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Big Virge Jun 2019
Let Me ...  
Tell You Something ... !!!
My Nerves Are Near ....
.... COMBUSTION .... !!!!!
Cos These Days .... People ....
Seem To Think ....
It's Cool To ... PUSH My Buttons ... ?!?
Why Try To ...
Cross ... My Junction ... ???
Don't You ...
Like To ... " Function " ... !?!
Don't You Want ...
To ... Have A Life ... ?
WITHOUT The thought of ...
... PAIN and STRIFE ...!?!  
I'm ... NOT TOUGH ... !!!
But ... " Call My Bluff " ... !!!
See What You Get ... ???
You Might Get ... " Cuffed " ... !!!
I ... DON'T LIKE ... !!!
This ... " Weapons Stuff " ... !!!
If You're Gonna Fight ...
Then ... Do It RIGHT ... !!!
Do It From ...
Behind The Mic ... !!!
Show Your Talent ...
Use ... INSIGHT ... !!!
Leave ... "The Sheep" ...
To ... Their Own Plight ...
They ... " Fight Themselves " ...
They ... " Live for Wealth " ...
They ... Don't Believe ...
In ... " Mental Health " ... ?!?
That's Why They Use ...
" Slavemasters' Belts " ...
Til' Your ... CRY For HELP Is ...
English People ...
Do It ... WELL ...  
"We'll push them into, prison cells !"
Then You Hear ....
"Your honour, he fell ... "
These Are ... The LIES ...
"They" ... Make Them Sell ...
Who Are ... " THEY " ... ???
What ...
CAN'T YOU TELL ... !?!
" THEY " ... Who Have ...
That .... FUNNY SMELL .... !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Those Who Keep ...
The Rebels ... "quelled" ...
Those Who SHOW ...
But ... NEVER TELL ... !!!
Those Who DON'T ...
Get ... Collars Felt ...  
I'm Writing This ...
Cos' I've Had A Bad Day ... !!!
But ... EVERYDAY ...
Seems To Bring DISMAY ...
From ... Bombs In Town ...
To ... FRAUD RIDDEN Aid ...
That's Why I Wrote A Poem ...
Called .... " Two-Faced " ....
These ... Two-Faced Fools ...
Really Think They're ... " COOL " ... !?!
That's Why They ... " Think " ...
They Can .... PUSH YOU ....
But When Somebody ...
They QUICKLY ... "hide" ...
and Then .... " Backtrack " ....  
"I don't remember, saying that !"
"Well Remember THIS !
You piece of ..... !"
That's ... NO QUIP ... !!!
and It's ... NO JOKE ... !!!
Those Who ... PUSH ...
May Just Get ... CHOKE ... !?!
For Leaning On ...
A Bloke Whose BROKE ... !!!
With ... NOTHING to lose ...
Except .... " His Coat " ....
These Are Words ...
On Which To ... SOAK ... !!!

Cos' Words Like These ...
Just May ... " Denote " ...
A Way To Keep ...  
Your Life .... " Afloat " ....
We've All Got To Cope ...
With ... IGNORANT Folk ... !!!  
I Am A Nice Guy ...  

I'm ... NICE As PIE ... !!!
Until You PUSH ME ...
Then .... " Sparks Fly " .... !!!!!
I Suppose You Think ...
I'M ANGRY .... Right .... ?
So What If I Am ... ?!?
Here's A ... TELEGRAM ... !!!
Virgil's NOT The ... ANGRIEST Man ... !!!
Try This Name ... Let's Be PRECISE ... !!!
Marshall Mathers The 3rd ...
Eminem ... That's Right ... !!!!!!!!
Hip Hop's ...
Number One ... " White Guy " ... !!!
He's Cussed Off Gays ...
He's Cussed ... His Mum .....
He's Cussed ... George Bush ...
That Boy Ain't Dumb ... !!!!!
He Seems To Cuss ...
Pretty Much ... For Fun ... !!!
But Still ... He's Loved ... ?
Like I ... LOVED My Mum ... !!!!!
So ...  
How Am I ... ?
The ... " ANGRY One " ... ?!?

Because You ... PUSH ME ...
Like I'm .... " Dumb " ....
People ... These Days ...
Just Make Me ... " Numb " ...
This Is Why ...
I've NOT ... " Succumbed " ...
To Those Who ... Want To ...
Keep Me ... "shushed" ...
FOOLS Who Think ...
That They Can ...
.... " Push " ....
Job pressures at the time, amongst others things, inspired this .....
Nick Hemal Jun 2019
The ice thaws
  As you ignite the soul.
    Daily practice
       Turns kindle into coal.
          Keep that fire burning
            In your heart.
             Where mountains melt
                and skies part.
                  Dreams and reality
                    meld into one.
Inspired by some of the words of my former students, who reads tarot cards for me...
AJ Simmons Jun 2019
You know those times
Those times when you wake up and every breath feels like speed
Every blink gets you higher
And every sniff feels like euphoria
A flicker of shadow looks like a rainbow
And the smell of dog **** could be bottled and worn
And you'd happily be an ambassador
So much so that you contemplate getting naked in the cold
Relinquishing the truth that your tackle would be non-existent
Because you couldn’t give a ****, freedom ain't malignant
And don’t need to be
Coz days like these
When in the face of rage you feel the breeze
And you stay dry in the rain
Beaming a smile that doesn’t wain
Inside screaming out
Little ticket tout
My lady soul
She’s on fire.
today isn't one of those days
Nina Jun 2019
I hope that one day,
you will fall for me.
because right now ,
i'm so deeply in love with you.
Lexi Snow Jun 2019
You sit there by the phone
Waiting for it to ring because you know the minute you leave it alone

           ­                                                                 ­       Buzz

But you can’t hear it

Until you get back to see a missed call
But it is a missed call from someone you didn’t want to talk to
You are waiting for that special person to call you
To tell you about their day
You miss their voice
Their voice has given you comfort in the past but now they need you
They need you to be strong for them
But for you to do that
You have to hear their voice
Hear how broken they could be
But you missed their call
You try calling them back

                                                                ­                  Ring

So you just sit there
Waiting for them to call you back now
This is the worst feeling of just waiting for someone to get back to you.
Nina Jun 2019
One day,
I wouldn't be hurt.
One day,
I'll get over you.
One day,
I'll find somebody new.
One day,
I'll be happy.

One day..
Maybe just not today
Darian Dupuis Jun 2019
Distance wont make me love you any less
Allow the memories of us to gift you rest
When the wait is over and your time is free
Let the rhythm of my yearning heart
Lead yours back to me

Dreams of you causing loss of sleep
Worry bringing shivers but wont bother the heat
Anticipation crippling but we know we aren't through
Let the incense of your burning soul
Lead mine back to you
you will find someone
whose words
form a bandage
which seamlessly
mends your wounds.
you will no longer
need to fight
in order to
recieve love.
you will lose yourself
in the eyes of your lover
but in the midst
you will find who you are.
you will lose sleep
not because you feel hurt,
but because you feel whole.
you will find your someone.
you will bask in their warmth.
& hold tight to their hands.
& I pray to god you will never let go.
maybe not today.
but someday.
JA Perkins Jun 2019
She had a
sailor's mouth,
pretty lips,
and lots of flaws
for me to fix.  

And she wore them
all in front of me
like a fur coat
with the collar up.
An addict for codependency
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