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E Jul 2020
I’m at home
Nothing to do
We’re all at home
Nothing to do
I wish I had
Something to do
But for now we
Have nothing to do
𝐣𝐢𝐚 Jun 2020
i write random words,
not sure someone will understand what i mean.

I am not good at poetry,
but i try to make it look clean.

My choice of words are very boring,
but please do know that i am trying.

They're all mixed up, the thoughts inside my head,
so i write poetry, for the thoughts i should've said.
this was an accident and quick poem i wrote in my notes at my last poem i posted. I find it hard explaining, some ppl i know irl don't believe that. My words get mixed up whenever i try explaining, so i just let them think, what they want to think. No matter what i explain, my words becomes different inside their heads.
-jia m
Jack R Fehlmann Jun 2020
It's intensity is consuming
Frighteningly all incompassing

Flashes of bright brilliant need
Hunger and heart crushing pain

Boiling new and old ache
It rises and is my world

All at once, all I know and how
It demands that pressure be bled

Straining containment
Poetic explosions errupt
Volcanically ejecting line after line

All I can do is attempt sense
As I let the beast go

Screaming silently at the world

To get it out before
I am but embers, dieing out

Amidst the smoke and wind
CMXIClement Jun 2020
To be captured,
by the radiance in your eyes,
the flow of your hair.

To be enamored by your grace,
to be a guest of honor in your life.
to be a recipient of what makes people love you.

To be a part of your family, and a family for once.
To have a place in your lineage, and a place for once.
To have a place in your heart, and someone's heart for once.

I'm independent, yet I want to be claimed.
I'm my own person, but I want to be owned.
I'm my own man, but I want to be someone's.
Matthew Jun 2020
Erie sight of justice behind
Lovely sight of lies delight
Women sang the words of the lord
Men followed the will of the lord

He who held power had his mind tainted with hopeless shadows
His daugther, his lover, his reason for life
Morals gone and society beheaded
Anarchy reigned and law subsided

Revolts occured and all had changed
A lost chick crying from all the beasts around him
A swift slow song echoed in the valley of torment
Slowly ended with a splatter of sadness
Jenny Jun 2020
And the doors were shut,
Leaving me in dunggeons
of love's secrets, pain, and such.
ironic. imagine how love can make u happy but sad at the same time.
GENIE Jun 2020
I see them and I feel
Like am one of them
When people look they see
Torn barefoot battered people
When I look I see
Resilience,strength and determination
To be absolutely free
They are called different names
Coz they are the different ones
But deep inside you something echoes
All this could have been avoided
If only someone cared enough
Once upon a time they were well
With no one to tell
Their struggles and hell
And cos no one cares enough
They were consumed by that hell
If only someone cared enough
I see them and I see no condemnation
But I feel an obligation
Like an alpha to his pack of rabid wolves
To seek their redemption
perhaps if I cared enough
if I loved them enough
There can still be redemption
Albert Einstein said"there is no genius without a hint of madness"
So if someone had cared
All madmen could have been
"Mental  geniuses"
I see them and I see hope
It's about time someone cares
Away with the "I'm fine" template"
Show real care
Patterson Jun 2020
I still care
I care so much it hurts.
I care so much that it rips me up inside because I know that you're not okay. Not sleeping. Not feeling. Not smiling anymore.
I care. And that's why it burns when there are no texts. Why my heart sinks when you feed me empty responses and half-truths.
I feel like a ship untethered in the heart of a storm. My sails stretch and tear. My mast bends and breaks. The ropes and knots unwind and come undone, whipping about, wrapping around my wrists, my ankles, my throat.
I care.
I still care.
I care enough to drown. I care enough to stand in your place in the heart of the fire. I care enough to scorch my hands if only it'd mean that I could hold you and tell you that you'll be alright.
I care too much. Even when you push me further and further away. Because the harder you push, the harder I push to stay.
I refuse to give up on you.
So keep pushing. Keep hiding. Keep running. Keep lying. Keep making me feel like ****. Keep telling me I'm worth nothing. Keep shutting me out. Keep me at arm's length. Keep breaking me. Keep your secrets. Keep away from me.
And see if I care.
See if I give a ****.
Because I do.
I wrote this on March 20 - and at the time I was feeling off balance and like something was up. A little later I would know for sure. And hurt like mad too.
Faizel Farzee Jun 2020
Like a teary river trickles seamlessly in a eternal stream -
It deathlessly flows

Like a sprouting flower extends its reach to the anticipating sun-light
life of it's being -
It searchingly grows

Like the sinful wind chasing the dreams of
dreamless clouds-
It forcefully blows

Like your fire flied smile illuminate
the darkest hour of my life -
It illuminating glows

Like the checkered past cloaks from a hopeful
future, out of site-
It progressively goes

Like a mind-full poem speaking leaves a grey mattered mystified perception -
It sense-fully knows
As i learn i revamp what i can, bringing to life what my demons command
if i ignore they start to demand, so i start getting my pen, so i can singed these words to the sands of time.
CMXIClement Jun 2020
A cold, cold winter.
City sleeps and I'm awake,
During that summer.
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