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Savio Fonseca Jun 2020
With the ****** Virus,
continuing it's Live Concert
on Earth
and Hell stacked,
with all Our Devil's.
I for One,
am keeping My Fingers crossed
and Praying........
that Heaven will Host Me
on their Premises.
Alicia Prax Jun 2020
I looked down as I flew
Across the midnight sky
My winged being, a silhouette
As I longingly cast my gaze
To heavenly paradise.

I looked down as I flew
Looked into the waters of the Styx
The face that stared back at me
Was one I did not reminisce.

I was once God’s favourite
With wisdom far greater than the depths of the oceans
A prince of beauty among the angels
A harbinger to the end of evil.

Alas! Ambition struck my untainted heart
Greed overtook my common sense
I wanted to play God
But Brother Michael’s sword had its revenge.

He cast me out of my own home
Which was more
Than I could withstand.
Now charged with
Collecting the souls of the ******
With a whip in hand
I was left me to lick my wounds in hell
Surrounded by rotten minds
And rotten hearts on the death knell
Do you know that there is a Ladder to Heaven?
For all to climb, be it man or woman
But we mustn't stop at step seven or eleven
We must go on till we reach our heaven

Many of us want to go to God
But we don't know the truth about our Lord
We just go to a temple, mosque, and church
Instead of going on a quest to search

The first step to God is Belief
For those who don't believe, how can they achieve?
There are some who are atheist or agnostic
A life without faith, they choose to pick

But the ones who believe, they take their first step
The Ladder to Heaven they start to inspect
They know without doubt that God exists
They believe and pray and their belief persists

There is not a day that they don't Pray
With folded hands they go to God and say
Not only to the Lord everything they tell
They also listen to Him, not just ring the bell

The third step on the Ladder is Faith
Without this one cannot reach heaven's gate
Faith is Full Assurance In The Heart
Our journey to God, it helps to start

The fourth step on the Ladder is Hope
Without Hope, how can anyone cope?
Those who believe in God they find
He is there when you reach the end of the rope

And then, the believers in God, they Trust
It is Trust that forms their journey’s ******
Trust is unconditional surrender to God
And always accepting the will of the Lord
After Belief, Prayer,Faith,Hope&Trust
What is it that stands out first?
It is Enthusiasm, that is step six
'Entheos', 'In God,' that gets our problems fixed

Then comes step seven, it's Love for God
We make it a priority, the Love for our Lord
To us, God is not someone who lives far away
Every moment that we live, with us He does stay

It is this Love that makes us seek
Our passion for God makes us climb the peak
Because we want God, we Go on a Quest
And whatever we believed, we put it to test

In our search for God we Contemplate
We spend time in Silence and for God we wait
We don't accept what the scriptures tell
And we find the truth about heaven and hell

Of course, there is Karma and we must do good
As we sow, we reap, we create our own food
But step ten on the Ladder is not to live after we die
But to learn, how to God our Soul must fly

Importance of a Guru is the Ladder's step eleven
For without a Mentor, how can we discover heaven?
A Guru takes us from darkness to light
And to Overcome Ignorance, he helps us fight

As we Overcome Ignorance and discover the myth
We climb step thirteen to Realize the Truth
We realize that we are not the ego, body, and mind
We are the Divine Soul, on realization we find

Realization is not the end of the game
There is a War within that can make us lame
Unless we transcend our enemy – ME
From Mind and Ego, we must be free

Step fifteen on the Ladder is Liberation
Liberation only comes after Realization
Liberation, when alive, is from suffering being free
And from rebirth, to escape and with our Lord to be

The final step on the Ladder to Heaven
Comes after climbing sixteen steps, we reckon
It is Unification of the Divine and our Soul
Which is our life's Ultimate Goal

Climbing this Ladder is the purpose of our life
Not just to live with misery, sorrow, and strife
For those who live on planet earth
They must face suffering birth after birth

Where are you on this Ladder, my dear?
Do you live with faith or do you live with fear?
Have you started on the Ladder to God?
The Ladder to Heaven will make you one with the Lord!
Lil Moon Moon Jun 2020
Some days I feel like an empty shell
A dead man walking the depths of hell

I try so hard to feel something there
But its all empty, nothing but cold and fear

I am a stranger trapped in my own skin
There's something dark crawling from within

I look inside to find out whats wrong
Turns out I've lost myself for so long

Didn't even notice what was missing
Felt all lost and aching,
Why and what though?
These are questions that needs answering...

Some days I don't feel like moving,
But as they say,
If you're already in hell, just keep going.
Leamas Jun 2020
Made me lose my sanity
Day after day
I find out people are losing their way
Stealing, Burning , killing
How can they find this fulfilling
Madness thriving
Good will needs reviving
Burning bee hives
We need people like luis vives
The father of psychology
Came with a philosophy
To reform society
One with a variety
Of mental illnesses
As scary as the spindlelegs 
If it wont be fixed
Good intentions are in a midst
Due to the society i love in , I've realised that humans are the ******* creatures ever
Kusuma Karbela Jun 2020
I went too far, I crossed the line

I lose the war, I lost my mind

I ignored Thy, I don't have shy

I smile outside, but deeply I cry

Don't think nobody understand

But it's better to pretend

That's everything set on its order

while life going harder and harder

090620. Qom, Iran.
Glenn Currier Jun 2020
It comes in, sparkling and exciting,
with the promise of fun and zest
like a mist dappled with thrills

but it is a false promise
like the allurements of commercials
with smiling faces and a myriad of glitz

it ends in a state of shame
controlled by lords of the dark
and the owners of hell.

I brim over with gratitude for love
and the forces of beauty and mercy
that break the trance -
the spell always ending
with the unlit inglorious state of shame.
Akintola kunle May 2020
Where are the saints in white?
    Failing their master judging profane
       Pious is not requisite to honeyland
Sin guarantee no hell all are sinners
Masquerading falsehood a real sin
Greasing your imperfection a greater sin
  Sinners are forgiven, good are
Some one has to habituate hell who are they?
Real question
Bebe May 2020
warm fresh death of his reckless touch
deep down unseen but the dark
of his world  
his is the monster i run from .
I never knew I'd fall in love with you
Because I still on my pursue
However, You came with the glue
Before I knew
My heart was fixed by you

Yet, falling in love
Is not pure as the dove
It just changes the form of my hell
I know where this will end
Still, I don't care, others can tell
I won't bend

I never knew I'd fall in love with you
Because I still on my pursue
However, you came with something new
Before I do
I'm already belong to you

Yet, the reality
Welcomes me with brutality
I'm taking care of my gain
Preparing for my pain
let's be honest in plain
My love will left me again

(But, I realized that I'll never be ready)
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