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girl diffused Feb 2019
when you sing,
you want it to bloom out of the garden
in your bones and out of your heart,
and you want it to be like
you were thirteen again and you had blooming
sunshine in your face

you scaled trees, climbed rocks
skinned your knees
wild and as brazen as the first kiss you
stole from some girl
spattered freckles on her face
you counted with your lips
(you got to 14)

erected a monument
out of your garden but it was bare
your bones,
dried husks

who can pull you out of that water?
i can't...
neither can she...
a/n: an older piece that i performed some minor surgery on. i originally composed it two years ago on this day. it's not about me. this is about anyone struggling to love who doesn't adequately know how to. this is a plea. a question. a silent wondering. it's been a while. <3

I look up in the sky
I see a moon
Accompanied with million of stars,
I wonder the sky
Who binds them all.
The moon having
The most pock.
Is still so resplendent.
The stars that flicker
For like a zillion times
We still can’t get our eyes off them.
The most fine looking sky
Changes it colours
For the most often time of the day
Can anyone even miss that splendid time?
The pleasant beauty
They behold
By accompanying each other
Together for like ever.
Such peaceful ambiance it makes
To sit and cerebrate.
A romantic night for the lovers
And an opportunity for the poets.
I look up in the sky.
morseismyjam Oct 2018
The world is wide,
Leaves not full turned,
The breeze is cool,
The sun is warm.
All edges are in sharp relief
as Fall begins to cut her teeth.
danny Sep 2018
Like a Ferrari gifted to a blind man,
false hope to a death row inmate.

She festered freshly. Red lips in a grey world
Too good for this world
but not pure enough for heaven
I used the lyric, "Hard to be a diamond in a rhinestone world" as inspiration
Jack Jenkins Aug 2018
Time was not the healer
I was promised it would be
just a threadbare bandage

I still love you
hate that I hate you
hate that I love you

Locked away feelings
it's better this way
to have no heart

Love was not a waste
just a taste though
was a price too high

incoherence but no amnesia
just let me forget it all

Broken body
inflamed and twisted
given to too many anyways

Heart is dead
died fighting the good fight
lost the war

Do I have peace?
At least the lesser half
//On life//
Aishwarya Ezhava Jul 2018
I just want to go through the uncertainties,
I want to take the unfamiliar paths,
Maybe it'll lead to desired destination,
Or else, whatever, walking matters.

I just want to wash out my pains,
I want to undergo the depths​ of ocean,
To lose in its mystery and beauty.
What a beatitude! yeah, indeed.

I just want to be the wanderer of desert,
To walk through the sand dunes,
In solitude and silence all around,
Just to beware the struggle of life.

I just want to hover in the air,
Higher and higher over the layers
With open arms, walking in the wind,
To look up from there, in search of thee.
Natalie Bowers Jul 2018
I take solace in the flowers,
They bloom and are beautiful,
They bring joy and meaning,
They smile at the sun, turning into the light,
Perhaps I wish I could be a flower,
They are all that I strive to be.
Pauper of Prose Jul 2018
And she left again, another muse
She’s amused to pick up her things and cruise
Like she’s on the sea, and tasting salt, I grab *****
And drink, noting I have nothing to lose
Recounting all of her old moods
Exclaiming to hell with her, I had hell with her
But then again I had heaven too
And remembering that, I pick up her call around two
Drunk and disorderly and probably rude
But she’s right there with me basking in blues
If only we were instruments, that’d be a tune
We’d be married in music a bride and a groom
Playing our vows all over the room
Listening to Thelonious Monk with whisky in mind..
Inked Quill Jun 2018
I was so lost
When you came along
Bringing a whirlwind
And fixing me
You brought me love
Filling the spaces
Between the cracks
I stood up
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