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Years spent in this great citadel
Lessons learnt & time depleted
Out into the real world I go
The Lords grace with me till I'm old
A father who i owe my all,
too soon he lost his only ally
A sister, who took up the mantle
too soon she learnt to be a mother
A brother to soothe & calm the father,
too soon he became a man
Thank You all for the inspiration,
and being my driving force.
Randy Mcpeek Aug 2016
I am inspired by life, whatever you may conceive that to be.
The good, bad,ugly, and that murky “grey” area in between.
I wake up each morning, and think to myself “What will this day bring me?”
Will I experience happiness, laughter, sorrow, grief? Life comes with no guarantee.
At my job, I teach children to reach for their dreams. I encourage, and tell them “Don’t give up!”
I see their faces when they learn something new, and, it’s like nothing you could ever dream of.
People that I know and I talk to each day, teach me about love and sympathy.
Without them, I don’t think I would know what it is like to feel an ounce of empathy.
You see, I have been jaded by what I have seen, and felt, each day that I’ve been alive.
I can truthfully say that it’s all been worth it for a life that only I can symbolize.
If I had a choice on what inspired me, I don’t think I would change very much,you see.
My life path wasn’t really meant to inspire anyone else, but me.

Randy McPeek
Phia Aug 2016
We always complain about our lives
The lack of things we've done and seen,
But sometimes we forget to remind ourselves
That we are living someone else's dreams.
Not saying that someone's problems aren't important, and I will never say that someone has it worse, but just remember to be grateful for what you've got
KathleenAMaloney Aug 2016
It's Always Been A Choice Love
We've always Done Well
Now Our Choice Together
Hour Glass
Of the Soul

Step into this Pool Darling
Take My Hand  If You Like

Still Waters of  Silver Star Light
This Reflection
Black Obsidian Married  
As Night Sky
Temple of The Moon
This Reflecting Pond
Our Time so Gently Held
Each Flying Star above
A Desire
Of This Hearts Night
What Would Be Yours Love? What?
Inspiration Mine
Until Now
When I look Into Your Eyes
I Claim LIFE
For You
I can Call Anything
So Generous Your Heart

Have I Seen Your Majesty
And You Mine

Have No Fear..
None Shall
Turn Us Begging
From The Beauty
Of Our Life
S M Aug 2016
In the car
you felt awkward with
bobbed veiled eyes,
squished in,
a neighbour insisted lift.
Their Language was
chiming with gold.

You had rationed bread then,
it was women’s only
and when one was
touched askew,
they took her away
from there.

That time of servitude,
5am Dettol, peeling skin,
when your man would
be home waiting to
kiss them Better.
You were glowing and
not alone.

You lent me a book,
frayed edges with
bi-carb knowledge &
I was surprised
that it worked,
as I didn’t know much.

A cache of
pyramid pictures,
Wet mirrored smiles
as they looked down upon us,
with the man reflected
kindly enough.

Dragging your feet,
talk time for hours, when
your upward chin
would float above your
throbbing knees,
no grievances at all.

Decibels rose
like the formidable
stone wall
that was still protecting you,
and the laughter you brought
to me was…
thank you.

My practice called and so
I beckoned,
but you whispered
to me somewhere -
with a single
to come back.

A sunny day,
a set of white teeth,
was all you could see,
morphine soaked back
against green
struck trees.

Naïve glass
between you and I,
a rose card
with plush material
on the front,
it was
the most expensive one.

Blame that left me
misaligned against a rail,
peeking through
the parts that felt,

Licked and waiting,
I didn’t know how
to release your
generous sentient
from mine.

Graceful and soft without
life's judgement,
it has locked within me
and remains,
like a warm
forgiving light.
I am sorry I never said goodbye to you. I hope you can accept this from me.
Lyndsay Pryor Aug 2016
[thank you for loving him first]
for navigating unknown territory
at our most vulnerable and pivotal stage;
at a time when we couldn’t love ourselves-
but foolishly thought we could love another.

[thank you for growing with him first]
not in the physical sense, but in
providing a foundation for him to stand.
how were we to know that one day,
the foundation would break away?

[thank you for hurting him first]
for having the strength to pull away,
when forever became a distant memory.
for taking a piece of his heart
where your happy used to reside.

[thank you for all your firsts with him]
as they offered a lesson, a guide, and
a vision for the love he really deserved;
and how it could exist outside of you.

[thank you for letting him go first]
so he could be my last.
Charly Lou Davis Aug 2016
Strong roots give you wings,
so you can learn to leave behind
what you’ll gladly come back to.

Love will raise you up,
so you can discover destiny
without fear of falling.

Nowhere is as everywhere,
and no-one is as everything
as this home and family of yours.
complexify Jul 2016
22 July 2016

There's no one. I repeat, no one can make you feel sad. It's only you who can control your feelings. I do understand why sometimes you blamed someone else for your sadness, emptiness or whatsoever negative feelings you have right now.

Maybe it was the only thing that made you happy after some time.

Listen to me. If he or she's gone, let it be. Let him be. Let her be. There are a few things that can actually help you get over it. Not to get over them, but indeed to get over yourself.

1. *Be grateful for every single thing that has happened in your life

-Be grateful you met them. Be grateful that you were maybe once loved, cheated on, stepped on, laughed at or whatever it is. *As long as it doesn't **** you physically, it only make you stronger emotionally.

2. Forgive them and continue to love them.
-The problem with moving on is people tend to hate the ones that hurt them. You can't. Once you fall, there's no turning back. That's why you move on after you fall in love. You can never undo the love. You can never climb back up. All you can do is to move on, continue loving them. Love is universal. I never asked you to stay. True love asks for  nothing in return.

3. Accept the past. Embrace it.
-The past cannot be changed. You can try to forget, but our minds tend to remember beautiful things. The past is indeed beautiful. Each and everyone of us has a different and unique past, and we should all sometimes think about it and learn from it. You will hurt more trying to forget it.

And more importantly, if you think no one loves you,

*I do.
I was thinking about this because I tried, and it worked on me. Hope this helps. Love you guys and I'm sorry if this is not a poem xD
A Alexander Jul 2016
Is the first sip of coffee in the morning
The silence that comes after mourning
Children’s laughter
Beautiful sunsets
Coming to terms with things
Goals accomplished
Affection with no return expected
Living with integrity
Helping humanity
Agreeing to disagree
Breezes on a hot day
Grace is all around us…many blind to it..
Waiting4TheStop Jul 2016
(C) 2016

For Shauné, my birthday gift to my best dude.
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