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Slime-God Sep 2020
Like a tiny moth
I am drawn to these pages
To perish in flame
Celia Aug 2020
Does a poem have to be thought out
does it take years to edit and perfect

Or can it be,
can it just remain,
a few simple, raw lines
I wonder how many of us spend hours perfecting a poem. Or is it the raw ideas in our head that are truly the thing of beauty
Oli Taylor Jun 2020
Does this poem have *** appeal?
Oh don’t you know it.
It’s got green eyes, dark hair,
and a jawline that’s stoic.

It’s thickly bearded,
and has a good dress sense,
audaciously flirtatious,
and knows self-defence.

This poem’s got thick muscly arms
which look good holding babies,
and skilful, strong hands
which look soft for the ladies.

This poem smells good
even after the gym,
with a gorgeous deep voice
and gorgeous smooth skin.

It wears tight jeans
which show off its dic–
                                       tion is good,
so you can hear what it’s saying.
        But this poem has a boyfriend—
        I know, how dismaying.
Oli Taylor Jun 2020
If you were to stab a poet
with intent to really hurt,
would you be at all surprised
when blood begins to spurt?

You wouldn’t see a drop of ink,
that’s not what’s in their veins
despite what teenage “poets” say
with their undeveloped brains.
ms reluctance Apr 2020
Have to forage for words that I can weave
into cogent verses that sound sublime.
Try to hatch a suitable scheme to rhyme,
strain my murky ideas through a sieve,
count syllables – my secret pauper’s peeve.
Must stop watching this TV show and climb
out of bed. Holy smokes! Look at the time!
I need to start writing now, I believe.
NaPoWriMo Day 25
Poetry form: Enclosed Rhyme
ms reluctance Apr 2020
This is a poem
only because
you deem it worthy.  

Without your gaze,
amenable and open,
it is a line broken
in erratic fashion –
a skeleton
awkward, unbecoming.

You take my common words
upon your clement tongue
curiously tasting every emotion
compassionate, kind,
with your all-consuming spirit.

You magnolious stranger
with the soul of a friend,
we may never know
each other’s life or pain;
unable to console
or hug
or even wave hello.
But you paint my sparse canvas
with so many inimitable layers,
your perspective,  
your experience,
your empathy,
and the brightest color –

This is a poem
only because
you see it as one.
NaPoWriMo Day 16
Poetry form: Free Verse
Alberto Mar 2020
The Fairy Tale Queen
and her vast Queendom of stories
entwined, branching, shepherded

The Fairy Tale Queen
directing questions and wonder
so that each yarn can flower

The Fairy Tale Queen
ruling with a hand of Order
and a hand of Whimsy

The Fairy Tale Queen
Herself a Fairy, Itself a Tale

The Fairy Tale Queen
Queen over her subjects
and over herself
Inspired from a dream, where I've witnessed the Queen in loving action
slow burn Mar 2020
I tried to write
But all that came out were colors
In the shades of our love
And the hues that formed our history
Saturated my mind so brightly
That I saw it not as a poem
But as more of a painting

The letters didn't form words so much
As they formed a lovely mural
Across the canvas of my heart
Still locked away
Only put on display for you
And eyes that saw themselves as the key
Freed from the loneliness of eternity

There was no punctuation
Only fireworks that were still burning
Weightless in the clarity of the heavens
That found themselves to be
All the illumination we need
To rest comfortably in the spectrum of each other
How would you describe a color you'd never seen before but with your heart
Isaac Spencer Jan 2020
Doesn't send shivers down my spine,
When I write it,
If only I could ignite it!

Oh, the only art I've got,
And it chokes me so,
Why can't I just let it go?
These words fall on deaf eyes.

Doesn't it crush your spirit?
Or, do people watch you?
Tell me, how I might strum their heartstrings,
And bring these ones and ohs to life.
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