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Gideon 3d
A wise man has told me things that aren’t true.
A child has told me the secrets of the universe.

Knowledge is not limited to those with privilege and power.
Knowledge is often used to right the wrongs of those in control.
Knowledge is a tool that empowers the wielder with strength.

When wielded for good,
knowledge can be a pen to create.
When wielded for good,
knowledge can be a sword to protect.

When wielded by evil,
knowledge becomes a concealing blindfold.
When wielded by evil,
knowledge becomes a restricting rope.

Knowledge can create and protect freedom, joy, and even life.
Knowledge can be used to conceal and restrict the same things.
This is not just a poem
But a fact of life as I see
What I see. Hear what I hear
As well as experience the things in
Life that must a say that my relationship
With the creator that doesn't promote
Hate is based on nature and science
For this will last longer then some religions
Religions may come and they may go
But at least knowledge is here to stay for
Life; so value peace and not lies that
Man made
But let's see nature
Not just human nature
As that faults at the best of times
The fact that 2+2=4
You can't argue with that
So don't bother
Telling me otherwise,
This robbery of the facts stops
Grey Feb 27
I was a kaleidoscope

Every hope,faith

I made symmetrical pattern

Yet I know nothing

I Saw the world through
magnified lens,
Microfying lense

Before I knew to pronounce letters greater than five

Yet I know nothing

The power to completely
detach from my soul

Yet be Completely entwined

The web of veins
That cannot function
without the other
Yet I know nothing

Pain far worse
Worse than shrivel of knives
Scattered through all my senses
Yet I know nothing

The vastnes of pain
Each knowledge it comes with
I've been through it
Understood it
Empathatise it
Yet I know nothing

Yes I am That kaleidoscope
My limitation is only war
A defect I'm happy with
Bekah Halle Feb 24
Knowledge only takes you so far;
Authenticity reveals your complexity,
Humility accepts your vulnerability,
Surrendering accepts the hand of the one
that is all things: knowledgeable, authentic, humble,
and submitted to the ultimate power in the universe.
Coliwe Feb 23
No one speaks of this pain
The pain that is carried with wisdom
However a pain that aches no less
It's a pain that seethes without ease
On the heart, it beats with unrest,
Yet on the mind, it lingers as peace
Ylzm Feb 20
I'm a ghost, an empty shell, a stranger amongst flesh
I walk the certain way, contrary, unseen and unheard
Flesh seems unaware of me and my way and walk away
My voice wordlessly soundless and my touch the wind
Spirit and flesh have no fellowship and union, futility

I see the sighted unseeing, stumbling, falling, smiling
Without truth confident the next step is never void
Every fall is knowledge every bone broken is growth
Till the last fall then to sleep eternal, life's done
Without fear, without regrets, for what else is life?
Man Feb 15
O' since it hath been beforehand with our griefs,
Let us pay the time but needful woe.

This England never did and never shall
But when it first did help to wound itself.

Lie at the proud foot of a conqueror.

Now these her princes are come home again,
And we shall shock them.

Come the three corners of the world in arms;
If England to itself do rest but true,
Nought shall make us rue.

Like you were before,
Slaves ye shall be again.
You shall pay forever in restless labor.

The country will be nothing but a vassalage,
You who stood on the cliff line side-to-side
As our ships sailed by.

Now it is you who are beneath us.

Wait for your gentry men & ladies to return,
We shall be upon them as a tempest.

And our allies will strengthen & back us.
If you simply lay down & submit,

Nothing like us shall bring you ruin.

We took your royalty
And told you we killed him.
Then we killed more of your children.

It's a different kind of life,
A more cruel death.
Horrible wardens,
By both our definitions & theirs;
A sailor who saw land,
A boy scrambled up over a marked wall.
Ylzm Feb 13
It's unbearable to hear the blind speak of light
Or the dead teaching the dead how to live
And liars affirming liars with yet more lies
But alas inescapable is this babelic cacophony
I run, far into the wilderness, but woe upon me clings
Thus I close my eyes, shut my ears, seal my tongue
Wrap myself in the dark depths of desolation
And like the dead, slip into the silence of the void
There is a face in the mist,
One that belongs not to me,
And it stares into my eyes,
Tell me what you know!
For what have you come?
Why do you reach across the mists,
And stare?
I feel no matter where I am, someone is watching me contemptuously. So I strive to impress them.
One lesson you can learn now,
Is nothing in life is free.
                                                                    It takes many nights of tears,
To celebrate days of joy.
                                                                  And it'll take many night falls,
Before the sun shines again.
                                                                  So don't waste what you have,
Lest you regret not having it.
The bread tastes better when you worked to buy it.
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