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Twelve Aug 2017
no matter how hard you love the person,
you’re still not enough.
no matter how difficult it gets,
you’re still there.
no matter how it *****,
you’re still good
no matter what happen,
you’re still alone
I have gone through what you've said all over again and again and again...
i have played every last words you've said in my head for about a million times...
I have thought of every possible reasons of  why you said those words to me...
and i have been wondering why these words are hurting me in so many ways.
Why would you say those and then leave me afterwards?
Why did you have to say "goodbye" but still call me "love"?.
These had me confused for some couple nights and it stole my sleep at times.
Why do you have to call me "love" , when you can't even stay by my side?
You had me going crazy with these small words.
I loved you and i know you love me...
i feel that you love me...
you still love me...
isn't that enough?
could that stand as a reason for you to stay and not to walk away?
I think not.
Because if that was enough , then you wouldn't have to leave and the thought of leaving wouldn't even cross your mind...
i swear something died inside of me the moment you took your first step away.
But i can still hope,right?
there's still hope,right?
Because you've been still crossing my mind
and i have played your last words for a million times.


You still love me and you're coming back.
Rhianecdote Mar 2017
Wondering how at nearly 25
I'm feelin left out?
This shelved life
got me in two minds
But I won't cry over split milk
It'll soon be dried
Up like the invites
I forgot to R.S.V.P
too busy tellin you
I'm just too busy
tryin to do me,

Just do right by me
And bring me back in.
Going off ain't a sin,
Yeah I may have gone off
but not by much.
Still here on the side,
Tried to stay in touch
Reaching distance,
So reach out
And pick me up
it's worthwhile
you've not had enough
What's gone today,
come tomorrow will fill your cup.
Left overs still the best
Just need some heating up,
A fresh season,
a little warmth and love
When you're feeling like a left out carton of milk on the kitchen counter
Raylene Lu Mar 2017

They're squashed fossils,
preserved in
layered stone


They're subtitles to a video
uploading inside our minds


They're lined paths
we sprint across
unfolding adventure


They're sheets of ice
with squiggly cracks
our eyes pierce through,
diving into open sea


They're the thickest fans
that cool flames of
angry loneliness


They're a family of pet magpies
pecking each other on their shelves
if not placed neatly
Books? They're really not. Everything's so popular makes me just want something of my own. It's like I like books but I don't read what everyone else usually reads. I don't follow the trend, so they should be called something else for me, if that makes any sense at all.
hayley robertson Feb 2017
is an egg ever left out of the egg carton?
or a red crayon out of a pack of 24?
what about the right-foot-sock or the left-hand-glove?

did the husband ever forget about his wife?
well, maybe sometimes
but i would never forget about you

the group of white sheep
and i the black
roaming around aimlessly
searching for friendship
for an invitation into your bountiful pasture
where you graze day after day
and where i stand on the other side of the fence gazing in
wondering if you'll notice me or my efforts
or anything really

do you notice anything other than yourselves?
can you see over your side of the fence?
do you even want to see?

i am the egg
i am the red crayon
i am the right-foot-sock and the left-hand-glove

do you know what happens to things that are lost?
they are eventually found
Jess Hays Jul 2016
Second year at a new school
I should be accustomed to it
But the fact is, most of them are strangers.

Second year should mean a second chance
But her friendship ring is leaving its mark on my hand
And my young years are drifting away at the sand

It's high tide...
To resurrect my mind into this new time
But new is different and different is unknown
And the unknown is scary.

I don't know how to think beyond
Those who are now distant characters in my storyline.
I'm hesitating..
Because new is different and thus unknown..
And I'm not sure if I can trust what I don't know.
TheDaisyDancer Jun 2015
You say we're friends,
and so do I.

But why do you never include me,
in this mess of time.

But that's okay because sometimes,
I don't even like myself around.
Short n' Sweet :) Don't forget to like, re-post, and/or subscribe. I have no subscribers as of now :'( But that's okay! Thank you and have a nice day.
The girl who's birthday has always been forgotten
Finally has friends
She watches them all jumping with glee
As they invite everyone around them
To Rainbows End
But me

— The End —