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I applaud *****, even though her roommate is an *******
and she's constantly beaten up by a ****
she keeps her spirits high and she keeps right on moving...

I applaud you *****....
Lil' Tarzan Jan 2017
Omnivore -

"I can't imagine living a life without my good old steak."

Vegetarian/vegan -

"Oh the struggles right? I can't imagine a cow eating a pig, wait..cows eat grass...

Omnivore -

*blank expression
Julie Grenness Dec 2016
Joke of the year, joke of the year,
In Australia, we elect them, dears,
How funny is that?
Not really, chaps,
Joke of the year, joke of the year,
In Australia, we elect them, dears!
Feedback welcome.
elizabeth Oct 2016
I like when you show
That you care,
I really do.
You don't even realize
How happy it makes me
When you defend me,
When you protect me,
When you hug me tightly
Telling me "It's okay."
Even now, I mentioned
I missed talking to you;
You swooped in and
Decided you were going
To make it right.
So now we're talking more.
Once again, my wonderful
Best friend and I
Are enjoying our friendship.
It brings me joy
To hear you laugh,
To see you smile,
To listen to you sing
Melancholy love songs
And songs that we both love.
I just wish that our talks,
Our hugs,
Our games,
Our singing,
Our jokes,
Our songs...
I just wish they would turn
Into something more.
October 29, 2016
I've fallen even deeper into this pool that I've made full of love for you, and I can't get out.
Pax Oct 2016
In my entourage
people laugh
I got used to it.

In my center stage
I was the comedian
who never likes
his job.

In my closing remarks
their entertainment
was fulfilled.
I on the other hand
got drained
from my mistakes
turned to be pretty
never was that
my intention.

i guess i got used to it, being laugh at. a job that im forever tainted
well its okay, im good, im still strong to pull through, soon I'll get
out of this....

thanks, for reading
sometimes we just
needed to let this out
of our system...
Viseract Oct 2016
Straight outta Ex Dee,
Crazy mother f@cker named Blatchy
Dropping sick beats, rolling hard in the backstreets,
Watch him roll dough as he hailin' a taxi,
Fancy f@cken suit, he's livin' in luxury

Fedora tipped-top on the tippy-top head
Gunning bad gangstas, better red than dead
Shooting spree, smilin' with glee
Don't wanna f@ck with a guy straight outta Ex Dee!
just for fun XD
Ceyhun Mahi Sep 2016
I can't sleep and
the clock is mocking me:
tick-tock tick-tock
'You can't sleep,
neither do I,
But I don't need it
Yet you do, apparently!'
A light-verse to cheer up the day!
Julie Grenness Aug 2016
In Oz, we don't like political jokes,
Here, they all get elected, folks,
Pollies sell their souls for money,
Their salaries aren't even funny,
Then they get super to retire,
Better candidates we should hire,
Different from our oldies and veterans,
They're on measly financial plans,
Yes, that's why we don't like political jokes,
Here,  they all get elected, folks.
Feedback welcome.
Marquis Hardy Aug 2016
He made a gun out of his finger and thumb, and ****** his hand back as if representing the kickback of a pistol.
If it was just his hand then why did my white shoes become speckled red, and why did the light fleet from his eyes?
It's etched into my memory, the day it became more than a joke, the day it wasn't laughs that followed, but instead smoke.
The sick part is, I still have those shoes, they're sitting by my front door stained brown from dry blood.
I'm not sure why I kept them, maybe it's because that's all I have left of my brother.
Just a concept piece. Don't freak out.
"I love the way we have gotten to each other so well that we have begun to have our own inside jokes and secrets.
I love the way we have gotten to know each other so well that we automatically know when something is wrong with the other person.
I love the way we have gotten to know each other so well that our lives have begun to intertwine and we are already thinking about our future together."
-LM- Everything I Didn't Say #13
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