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Evil people hide in familiar shades,
They morph their wicked skin,
To look the likes of us,
And not their monstrous kin.

They write like a human,
Speaking in themes we recognize as light,
To the point no one knows how they lie,
So who knows how many walk among us.
Nothing as disgusting as when you begin to trust one, just for them to rear their fangs and reveal their true form.
KarmaPolice May 2024
They shed no tears as the bridges burned
A lingering stench of phantosmia remains
No pouncet box can mask the memories
Their shame leaks through guilty pores

By Darren Wall ©
ZACK GRAM May 2024
We have to dismantle nuclear power
To win war has to begin
Ask blake Gods Country
For me an you to be free of tax
We need to stop printing money
Moneys flamable its a demon
Myspace taught code
Same facebook code
They placed fake media
Now they are in control
You are far from control
They **** us
They hunt us
They **** us
Tesla gave free wireless power
A motor can breathe oxygen
You are lied to
We dont need forests
You **** yourself slowly
You cant see
You dont invest
You are silent
Knowing you die
15 trillion a day is usa oil
If we dont use it not from electric
Rem thats free
No more dollar
You will continue to risk your life
An possibly die
Yes we are pure
Yes we are correct
But rem
I am your eyes your silent sleep
Without me china like kfc
Bread an butter russia is bombing
Fertile crescent
I am czar by blood
Yall dont know power
I die like you but i wrote it 1st
And its me
All me
100% trade is me
Thats me an you
I rep you
Ww1 ww2 zack ww3 guess
But real this time
We dropping big 1s
Heil king earth Z
Taxation Without Reputation
I S A A C Apr 2022
you attract more flies with honey
like moths, to a flame, you bug me
ready for hot humid summer days
ready to have my picnics by the lake
my family I have crafted, my kin in essence
my family I have drafted, my purest expression
truest of true, brightest of blues,
chatter filled dinners, loved filled rooms
I prayed for times like this, the flowers in bloom
KHY Mar 2022
I’m not so thoughtful
When it comes to plastic bags

Wrapping around lampposts,
Sneering through the leaves

Thoughtless as a buckled leaflet;
Advertised for kin

I kick it in a circus of payouts,
Reflecting all my dues

One day it will return,
Latent and breaking.
Bill Nellist May 2021
Every so often glows a fine light,
ebbing life with a unique frequency,
us, arranged as beacons set to ignite,
signalling our love and humanity.
kinhanyon May 2021
These words againts no one,
except me

Mind your own pleasure,
dont convince the other
Diljeev Apr 2021
Where oh where is it in me
you still reside,
where is it you still hide,
irony in it's full stride
sees an outsider
on the mirror's inside.
I am but a corpse of our dead kin,
this is how it has always been
and always will be.
Bhill Nov 2020
there once was a land that was rich with things
everything working with no broken swings
about 4 years ago it started to fail
the spirit of the nation was turning quite pale
some thought it was good and just went along
others were appalled and knew it was wrong
what was the reason many of us asked
it appears that our rights are questioned and tasked
we rambled about and fought from within
losing some friends and a few of our kin
we need this to change we said in a vote
but the man at the top, he started to gloat
he ate up the laws and turned into a grinch
casting people about and not giving an inch
we elected in another to take on the task
to cast the grinch out and peel off his mask
well grinch wouldn't budge and sent out his saps
to alter results and further the collapse
what do we do, can we take on more ****
I for one am just done, and the grinch has to quit....

Brian Hill - 2020 # 319
Michael R Burch Mar 2020
by Michael R. Burch

O pale, austere moon,
haughty beauty ...

what do we know of love,
or duty?

Keywords/Tags: moon, pale, austere, haughty, beauty, goddess, love, kin, kinship, duty
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