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PaperclipPoems Feb 2017
I'm humbled by the storm
It's a reminder that I am not in complete control,
That there are forces that shape my destiny
And outcomes in which I do not plan for.
I close my eyes listening to the pitter patter on my porch
And check in on the water flow that fills the trenches.
I surrender to Mother Nature and bend to her will,
I am grateful for this magnificent life I am blessed to live.
Renae Feb 2017
Have you ever felt like
Some hearts believe they can see
Right through you
To your core and reasons
They think they know you
though they have no idea
They can't fit the shoes
You've been wearing
If only a glimpse were caught
Available; though it's not
What remains
Is hearsay and guessing

And this is the story
That's believed of me
How they think
I know what happened
Or what's happening
If I did anything
of my own initiative
Why did I too
Feel like a lunatic?
They say I chose my outcome
To fall apart
I am cold as ice
That I don't have a heart

So I freeze
in solitary confinement
I pray for my enemies
Crying tears of silence
Wishing death would come to me
Though it doesn't
I love and move along
Only enduring
That's my story
Don't get it twisted
Now don't you worry
It won't make a difference
I believe in the one
Who's never giving in
He fulfills his promises
& when I pray
He listens

Throughout our lives
We live many stories
Some we're amazing
In all of their glory
Sometimes in despair
We trip and fall
But we get back up
And the story goes on
kiera Jan 2017
take a moment every day to be thankful
pen out your love
onto paper or into your thoughts
for the bed that cradles you
for the sun that kisses you
for the air that fills you endlessly
for the body and mind that give you purpose
for the people that need you among hundreds
and would feel empty in your absence
you are alive by these gifts
to embrace them is to be eternally wealthy
trying to teach myself to be more grateful and positive
Amanda Francis Jan 2017
My mother tells me to go to church!
Why? she believes it will grant me eternal life!
And she says I have to follow the commandments.
You know, because she believes heaven is better than hell.

But I tell her she's wasting her time, I tell her heaven is already here.
In between the beats of her fragile mind if only she'd look.
In secrets like 'where the love letters are hidden' or 'why that song means so much'.
Here, within the intangible humanity that connects us all.

And I ask her, 'why chase something in death when life is right here?'

So, on her google number time of telling me that God said 'blah, blah'
and I'll be sorry when I face eternal damnation.
I think of you.
How I swear I hear angels sing whenever you're around.
How when we kiss my heart stops and starts like I'm kissing God himself.
How I know, undoubtedly, without hesitation.
**~Heaven is right here, whenever I'm with you.~
Apollo Hayden Jan 2017
There's no way I could ever say you weren't there to pull me out of the wilderness.
Your roots, so deep in love already, it was easy for you to pull me in.
Forever am I grateful!
rebecca hunter Jan 2017
I long for quiet, but then I long for company
I long for dessert, and then I long for Chinese take-aways

I long for chocolate, but then I long to be thin
I long for the easy way, but then I long to win

I long for a husband, then I long for a child
I long for consistency, but then I long to be wild

I long for rain, then I long to swim
Although that is fine - I'll just jump in

But I find I am longing - am I not content?
Do I not have enough - must I always augment
the needs I have on my list of things
the need I have to spread my wings
the need I have to settle down
the need I have to wear a crown
the need I have to always 'do'
the need I have to start anew?

No! This must stop - I must open my eyes
To all that's around me - between earth and skies
To all I've been given, from Heaven Or Hell
To all I've become, to all I've done well
To all that I am - Thanks to Him
To the Great "I am", Who lives within.
He buried his life in a pile of books,
And blinded himself from dainty looks.
He buried his life in many educations,
Absented himself from youthful occations.

His aquaintances called him folly,
As on soothing nights they got jolly.
His closest friends carried the burden with him,
As his chances of love grew dim.

In those soothing nights,with the book,
All his lifetime he took
Trying to figure out the puzzle of life,
But then the answer was worth more than life!
Feel free to inbox me if you don't get the poem.

Thanks to the eleven people who rushed to follow my account. You make my life a whole lot easier.
SøułSurvivør Jan 2017
The difference in these adjectives
Is in the letter "I"
There are many Faithful
Who would believe a lie.

There is no assurance
In God's wealth, you see,
Prosperity's not always given
Nothing comes for free.

Evangelists will tell you,
They target the gullible
And they had better PRAY.

Remember that letter "I"?
They bandy it about.
They tear up the floorboards
And they scream & SHOUT!

So you sow your seed to them
Expecting God's applause!
You are expecting miracles...

That's where you get angry.
You get mad at GOD.
The "I" replaces "E"
Now isn't THAT odd?

But "E" stands for EFFORT.
It stands for EXCELLENCE.
It stands for ENDURANCE.

Bitter people don't GET blessings.
They're only chastised MORE.
At some celestial STORE!

Be grateful for what you DO HAVE.
If you live in the U.S. coasts.
If you're in a land of plenty

So watch out for those letters.
Endurance is a JOB.
And it is a terrible thing


There's a point when you have to make a decision. When the going gets tough, it is a blessing in disguise.

I may have been ripped off for hundreds of dollars. An online clothing company  (Modlilly) scammed me. I don't have enough money for food this month, let alone rent. But I won't let the "I" (ego) get the better of me. "E" also means ENERGY. I'm planning for a yardsale. I won't be reading for a while because there's alot of work & planning in my future. PLEASE PRAY FOR ME. THANKS!
SøułSurvivør Dec 2016
  in the
                 of space
                      the Lord
                   sets His
to move
and to
the path
         the path  
he sees
                  us groaning
                              from when
                         life begins
but when
              we have passed
             it is then
we will see
      the rivers we've
               sailed through
toward our
                     and when
           we have seen
all the deadfalls
and snares                  
we'll know He's                    
been with us        
all of our
             and once
                  we have
                           seen this
                    push come to
we'll know
His great


(C) 12/30/2016
I'm arranging for New Year's Eve.
I'm having a small party
to celebrate the new year.
I can't say that I've made any
New Year's resolutions,
but I know i want to
spend more quality time
with the Lord.
He has helped me through the
holidays, which are always
very rough for me.
I also want to be more active
on this site, and Facebook.
Spend more time with you.
Even when I was not on site
I thought of, and prayed for
you often.
As we go through the
rivers of space
we encounter some people
who've set the course of
change in our lives.
I could definitely say that
many of you have done so for me.

Thank you!
May God bless you all!
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