Do I see you for who you truly are?
Or am I basing judgement off
Of your appearance,
While I don't even know you.
I would be lost for words
If you were to ask me who I am.
I could tell you my name,
I could give you a brief
Or detailed description,
I could tell you what I do,
But that wouldn't do
Your question justice, would it?
I have a question for you,
Are you really living or only surviving?
Please don't be offended.
Ask me the same question,
I won't be offended.
Am I really living or only surviving?
Maybe each and every one
Of us is denying
The blunt truth we can't control.
Embrace the pain
As it bleeds through your soul
Introduce yourself
Before you go
Or before I leave,
Only because it was important to me.
What's the difference between goodbye and hello,
When greeting a man or woman you don't know?
Originally written 1/14/11
Revised 10/19/14
(c) 2014 Brandon Antonio Smith