, ready to make love to my brain
But I rush and feel no rush between my legs increase.
Stars wave and a bird flies home, I sigh in relief.
For I too go home, somewhere under the sky.
As I smile to spring away, I sense something in disbelief.
A pair of hands gripping my arms and neck.
Just to believe it was over, oh heck!
Mass product these days! Can't help writing. This poem is about my disease, which as I view it, loves to grip my brain.
don't be my green light.
don't be the daisy to my gatsby.
don't be my dream,
my unattainable dream.
Blanca Feb 2018
I can't come down from this tower,
I'm held here by a curse's power.
I just stare at the stars in the midnight hour,
But I long for the ground, to touch a flower.

I struggle to eat, can barely drink,
I crack open a book, drown in ink.
But it's clear to me that I'm on the brink:
Of sadness.

                                                   I can't get out of bed, or in the shower,
                                                    I'm held here by my own self's power.
                                            I stare at the ceiling until an ungodly hour,
                                    My mind beginning to wilt like a dying flower.

                                        My confidence and my heart begin to shrink,
                                   But growing still are the ***** plates in the sink.
                                           I continue to breathe, but I am on the brink
                                                           ­                                      Of madness.
Hidden Glace Jan 2018
My mother told me today
that I wasn't okay

I stayed silent, wondering exactly
what she was trying to pull from my angry lips

amazingly, she bought every lie I've already sold her
"It's fine, I'm just tired" [Guess I'm always tired then]
"I just fell, that's why my hands are cut" [I fall to often]
"My grades are my biggest problem" [I don't [can't] focus on them]
"Just leave me alone" [I want to sneak around and find the knives you hid from me]
"No mom, I don't know where they are" [There's actually a tub of meds under your clothes in the closet, I found them because I wanted them, but you trusted me with a hinged door. Fool]
"I'll see you tonight" [I plan on eating here and then leaving either to my room or to my home as soon as I can]
Heh I made a pun
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