Let me sum up precisely
I used to believe love is immortal
I used to believe, love comes in a simple way
I used to believe, loving someone gives strength
I used to believe, being loved will take breath away
I believe
If you want to be loved, get ready for love
Love will reach you
Along the way
I believe
Love is a universal constant
Where an individual is a variable
Adding value to the life
I believe
In love
One surrenders
Yet One feels so alive
I believe
Anyone who adores
The Moon
Is in love
I still believe
What I used to believe
And If this is not love
Then tell me what love is?
That makes better sense
Genre: Experimental
Theme: Oneness
Author's Note: Once a wise man told. Change the beliefs that stops your way. If it's love, you will feel peace. I have seen the love, it's like water, it gravitates. It's like air, it moves. It's like fire, it melts. It's like gold, forever.