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Kyle Kulseth Sep 2014
13 years, so many jobs
so many names you half forgot
got caught and collected
                    at the corner of your mouth.

Outside, it's one more night,
one more stitch in this rag doll year
and you can still hear the way she'd
                    try to talk while laughing
any given Sunday night.

Might be you half forgot.
Might be the roaring years
drowned out the hum of their names
in your ears
              earned your stripes, now wear 'em well
spell out your name in snow, then
go lay down in the bed you made.

Outside, it's lights and noise
and visible breath
footbeats on sidewalks,
forgotten names with smokers' coughs
all caught in the roaring tides of
                                                the time.
But it's blood clots inside;
a parenthesized appositive
                      redefining what you lost.

In the clot, one sunk to the silt,
                  to the dregs.
In here, your living room
               is outside the parenthesis,
closed out of the open air.
Spare change beneath the lamp
strangely mocking outside lights,
                 glinting bright,
                    but silent.

And, just outside,
          those city lights
they flash for others;
those with jobs and funds,
          with lovers,
with smiles still left
                         in the tank.
Not fake ones constructed
by nights getting ****** up
or upended frowns painting
clown faces all pasty--
                 you'll get out.

                You'll make it back;
              black clouds blow past
       and the tide runs out fast. And--
    You're made of better stuff than that.
Rose Ruminations Sep 2014
She hates that she is spineless:
Starved of strength

She hates that she is passive:
She has two legs
But cannot stand for anything
When faced with a loud voice
And menacing words
That threaten the tranquility of her dream-world;
The dream-world
Where conflict is banned
And people always have the best intentions
Because in essence man is good.

She hates that
When faced with a thousand possibilities
Tensions rise
And gears stick
Metal on metal
As she tries not to succumb to her nature
But in spite of it all
Her head overheats
And she overloads
The perpetual screaming kettle, *** boiling over, and volcanic eruption
All in one

Tiny salted droplets of shame
Race down flushed and swollen cheeks
As her mental fists
Painstakingly punch her essence
Into action
Fueling a transformation with

A transformation
That never sticks:
At least not as well as
Her lack of faith in herself.
Don't Exist Apr 2014
They say that a close mouth don't get fed
That if you don't ask for something you don't eat
People especially say this statement to me
As I'm a very passive person
Each time they would get mad at me for not speaking up
But then in my thoughts I would say..

" A close mouth don't get fed.Well I'm not desiring food.I'm desiring understanding.That's how I want to get fed.I can live without food for a month, But I can not live a week without understanding"

But of course I don't say anything
I just nodded my head constantly
pretending to hear the ignorant lecture
learning how to keep my mouth open
when that open mouth will gobble everything up out of greediness
till there is nothing more to eat
while at the same time learning to keep my mouth shut
and listen to other people without getting fed
A simple poem
Red Aug 2014
I feel dead inside
Maybe this coffee will wake me up

I feel dead inside
Maybe if I sleep it will go away

I feel dead inside
Maybe this cigarette will perk me up

I feel dead inside
Maybe this liquor will take me away

I feel dead inside
Maybe my friends will cheer me up

I feel dead inside
Maybe a boyfriend will pull me away

I feel dead inside
Maybe if I get help they wouldn't lock me up

I feel dead inside
Maybe I should push some daises up

Nothing seems to be working right
I feel dead inside
a confused, passive, apathetic teenage perspective
Emm Jul 2014
Always fear

The runaway
The self-made convict

Every step
Plagued with doubt
Every thought
The lack of motives

Isolation -
Shunning all possibilities

Doing nothing is doing something
Silence is a word well understood

is a promise whose hand you shook in stillness

When are you going to learn that the only way forward is...

'You are standing in your own way!'
'Move over!'
I should waste more time revising. I feel as though it may benefit me; may I extrapolate the fact I stated waste more time, not spend. I could use that time practicing songs on my bass or beating Mario’s *** on the GameCube. I feel mediocre but that’s okay because I AM mediocre; and a sell-out. I should make that point clear. I smoke; not like a chimney, it depends on if I feel like combusting into a cloud of tobacco ash. I would happily crementate my being. I would happily get hit by a car and become the road ****. I would happily fall from a concrete building into a six foot deep cavern. Passive suicidal thoughts at eight in the mourning; just like coffee but it doesn’t make you need to ****. Just those bitter moments you need to get your day started on the wrong side of the bed.
Excuse my spellings of combusting and crementate...both mean to burn in some way or another... This was the only time i stressed about exams and i never really stresses. im glad its over. i do smoke a lot more now.
Amour de Monet May 2014
You stood there
In the hills
Looking down at the
And I stood there
As the trees
Blocking your
And when I tried
To speak
You silenced me for
the wind
Shriveling roots
Holding me in
And the ground below you
Started to quake
As the forest before you
Withered away
Incomplete thoughts... I will come back to this
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