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Gabriel burnS Sep 2017
Friendly pokes
***** jokes
Someone has misheard:

-Are you some kinda perv?
-I struck some kinda nerve?

Awkward looks
into boots.

Who will be the first
to change the topic,
pitch of talking?
Can this be reversed?

It was just an impulse.
Yes, it is that simple
when it's not rehearsed.
Who's that good with words?

Smile and let's move on.
Let us not be dull.
Moods will come and go
so on the go we learn.
Eugene Sep 2017
Teacher: Juan, spell twilight.
Juan: (thinking the word again three times in his mind)
Teacher: Can you not spell, Juan?
Juan: Of course, I can. Capital T-O-I-L-E-T. Toilet! See?
Teacher: (Juan classmates laughs very hard while the teache just nod)
K Sep 2017
Twenty. Three. Hours.
Sardines sleeping on ***** floors
not caring about the shoe marks
avoiding the possibility of getting drooled on
We sang songs from rent between the seats

Are we there yet?
I am the snack queen my children
Are we there yet?
it’s so much warmer than back home

I woke to see my first palm tree
palm trees are ******* weird

I was a princess
I let her curl my hair
I can’t feel my fingers
I understand why kids are always crying at Disney world
Its sensory overload

We lay on the beach
Our feet touch the ocean for the very first time
Her sunburn didn’t go away for weeks
we wanted to be jedis
Why was it “12 and under”

We sang songs from beauty and the beast
bonjour bonjour
Marie the baguettes hurry up
We got stuck on small world
We died on pirates of the Caribbean
You promised there wasn’t going to be a drop

We watch the fireworks
And the neon lights
before being packed like sardines once again
Listening to her say ANDY YOU GOONIE
But that’s okay
Because I just love you guys.
shyguypoetry Aug 2017
"How do you cook rice?"
My Chinese girlfriend asks me
Uh, what? we're Asian...
Elliott Jul 2017
What good
is a professional
if nobody is there
to continue the riot
once it has begun?
Someone tell me
Lainey Jun 2017
Bad Jokes.
Sad jokes.
Really silly Dad jokes.
Jokes that simply aren't PC
Jokes that coax a bit 'o wee.
Jokes that flop but then recover
Jokes told by your little brother.
Jokes your Grandpa thinks are funny
Jokes told up on stage ( for money)
Witticisms left and right
Jokes for morning
Jokes for night
Some jokes make you slap your thigh!
Jokes can really make you cry.
Jokes you wish you hadn't heard
Some that really are absurd.
Jokes you laugh at ( but you shouldn't)
Jokes someone told ( but you wouldn't)
But the point ( all said and done)
Is jokes are meant to be some FUN!
Shanath May 2017
I am such a big ball of trouble,
Rolling around spitting strings of lie.
Leaving a trace of my words
Every cover I trudge on.
Starting conversations out of boredom
Poking people to form a reaction.
I exclaimed today
Our sanity is an obstruction
To our happiness,
So I made them take part
In my own little game
And together we lied to a friend.
It is all for humour trust me
I declared,
And sure we laughed the whole time.
Until with the nightfall
My victim started muttering,
Spilling secrets for me,
Planning to rescue me.
He said he needs me
And that is why I can't **** myself.
I laughed until that very confession.
Now I feel like a *****
Fishing for love
I can never earn.

Both of us lost
This is how the game ends.
How come I end up regretting everything?
I know why the joker
  Doth smile and jest,
And laughs so gleefully at thee.
     Thy spirits, he soothes,
      With frolicking moves;
The way he sways is so lovely.

   The cracks that he'll take
  Are enough to make
The dimmest and dullest of minds
      Feel stricken and stabbed
       With all that he's jabbed:
His kicks are gained heeding your bind.

   Showcases of joy,
  He seeks to employ:
Even if it's at your expense,
      He'll take your dismay,
       And cast it away!
Despite his obvious offense...
Breeze-Mist Mar 2017
At this school, our jokes
Are often more messed up than
Purely humorous
Most of the jokes here are two parts messed up and one part making light of the weird.
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