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Haruharu Nov 2017
One small sign was all it took.

I'm back where I started.

With false hopes that he still cares.

Maybe he hasn't let me go either?

Painting pictures in my head that I know he'll burn without hesitation.

Once again I'll be watching my dreams with him turn into ashes.
Kayla Nov 2017
She’s a girl
A girl with hopes and dreams
A girl who has put forth everything
Everything she has
Her hopes and dreams
Are all she wants
Until a man
Dressed in black white approached her
He asks what she wants the most
She told him all her hopes and dreams
Looking her in the eye
He tells her hopes and dreams are for fools
Fools who think their dreams and hope will become reality
With those words she loses
Loses all her hopes and dreams
To what this ugly man said
This ugly man that was only a ghost
A ghost in her own mind
Carlyy Oct 2017
There’s “something” missing.
I’ll put it that way,
For my own sake.

My hopes are afraid of these heights
Many come and go,
Falling has become a starry-eyed fear

I find all it takes is,
Some artful kind words,
An image of “dreams come true,”

And finish me off with a smile,
Of the eyes,
just as the mouth.

I won’t settle for anything less than genuine.
A lesson learned from beyond me
A lesson, nonetheless.

i made a friend and we’re good but...he makes me feel good about myself and my the point I don’t know how to feel about him.
nav Oct 2017
Yet the path to love is simple
Full of beauty
freshly baked dreams
Vanilla sunsets
Nights that sing to you
Of love
They shatter
When you walk the path alone
Waiting wishing wanting .....
YoussefM Oct 2017
I close my eyes to live Before i wake up to the reality where im suffering,
I feel , I cry , I believed
My days of suffering are gone ,
But the  scariness is still living inside me ,
The sun made me forget ,
The moon made me remember ,
The alcohol is relaxing me ,
One day for sure the happiness will shine for the heart to flutter in her morning tweeting the song of life .
Randall Walker Sep 2017
You’ve heard what I’ve sung,
You’ve read what I wrote,
But can that get
To the heart of all my hopes?
So I run away, I smoke;
Getting by
With desperate gropes.
And I groan,
                   and I moan,
                                      but ****, just cut the ropes!
And these chains, that maim,
They’re gone, just like smoke,
My skin no longer cut up
                            Like dandruff
Think soap.
Neville Johnson Oct 2017
You can die of hope
Or pain
Or lies
Or determination
Or desperation
In this town
Your chosen profession
Will teach you a lesson
Can let you down
And not so gently
Grit your teeth
It's a long and bumpy road
Some will make it
Some won't
Still, you gotta do it
Live that dream
Before it kills you
But you have to try
Where it's do or die
Danielle Oct 2017
Fifteen hopes
and twenty dreams
it was a vestige
of my mistake,
once I lived in a
forbidden place
of dark games.
There was a window
of my realization
I saw my old friend
smiling from the past.

I open the door,
outside it was
a memories
built by shattered promise
made by rogue
and there's no place
I could go back.
BlackHeart Sep 2017
One day...
You will change
One day...
I will no longer be your second choice
One day...
You will love me
One day...
I realized there was never going to be a one day...
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