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arielle Jul 2017
It's early.

Quietly, I sip my coffee
listening to you talk about
your new favorite songs
and the latest movies

You pause to take a drink.

The sun rays shine
through the café window
onto the spot of your skin
that lacks pigment

Pictures cannot capture
the moment we sat
together in silence,
smiling cheerfully
sage Jul 2017
The richest models take their clothes off,
but the best writers rip their hearts out.
I wonder who gets paid more though.
Donna Jun 2017
Whilst I sit and read
I fly on a unicorn
Lighting up the sky
:) x
sol Jun 2017
archeologists brush dust away from bones,
like memories from empty homes.
here i sit among rubble and ruin,
amidst broken picture frames strewn.

this is the scene i remember the most.
my words are written, jagged,
in a notebook forgotten, ragged am i
as my eyes shine like broken glass.

my bones turn to rust, to dust.
i brush away my remains from this grave
of a home i no longer remember.
among portraits i am no longer a part of.

november comes around with its bells,
bellows loud that i am not welcome here.
it brings fallen petals of blood red rust.
i am stained with agony and painful lust.

for a time that does not forgive,
and as the cold sweeps in i know,
november is the time of sin, for me.
i was born in a time that does not forgive.

the picture frames will not let me back in.

i / am / absent / here
eh. free write about ruin.
lei May 2017
i am fascinated by the human emotional spectrum.

when i see the humorous glint in their eyes,
the pale skin due to heart-wrenching horror,
or the fire they seem to hold in between their closed fists
i am once again reminded that humans,
though extremely fragile,
have the power to penetrate from within the viewfinder.
will May 2017
captured in a moment.
on a single paper,
remembering in the silent,
inks fade, doesn't last forever,
together we are broken,
but we can see it in this small paper,
these happiness and enjoyment.
sage Apr 2017
Memories hurt when they are the memories you wish to forget.

There are sometimes small reminders,
as you go by your day.

You never know what it could be,
but when you see it,
it hurts.

God, does it hurt.

Of course,
if you’re unlucky,
Those reminders are pictures.

And if a picture tells a thousand words,
One is too many.
Ryan Hoysan Apr 2017
There are two kinds of people in this world.
There are those of us, who will look at pictures of the past and feel awash with a glowing warmth, remember the perfection of those single moments.
And then there are others among us, others like you and I, who view photos much the same way, yet feel much less euphoric, because while we also take the moment to remember that perfection, we use the next millennia of moments to lament the passing of this perfection
Just came to me, so here it is. I guess I'll also share my thoughts on the new site layout since that seems to be the trend. Well, not that it's a unique opinion, but I feel that given time (and a quick fix to all the errors and glitches people are getting) it could (key word being could) come out better than most people are expecting it to be. Maybe they could have beta tested the layout before releasing it en mass, but it's an attempt at a breath of fresh air. Give them a chance to at least attempt to iron out the kinks before we make complete and total judgements.
Madelyn Landis Apr 2017
A clear film cover stretches over the image
Cool, crisp, clear visuals
Lingering heart-wrenching memories
Preserved in sheer peace
Desperate crying and wishful thinking
You're trapped in your head
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