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V May 2015
One day, as I walked near a river
I saw many a thing
The muddy water, creating beautiful swirls underwater
A tree standing in the middle of the river
Bent akin to an old man
A waterman, moving with graceful speed
Ripples, beautiful, yet hiding something in their movements
Turtles, swim with ease, sticking their head out
Birds, chirping and flying near the water
The sunset, setting the river on fire
Nikita May 2015
When the fridge is so far away but you crave the munchies.

Im over long distance relationships
Ysa Pa May 2015
Scribbling the pointed tip of a feather
Across the fleeting pages
As if the hand was under someone else's tether
The ink turning to uncontrollable rages

As if the semblance was trapped in a clink
The great facade turned futile
And with that momentarily blink
The genuine thoughts unshackled through doodles

Unlocking the cages
Honest words overflow
Crowding the pages
Inked by the soul
*~ how poetry allows the overflow of words from one's soul
Ysa Pa May 2015
The second you inhaled and walked through the halls
The minute you raised your head
The hour when you smiled and entered my life
The month of getting to know
The quarter of laughter and smiles
The year of fairytale
The lifetime of memories
The times we've shared
The wink of an eye that changed it all
The flash of life that made us realize
The instant we gazed upon each other
The moment we knew
The evanescent that ended it all
The lifetime of "what ifs" and "why's"
The year of pouring rain
The quarter of staring at the ceiling
The month of just trying to breath
The hour when you cried and bid farewell
The minute you bowed your head
The second you exhaled and walked through the halls again
Ysa Pa May 2015
I've memorized the look of your back
As you held my hand, moving forward with life
I've memorized the look of your back
Letting go and leaving me, moving forward with your life
I'm supposed to be asleep by now hahah it's 3am where I'm from and I just can't get him out of my mind. How he looked walking away from me. I just stood there staring at him walk away. And now I'm staring at the ceiling and still seeing him walking away

Just wanted to share... Hoping that ill be able to walk away from the flashbacks
Ysa Pa May 2015
A dream that existed in reality
Now lies only in my memory
A happy ending that never came
And I'm the only one to blame

Everything was perfect but in an instance
We woke up and grew distant
Everytime we meet, I receive this glare
So filled with hatred, so cold and without care

My heart is crowded with regret
Because of all the things left unsaid
Seems that you've had forgotten all the memories
He previous laughter,meow giving me tears

A dream lived in reality
Started and ended with you and me
Now that our dream was left for dead
I realize now what I should've said instead

All I wish to do is apologize
And hope to vanquish the anger in your eyes
I would do anything to once again see your smile
And remind you that we were perfect even just for a little while
Ysa Pa May 2015
Glaring up the sky
Wondering how and why
Life just leaves things unanswered
Laughter was the only thing I uttered

Reminiscing the beginning
From something so special, now nothing
What was I doing?
What could I have been thinking?

All those precious words, now make no sense
Crying so hard, hoping my heart would be cleansed
How could I have been so dense?
My time was wasted on this "nonsense"

Now as this poem comes to an end
I learned my lesson that life sent
Move on and don't dwell in the past
And accept that my fairy tale finished at last...
Ysa Pa May 2015
Just woke up
Feeling like crap
The regular routine
The usual scene

Dying of boredom
Feeling lonesome
Waiting for something catastrophic
Wanting to do something idiotic

Desperate for craziness
Hoping for some happiness
But I have no time to throw away
So I have nothing else to say

Having no excess time
To do good or to commit crime
Because everything flies so vast
Everyone else is moving really vast

Only looking forward
Only wanting the reward
What is happening to the earth?
Life is surely getting absurd

We should enjoy the journey
Live a little and be happy
So put a smile to your face
Do not look back to yesterday

Everyday is special
Things just don't happen twice
Don't waste time
Go on and roll the dice

Enjoy every moment
Make it monumental
Ignore the horrid comments
Make the day supernatural

Reach the unfulfilled plans
Grasp the impossible dreams
We can't until we admit
That were too afraid to break this habit

Just to conclude
I have one last thing to say
I have no time to look away
Just way too excited for this typical day
Feedback is highly appreciated and welcome <3
Ysa Pa May 2015
A perfect love would be
An estuary...

People say if its meant to be
Then it will be

People also said that there's fresh and salty
Different waters... Different flows... Different tides

I want a love like an estuary
For you and me
A place where that river can kiss the sea
It doesn't matter whether fresh or salty
Whatever race, religion or country
If its real love, then it's meant to be
Traveling far and wide
In order to unite in one tide
Yes, most definitely!
I desire a love like an estuary.
Well I'm currently studying one of my classes and I find estuaries romantic because no matter how different the river and the sea are, they still unite.
Ysa Pa May 2015
The perfect romance
The overwhelming trance
Is such a scary state
For it can be negate

You were my home and my fortress
You were my dragon and I was your warrior princess
You were my thief and I was your jewel
*Back then... * Everything was mutual


The flames stopped glowing
The fires desist from burning
The candle ceased flickering
Our love halt from growing

You lost that look, your warm stare
I no longer felt your loving care
We've grown apart while we were together
So much for that thing called "forever"

I knew that your love was gone
I felt that I was no longer the one
I decided to ask whether our love was fading
Hoping that I was just complicating

My eyes see what is real
My soul knows what you feel
My heart pleads for it to be untrue
My ears beg to hear the words "I love you"

As my lover didn't utter a word
*It was the loudest silence I've ever heard
"Silence is the loudest scream"

A part of me wished that he would lie and stay with me.

Special thankies to a good friend i call Mr. Footlong (Vincent) for making minor revisions <3
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