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AB - ..Baby rejection is protection,
We were never ever the same,
Self awareness and common sense meets logic,
The human brain can only do so much,
Consciousness electrifying beyond universes,
Thoughts racing into better circumstances,
Better choices,
So be mad when its you I would erase, you are a phase,
Don't betray my trust , it could get ugly,
Make up a sob excuse for what you did, waddle like a little puppy,
This world is a joke and when it ends , it still will begin..

A.R. - They say it’s best
To expect the harm
From other human beings.
Its yours anyway
If you ignore it.
Your fate, your fault
Your flaw.

No excuse for innocence
Even if we all
Join this world
With it

**** that.

There’s an obscene
arsenal of barbs
And daggers.
Piled up on the
hardwood floor.

A Battle Royale
In waiting.
But I won’t touch
A single one.
Not even for the shadows.

Cut me down
And I’ll be shorter
But I’ll never be
Anyone but

(Full poem in link)
Maria Etre Feb 24
And then I heard
her heart
the screams
that trickled
down her cheeks

She speaks...
Roxy Feb 23
In the shady nights of sad dispair
The happy thought runs through my brain
That I don't mind my heart is shattered
Because I've loved,
and that's what matters.
Because I've tried,
and that is precious
Archer Feb 24
I’ll discuss
The disgust I feel
When I see
Your ugly mug
Jay Feb 20
The person you hate
You love them but dislike all their ways
The person you hate
You need distance, but feels boxed up, contained
The person you hate
“Exposes you” and makes you feel all ashamed
The person you hate
Your trying your best to keep from going insane
The person you hate
Everyone’s telling you, you have all their traits
The person you hate
Surrender to Jesus, get on your knees and pray
The person you hate  
I know you’re in a storm now, just wait for better days.
Be honest, how do you feel about my poem.
Mina Feb 19
Today was bad
I hate
I ate
Today was fine
I love the snickers add
Mina Feb 19
I have a close friend named fear
He lives and whispers in my ear

He wakes me up, he keeps me trying...
He keeps me living, prevents me from dying

He makes me work, He let me strive
He keeps the guilt in my heart alive

He's like a bond
He makes me bold
Even in my dreams
I'm getting bombed

He makes me scared
He makes me hate
He's the reason today i ate

My friend fear is always near
He tells me run to the bathroom
when i drink to much beer

He makes me fear what i can't see
He gets me anxious, he makes me wanna ***..
i wanna *** but I'm too tired to get out of bed
Mina Feb 17
I get excited for another ride
On the bus of life we go
The limit of the view is my sight
The end of the road is death,
Or at least as far as i know

But the colors of the city dried out
They look faint, They're ugly and bold

But how old am i to think that
how many lies I've been told

Since when did my sight go bad
Since when I've lost all hope
Since when did the city go gray
Since when did the sun get old

The bus of life wont wait for me
but i have no reason to go

The colorful city stays bright
But i can't see anything, I can't let go
I'm starting to hate my life day by day
Jeff Bresee Feb 16
Dim lit, damp and distant corner
torn from dream of vapor’s fold.
Slow descent to worlds divided,
nothing hot and nothing cold.
Long ago this soul forgotten,
cast off in the ides of youth.
Un-forgiven deeds left hiding
beneath the stone of burden’s proof.
Wait to see if fate redeems her.
Wait to hear if time repeals.
Sentence passed down just to mar her.
Word and deed like flint and steel.
‘Jezebel!’ they mock to call her,
waging war against the skin.
Pressed on by the mob’s directive,
let the judgment now begin.
Scrutinize each blood-stained footprint
left across the ice drawn field.
Hide the ones who hold her province.
Never bend. No, never yield.
For from that damp and distant corner
ever flows the world of hate
through the veins of those who think they…
hold the key to Heaven’s gate.
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