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Mitch Prax Nov 2019
You're so far away.
Are you even listening
To these words I
write for you?
Oh, so far away,
these messages in a bottle
are surely lost at sea.
Are you even out there?
I'm still lost and
alone and I
need you.
Myka Nov 2019
I rise with the sun and fill my eyes with light,
Then walk with my hollow bones and missing heart.
They won't notice, right?
Mandii Morbid Nov 2019
I remember back when it was all so simple and carefree.
Grilled ham and cheese sandwiches and capris suns, grandma and grandpa's was the place to be.

You were always there.
Making jokes and poking fun.
Your time on this earth brought smiles to almost everyone.

When we grew older and things changed for us all.
We came to know suffering and taking a fall.
Family gatherings became less and few.
Sadness took a hold of you too.

You worked harder than most and deserved the best.
You knew love, family, and made it feel like home to us.
Now it has come, your time for rest.
It came too soon, happened too fast.
All we want is to rewind the past.

You will always live on in our hearts and memories.
In each of our smiles and all of our dreams.

You will always be there in the echoes of our laughter, in the salt of our tears, and in the hollows of our hearts.
In Memory of my grandfather "Buzz" James Johnson.
james Nov 2019
i dont feel a thing and i cant lift a finger

look me in my hollow eyes and tell me, how can i be considered alive?

in the midst of apathy i am nothing more than a dead man,

and in its wake i am merely a ghost
some days its business as usual in spite of that chasm inside,
but some days, the hole fills itself with liquid lead
and you cant move. and you cant think. and you cant feel.
what is the point of living when living as though asleep?
my personal answer:
the point is that i cant be bothered to die

[US National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-273-8255]
[for those who need it]
Kyle Oct 2019
A feverish dream under the phantom twilight,
The tiny hamlet rests on a colossal pumpkin,
The gargantuan bulbous emerges every Hallow’s Eve
Carrying with it an ominous kin,
The Pumpkin Folk are eccentric & gaunt,
From Dainty Betty to Growling Bob,
They speak very little, eyes bloodshot,
Bent on making menacing faces on Jack-O-Lanterns,
The air sweetens as they carve & peel,
Until an unfamiliar gallop draws near,
The headless rider with an ethereal glow knows no halt,
His battle charge mocks the very tempest Nature spawned,
Terror looms over the Pumpkin Folk but their Elder came forth,
‘Oh Great Fiend, what is it you seek?’

*******! Your pumpkin island looked smaller up North
Guess the perfect head will have to wait
Happy Halloween
Eyithen Oct 2019
I've come to realize that social media does more harm then good for me.
It makes me covet and envy,
It makes me feel sad and hollow,
I makes me yearn...and wish...and cry,
It's all a mask.
Nobody shows the person that hides in the shadows of the corners of their soul.
And yet It still manages to infect and feed off my fears and insecurities.
So I do what I'm good at.I ignore it and pretend it doesn't exist.
stopdoopy Oct 2019
Rip me apart
and cart me off
to somewhere unknown

Cut through the top
plunge fingers deep
disgusting, wet, and slick

Rip out the innards
make hollow
for your own pleasure

it sits and waits
for the rest to come

The carving
the face always
comes out ugly

At last
light the fire
and watch it glow

In the bright flames
of a dark night
they'll be left there

Until they're rotting
scrape up the remains
and dump the body
a Halloween inspired poem!

is it really a pumpkin?
Tori Schall Oct 2019
In my life there are three things:
A feeling of emptiness,
a hollow laugh and blank face,
Hiding behind a mask

I wonder day by day
nothing changing
the world around me is unimportant.
In my life there are three things:

My own emotions elude me
they go about their days
hiding in the back of my brain
a feeling of emptiness

Upon my face there sits
a person I don't know
Because of all I ever am is
a hollow laugh and blank face

Day by day, night by night
nobody ever bothers to look
but I never bother to tell, I'm
hiding behind a mask
This is my first attempt at a cascade poem
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