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Syafie R Mar 9
The core is cracked, the gauges red,
They swore it’s fine—now hope is dead.
Control rods jam, the heat runs wild,
No turning back, the fuel defiled.

Containment’s gone, the walls decay,
Fallout drifts in skies of gray.
A silent flash, a world undone,
The chain reaction has begun.
jǫrð Oct 2023
He died here
And his soul
Says, with the
"Look away
Child, avert
Your eyes,
From these
You are
Powerless to

Look to the
Colors ive
Painted high
Those who
Could, will
Never help"
We admire
The sunset
And search
The astral
The History: I sat where he was hit for a while, they say I shouldn't be upset, I didn't watch him die, I was merely there for the precursors to the event. How is that any better? I look away from the crosswalk, to my left. I see the sky painted the most gorgeous sunset each time I miss him. I weep, because this was all entirely preventable and everyone just looked away when something could have been done months in advance, after I said something. Now nothing can bring him back, and they just don't think about it.
Scarlet McCall May 2022
A mother sobbing,
a raging mob.
What we need is people
to do their job.
A cop stands still
amidst the crowd.
To **** or…be killed?
His head is bowed.
Lock the door and
set the alarm.
So simple a task
to keep some from harm.
Collecting a paycheck,
is easy to do.
But there’s a lot more
we expect of you.
By the time that you
become a grown up
you should have learned
it’s important to show up.
Most of the world's problems would be solved if people just did their jobs.
Nat Aug 2021
No need to worry, they really do care
They'll fight fires with floods, droughts with monsoons
If things go to ****, they'll go to the moon
If you get too hot, they'll smoke out the sun
They've even got discounts on water and air!

No worry, no fretting, no fear
They won't tolerate hunger
They'll beat sickness with numbers
They'll hire us all on
To build them a new atmosphere
Elliott G May 2021
One more shot!
A scorching heat radiates
from her forehead
The last of raspy wheezes,
rusty coughs and gasps
leave the lungs, abandoned towns
lined with rows of empty drugstores.
Her grandkids watch from
behind a thick sheet of glass
through a dense fog,
asking -mommy how long will grandma
be asleep for?-

One more shot!
On Tuesday she was at work.
On Wednesday she got a slight cough.
On Thursday her heartbeat was slow.
On Friday the line hit the flat note.
On Saturday the back of her coffin
married the worms in the dirt just below.

One more shot!
Wiping the sweat off his forehead,
is it his mum or the coal; that ****** black is his skin tone?
A coughing fit, seizing his consciousness
gasping for air; as if he was dying
of laughter,
watching his daughter dance like a ballerina
across their living room into his arms.
Those weren't tears of joy,
when she was dragged away by masked security guards
from the room where her father plummeted into
The swan lake.

One more shot!
The pen quivers in his hand
as he finishes up his English exam.
Finally, all this work done,
the last of the bunch was long gone!
Until he sneezed on the paper.
His portrait wasn't lit as well as his mother hoped
when he received his post-mortem degree,
Honor roll.

One more shot!
They yell as she chugs the bottle,
jubilation ensues!
Shattering glass all over the floor.
Her foot starts bleeding,
She wails and sets for the hospital door.
The doctor takes tweezers
carefully to her sole
as from the corridor comes a loud moan;
her mother on the hospital bed
rides past her door.
The last shot she had at seeing her alive.
But she never looked up.
Taylor Nov 2020
“You were always taken care of”
My mother whispers
Between drags of her menthol cigarette.
Hands so frail
They look like they might crack
Under the weight.

-I don’t know how to break it to her
Carlo C Gomez Aug 2020
Avertable impact
Ripped open lid
The fuse lit
And die they did

The harbor a carcass
Their treasures sunk

Tufts Cove
One last gasp in the sun

Wretched captains
As kings who fought over
Duchess of Aquitaine

Everything to lose
Nothing to gain

"She may one day queen it
over that fair demesne..."
Shilpa Harilal Aug 2020
The onlooker had something to say,
about the yellowness of the tulip
and the unbroken dew drop
on the lotus floating by

I flowered beside,
not more distinguished than any,
my sprouts, born with a name
not known, to admirers, many

My tiny florets blossomed,
each day the sun’s rays, graced earth
and showers moistened its soil.
I relished in my creations;

Until the day, I withered away,
when my roots left the soil
not charred in negligence
but in content, of living.
'I think everybody should get rich and famous and do everything they ever dreamed of so they can see that it’s not the answer' - Jim Carrey
CI Thomas Jun 2020
Why wouldn't you listen
When I said I needed help?
[I had to learn how to do it all myself.]

Why were your priorities
Always them and never me?
[You never had time for me.]

Why did you speak over me
When I tried to tell you about my day?
[I needed you to hear me.]

Why did you let them
Walk all over me?
[I cried myself to sleep.]

Why did you blame me
When I walked away?
[I had to put myself first for once.]

Why was I your dependent
And not your child?
[I was a kid.]
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