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NeroameeAlucard Nov 2015
I'm thankful for this rain to provide inspiration
I'm thankful for the clouds pointing to my destination
I'm thankful for family even though we get on each other's nerves
I'm thankful for language so I can put together this verse

I'm thankful for gratuitous consumerism because With it our economy thrives
 I'm thankful that I'm under covers and warm when so many have to sleep outside.

But most of all I'm thankful for my poetic family

Seriously you guys are awesome and mean a lot to me
Seriously, thank you n to everybody who reads my stuff :)
Sally A Bayan Nov 2015
(a repost...edited)

for having my family
my five granddaughters, especially
they are safe and healthy
we have roof over our heads and
clothes to keep us warm
there is always food on our table...

on each new day,  i am able to
get up, alone...without much effort
can wash my face, brush my teeth,
clean my bathroom regularly
take a shower on my own
cook what i want to eat,
eat alone...
change the curtains in our house,
change my bedsheets without help,
as often as i want to...

still celebrated another birthday
was able to say THANK YOU!
will be with family and friends on Thanksgiving day
made scary decors for Halloween
decked our house with a tree and lanterns before December
hang stars, angels in corners and in between
am strong enough to put them all away when Christmas is over...

how a night of fireworks and celebrations
easily segues into a day of new beginnings...

write, share my thoughts, my moments,
look back to the past with a smile,
find contentment where i am now,
be with good friends, old and new,
look forward to my future,
wake up to each new day
and another.......and
A N O T H E R .

Thanksgiving must come with every breath
For we are showered with Blessings without end...


Copyright 2014
Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan

Brett W Nov 2015
One must be grateful with what they have
Some out there are not as fortunate as you
We often take our simple lives for granted
While others struggle to find themselves
We must be grateful for the food we have
As there are some that struggle to survive
We must be grateful for the roof above us
As some sleep in the harshest of conditions
We must be grateful for the clothes we have
As some freeze due to lack of their clothing
We must be grateful for our transportation
As some walk all day to their destination
Lastly, we must be grateful to simply live
There is going to be someone out there
That is struggling more that you are now
No matter how difficult you think life is
It is harder for someone else in this world
You're not the homeless man with no food
He has to dig through your trash cans
To find the food you waste every day
You're not the child dying in the hospital
To a disease that affects one in a million
Wishing your tax dollars can save his life
But you're too stubborn with your money
We need to be grateful with what we have
As there is always someone out there today
Struggling to survive throughout the day
While we "struggle" with pointless issues
I really hate when people complain about these stupid issues. Just be grateful with what you have! Seriously! And with Thanksgiving right around the corner, couldn't be a better time to write this
I* am here!

You are way below here.
You look up to me,
And I cause jealousy
You follow my footsteps,
And I, full of countless reps
You think of us as an equal,
I say, you are an imbecile
You see us as stable,
You see me as "able"
I see you as a follower,
You see me as a *Globetrotter

You are now here,
realize it!
Your statistics are here,
Deal with it!
Always to be reminded that I am better than
Lizzy Love Nov 2015
A father's love...
whether throughout times of sorrow,
or times of glory, is all but shallow.

A father's love is a thunderstorm,
rumbling through a once peaceful sleep,
finding my awakened soul as company.
On the back porch, we seek credence,
as we share stories, and simple silence.

A father's love is a music tune,
carried from good intentions,
deep in the lungs.
Becoming bellowing blues
from a harmonica.

A father's love is rolling mountains,
as endless as eyes can see,
resonating with nature's peace.
Where he finds sacred hollows,
and gains perspective on his woes.

A father's love is a blissful brew,
aromatic, donning a frothy cover,
incredibly complex underneath.
It is a multifaceted flavor,
sweet, bitter, delicate, of earth.

A father's love is in the now.
It is there when the water is muddy;
it is there when the mud has settled,
and the water is clear.
It has nothing but patience.

A father's love...
whether throughout times of sorrow,
or times of glory, is all but shallow.
For my Dad's birthday this year :)
© Lizzy Collins
Silencer Nov 2015
She is a mystery
She is.. the greatest form of poetry
She, who would rather hide than be seen
Holds no beginning and knows no end
She comes to life when everything around her appears to be dead
She makes me feel a high, electric, body rush
She creates goosebumps down my spine with just the slightest touch
She dreams
She believes
She is someone you can't decieve
She sees the lies, beneath your eyes
She is someone you can't run from or can't hide
She is the never ending memory that takes refuge inside my mind at night
She is gold
She is light that fills my soul
She is peace that keeps me in control
She is gentle
Her body is a temple
Mounted on the highest pedestal
Without reason to ever feel resentful
When I'm high
When I'm coming down
When I'm feeling sentimental
She is there
She is pure
She is rare
She is someone for whom I will always care
And through it all
She just might
She just maybe
                              *The One
A transition from a previous poem of mine.  'The One'
My greatest unfound hope.
My relentless search for
The most beautiful
Is over.

You came to my lap
Leaned this graceful
Head on my upper

Covered with
The puffiest blanket
So familiar to us.

And Thou are ~
The eloquent Elegance,
The proof for the Sacred
Geometry, alive, warm
And lovingly cuddly.

I adore Thou blackest
Dots, above your Feline
Fangs, hidden as your
Cat's conundrum; When

Rest, how
Thou charm seeps
In me; like classy  
Lion paws

Touching my hand

I trickle my fingers across
Whitest beard, and savannah
maroone blackness.

Jade consciousness opens up,
And starts to purr, pressing my
Wrist tenderly when me writes.
This is an ode to my beloved cat Mani. I love him dearly. Sometimes he can be so gentle and so loving to me. It's a true blessing to have him near and within my life. Words can not describe how grateful I feel...and enchantingly charmed. Fabulous Feline Fascination.
She's the kind of girl that's one of a kind
And our memories will be always on my mind
Especially when the both of us are smiling
Under the sun---- or when we're sailing

Anywhere and everywhere with her
Is a treasure that no one else can compare
She helped me in developing myself within
Thank God, I'm not the person I've been

Even through the strongest storms you're with me
I remember you sleeping so sweetly
At times in the morning when I wake up,
I'm thankful because you're there to cheer me up

Through the pizza, fries and everything we like...
You'll always be the Ate Em in my life.
A poem dedicated to my dearest cousin. (c) Caryl Vim Cerna. 2015
Moe Oct 2015
home is
sitting in my truck at 2:30 in the morning, smoking *** and talking endlessly about nothing.
home is
laying in your bed and heavily sleeping at 4 am.
home is
playing on a playground and smoking cigarettes at 3 in the morning.
home is
sitting in your truck at 1 am and looking up at the stars.
home is
listening to jazz at midnight. even though I really hate jazz.
for me,
is not a place.
is you.
and soon I'll be coming home every day.
Lizzy Love Oct 2015
My bed is so warm
with a feather down blanket.
Why must I get up?

Today, a new day.
With the cool, crisp autumn air.
And some crunchy leaves!

Enjoy the weather,
for soon it will be winter,
and much, much colder!

Then you will befriend
that blanket and snooze button
with a stronger grasp!

Just play some music,
place your feet on the carpet,
start to sing and dance!

Soon the birds will join,
as the sun begins rising.
Let lethargy fade!

Eyes fully awake,
very grateful for today's

I hope everyone
has a splendidly great one.
Do something awesome!
© Lizzy Collins
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