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Daniel Thorne Mar 2015
There's a little thing inside us,
That's prepared to take the world,
The perseverance ringing true,
Despite the evils hurled.

It's a powerful little creature,
Something from above,
Sitting deep inside our hearts,
A little thing called love.
A love poem because reasons. ^-^
Isabelle Perla Mar 2015
And when the fires of fear and hate
Slaughter your hope and burn your faith
As your concentration begins to lapse
You find your life due to collapse
The ashes that fell, now layer your mind
Sinister darkness not far behind
Your rabbit hunt over, no prize to win
You see yourself being consumed by sin
The wounds that were given
Were every single thing that you wanted
That’s why you were driven
To feel something was necessitated
A large open field, covered in flames
No one is searching, no one screaming your name
You were left alone without a single friend
The world didn’t even say goodbye when life came to an end
Fall to the ground, the battle is lost
No more spare change, no final cost
On your knees as the evil attacks
The fire burning red as your mind goes black
But, what legacy was left behind?
Which finishing touches that helped mankind?
The hands that didn’t make a stand
Are now covering the face that never shined
Darkness closing in as your world is erupting
Your eyes slowly open, just waiting for something
Now where’s the hero who you needed so badly?
The one you thought would stop at nothing
You wanted a leader who never came through
It’s all done, your hopes and dreams won’t come true
Fire burns through the field as the temperature rises
But you always forget this; THE HERO IS YOU.
You feel your legs moving as you get onto your feet
And suddenly you don’t much care for the heat
The flames turn to water as you slowly smile
Dying is the easy way, and that’s not your style
The cold clear liquid of pure, hopeful trust
Causes every demon to turn into dust
You don’t feel that pain; it was never there
Submerged in the water you burst out for air

The sun, once again is dazzling and new
You are the leader you knew could come though
Your fears have drowned, and your hate is dead
Now nothing like that can break into your head

As you drift towards land, you now make a vow
That everything is possible, some way and somehow.
Never let the darkness cover up light
Though with every sunny day comes a chilling night

So when the fires of fear and hate
Slaughter your hope and burn your faith
The overwhelming light that is inside of you
Will drown out the darkness, and you’ll start anew
I know this is long, but if you're going through something difficult - read it.
Maura Feb 2015
Depression is like waves
it comes and goes
it is never a friend
it is only a foe

Sometimes the waves are rough
and the wind blows too strong
and I am the allege
that clings to the ground

It never really goes completely away
but for now with you I'm okay
so please just sit with me a while and stay
please just sit with me a while and stay.
Thoughtskeeper Feb 2015
I will never hate you.
I can't hate you.
I wish I could.
Erase all our memories.
So I could forget you.
To get over it.
To move on.
But I can't.
I just can't..
Noelle Marie Dec 2014
Hope has gone away, extended vacation
You've lost all you ever wanted before you could even conceive of it, let alone have it
She's falling apart and all you can do is watch day by day
The one you thought would give you strength you needed packed the suitcase, no trace
You're slowly coming to that realisation that the world doesn't give a ****, too busy worrying about it's own problems
Where do you find the hope? Where do you look?
In the dirt that's all that's left?
Sarah K Nov 2014
I may not be suicidal
But I'm still sad in a way that destroys me
i had a dream again
my mother came back
imediatly i hugged her
she said "i love you"
seemed so real
before i could get another word in
reality revealed its cruel face
sitting up in bed
i wish i could stay asleep
Victoria Mar 2014
We remember the bad to appreciate the good
that's what we do when you live in the hood

The sadness the pain, poverty and strain
can leave one to feel like life is insane  

But when you reflect on the bad,  
the things that you never had
  Appreciate what's right inside of your hand

whether a marble or a car
you done good so far

if you're doing better than you were

so remember the bad to appreciate the good whether or not you live in the hood
#good  #marble #better #reflections #time #healing #hood

— The End —