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"heaven's not a place
that you go when you die
it's that moment in life
when you touch her
and you feel alive"

my fingertips
grace your skin
interlocked lips
where have you been
all my life

every moment i feel
your skin on mine
i know heaven is real
and you are the sign
heaven on earth

you touch me
and i melt for you
can't you see
what it is you do
to me, darling

you are my heaven
and as such i'm yours
one to ten: you're eleven
you're a sunday sans chores
i love you
a perfect moment
the twinkling lights
of main street
the sounds of
christmas music
softly playing
in the air
main street
filled with people
but none of them matter
only she matters
only her
she holds my hand
as we walk
we stroll down main street
and magic is in the air
magic is all around us
this is happiness
she is happiness
she is magic
and i
a perfect moment
the perfect moment
it happened so fast
that moment in the rain
we were there by your car
i was going insane
i was flooded by passion
but held back by my brain
i hungered to kiss you
in that moment in the rain
but i knew that i shouldn't
i was racked with guilt and in pain
still i felt i just had to
and i could not abstain
i had to just kiss you
to state it simple and plain
i just had to kiss you
in that moment in the rain
so i leapt toward you slyly
with the intent to obtain
a sweet kiss from your lips
i could no longer refrain
"you know what i've not done"
i spoke without wane
"i'll tell you, but first--"
then we kissed in the rain
and as our lips lingered
after my coup de main
i smiled a clever smile
and of course we kissed again
and as we recovered
from the passion hurricane
i looked you in the eye and said
"i had never kissed in the rain"
Jellyfish Dec 2016
That smile is visiting me again,
the one you never fail to win.
Yusof Asnan Dec 2016
He was never one with words,
He have those in his head,
But not in his voice.

He believed in waiting for the right moment,
And time will reveal it all,
Without ever changing what already is.

Another hero came rushing in,
Shaking her world,
And of what she knows.

He was there first,
But he was not the one to claim,
Years of effort has gone to the drain.

Sometimes it doesn't matter if you were there for them first and that you were by their side the entire time.
A new hero will always come and change what you know about them, and as fast as waves that the new hero will be the one for them.
Joe Black Nov 2016
For a moment we were one,
It was beautiful, thank you!
The moment you touched my heart
The moment I touched clear blue sky
The moment you whispered the part
The moment I forgot to be bird to fly

The moment I kissed on your red lips
The moment I felt taste of the real wine
The moment my heart dangles it trips
Your touch is so beautiful it is so fine

I want to take treasure I want all blame
I want to take you to run be a real partner
On your beauty I have all valid claim
Let me love and commit just a blunder

Col Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright 2016 Golden Glow
Poetic T Nov 2016
My heart is like loose change,
some times that lucky penny
is lost and never refunded.

But some times that little coin
that was just covered in lint is
rubbed and a new gleam is found.

*"Can you dispense a moment and spend
a thought on each others heart beats,
Poetic T Nov 2016
life is a fragment of thought that we live within
                             and when that moment fades
             so does the sight of our being.
Mason Nov 2016
The blooming of the Western
Azalea is
emergence into womanhood!
The inevitable burst of  
color from bud, that
once released-
cannot endure the contrast,
cannot linger in the
putrid air
between us- a film
covers her pink blush.
Everything returns
to a uniform grey.
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