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The Lord Jesus Christ's
True love will guide
Us through
To brighter tomorrows
And I'll always and
Forever truly
Love you.
True Love ❣️❣️❣️
Gabriel 1d
For we unintentionally heal ourselves
  with short laughter and conversations
and eventually
     we use fragments of joy and motivation
as a step further to a small beginning
that leads to a big change
  and through this
we hope for brighter days
Let it pass and good comes along with it
Gabriel 1d
What's good about this loneliness
is the trials you clenched your teeth to
   don't burden anyone you know
No matter how many  failed attempts,
errors or even taking wrong roads
you devour what results come

But the loneliness kicks in, right?
Quiet nights and only your footsteps
and heartbeat can be heard
Only you can do
is howl to the moon
praying for all roads
will lead
to a better path
or a better pack
Love and hate
Neither pose a challenge for fate
What even is there to debate?
Prove one is the conquer, far stronger than the other competitor
Go ahead,
I'll wait...

Styles 1d
Tonight, that longing is a hunger,
A missing piece of my soul calling me back
Styles 1d
Last night,
As my touch me her skin,
I discovered a desire I never knew I had.
Styles 1d
The fragrance of her essence
Dances upon my senses.
Her desire stirs;
as do I.
Styles 1d
In shadows deep,
where whispers dwell,
Fingers trace, like ink in a spell.
On ribs exposed, secrets unfurl,
A dance of touch, in passion's swirl.

Parting sheets, like sanctified rites,
Skin worshiped under moonlit nights.

A surge of wonder, hearts converge,
In silent pleas, desires emerge.
To be adored, in moments tender,
Lost in the reverie of love's splendor.
Naya 1d
Ocean blue eyes

They crash right into me
I feel like a still lighthouse in an angry ocean

Your waves crumble me as I struggle to see

a storm within arises,
my light dims amongst your rising water

It is a struggle that is too surreal…

The ocean follows the moon and the patterns it believes to be true
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