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Lunar Dec 2016
Have you ever thought why people say, "I am one with the sky," or "Flowers are the best gifts for occasions"? I have a theory. A theory on simplicity, on matter and on souls. I think our souls are made up of matter which is simple and undefined. To put it simply, our souls are made up of many things. Many simple things.

Maybe that's why we feel comfortable, we love the most, and we accept things as they are, even the most plain ones. The simplest things, which stir the deepest and heaviest parts of our souls, matter the most. Our souls are consciously and unconsciously attracted to those things which widen and deepen our existence and the search of its meaning.

Whether it's holding the hand of the one we love or staring into their eyes; gazing at the celestial moving bodies above; watching a sprout grow out below; betiing which raindrop would win the race down a window pane; smelling the earth's freshness and the sea's salty breath; catching a whiff of freshly brewed coffee or tea; finding out the hidden meaning behind every flower specie; a friend's embrace or a stranger's courtesy. Even the most mechanical yet natural thing-- sleep-- we appreciate it all.

It's these things which awaken us to love and feel grateful, all the more. We know these little things belong to the simple matter that makes up our souls, and vice versa-- we belong to them; we are home with them. And it's by these little things which prove that the simplest can make a soul feel the greatest.
I appreciate everything in my life. The good, teaches me to be grateful much more. The bad teaches me a lesson. The simple, teaches me that life is worth living with every minute detail. The complicated, teaches me that everything is worth living--with patience. Everything, every matter, to me, matters. And I hope it does too, to all of you.
Aaron LaLux Dec 2016
God Exists

The world has a funny way of reminding us,

God exists.

Sometimes I forget,
the freedoms I have as an American,
and I take these freedoms,
for granted,

but then,
the World reminds me,
and I remember,
that God exists.

God exists,

I see His Light’s reflection,
in almost everyone,
from the lowest slave,
to the highest pharaoh,

God exists.

For example,

I was on the train,
to Luxor from Cairo,
Aaron Lux headed to Luxor,
it only makes sense,

on the train I met an Egyptian man,
and I took this as divine intervention because I don’t believe in coincidences,
he worked/works for the United Nations,
as an assistant for economic development,

his English was perfect,
better than most Americans I know,
and we talked on that train ride,
to Luxor from Cairo,

once we arrived in Luxor,
we both parted ways,
but we made a plan,
to meet up the next day,

and we did and we went,
to dinner I brought a random Japanese girl,
we ate camel on a rooftop,
overlooking the Luxor Temple,

in the distance,

the lights of The Valley of The Kings,
reflected on caves of tombs such as King Tut’s you know what,
sometimes seeing death reminds me of being life,
and being life reminds me that God exists omnipresent in all things.

God exists.

We talked,
on that rooftop overlooking Luxor Temple,
we talked about philosophy and religion and politics,
and also about some new stuff,

such as the Arab Spring,
and each other’s family,
I told hime I was trying to reunite my parents in Thailand,
because of them together in this lifetime I have not a single memory,

and I’d like to see my parents together at least once,
before one of us three dies,
because you don’t get a second chance,
to live this single life,


asked him about his parents,
he said his father had just been abducted,
by the Egyptian Secret Police,
see that’s what you call Boy Interrupted,

but this isn’t a cinema,
this a real life drama,
and I saw this young man of maybe 22 years old,
had had to grow up so quickly because of such adult sized problems,

he said he didn’t know where his father was,
he said the police had taken him just a week ago,
because his father was on the wrong side of democracy,
I guess that’s just how it goes,

see his father was part of The Muslim Brotherhood,
and had supported the Arab Spring,
which in turn had supported President Morsi,
who was elected democratically,

but old habits die hard,
and the Egyptians know that better than anybody,
not much has changed there’s still pharaohs and slaves,
this country is still ran by an aggressive military,

he doesn’t even know where his father is,
or if he’s even dead or alive,
but hopefully he doesn’t end up like Giulio Regeni,
found in a ditch with an X carved in his forehead and gouged eyes,


then that I know nothing about “struggle”,
I realize then that the 1st world has nothing to complain about,
it is in that moment that reality popped my ignorant idealistical bubble,

I know nothing about trouble,
I come from a country where people complain about everything,
we get upset because a traffic light takes to long or a waiter screws up our order,
we feel depressed about nothing but we know nothing about real struggle or pain,

I will never again complain,
about being an American,
I mean my God this kid had his father abducted,
and he might never see him again,

God blessed it feels so good to be from a country with real freedoms God Bless America,

and I’m saddened and grateful at the same time,
I’m saddened because no kid should have his father taken,
I’m grateful because I was born in America so I’m entitled to amazing freedoms,
and I believe in the American Dream still wide awake in a country that feels Forsaken,

but there's no Sutherland,
in the original Empirical Motherland,
just brutal reminders resurrected like Jesus on Easter,
or King Tut's curse from Luxor's sands,

I am,
blessed to have freedoms and others don’t have,
simply because I was born as an American,
and I thank God for that fortuitous fact,

The world has a funny way of reminding us,

God exists.

sometimes I forget,
the freedoms I have as an American,
and I take these freedoms,
for granted,

but then,
the World reminds me,
and I remember,
that God exists.

God exists,

I see His Light’s reflection,
in almost everyone,
from the lowest slave,
to the highest pharaoh,

God exists.

∆ Aaron LA Lux ∆
I have days where I swell with pride
About what I have and what is mine
My feet shuffle amongst my space
A subconscious smile lights my face
I never thought I’d have all of this
The fact that I’m even here is bliss
So thankful indeed, grateful I am
It would be a disservice to not expand
I’m thankful for the times
That I have what I need
And everyone brave enough
To fight against greed.

Thankful for the roof above my head,
And the socks on my feet
And all the great food I get to make and eat.

Grateful for the love I’m able to give
And even more, the love that I get
For all of the places and faces
I’ll never forget.

Memories of rejoice,
And those that we mourn.
I’m thankful for everything I’ve got
And so much more…
I hate the origins and history of Thanksgiving, not only being Native American but also being a thinking, feeling person. Not to mention the occurrences out in North Dakota happening right now. It’s hard to be light and happy and present but it’s all the more necessary, even. We need the love and unity.
I do love the feeling behind the gatherings and the act of getting together with the ones that you love and expressing your gratitude for them through the simple act of being present and sharing the joy of indulgence.
A time of reflection upon blessings, for lack of a better word, is a beautiful thing and I think that congregating with loved ones is great grounds for this act of gratitude. A setting of love for appreciating what you love. What’s not to love??
And if that’s not what your Thanksgiving was, maybe have another one or, next year, celebrate it with ones that will he conductive to the grandeur of gratitude. And remember, it has a lot to do with you, too.
SøułSurvivør Nov 2016

attitude of the heart
state of the mind
gratitude overflows
to make our

the eyes of our souls
the ears of our spirit
open now to
we CAN see

for if we're blind to
and can't hear the
we are
blind & deaf
can't see the forest
for the trees!

before GOD will bless
we must do our part
admit without Him


and receive a


(C) 11/24/2016
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!



♡ Catherine

SøułSurvivør Nov 2016
I wasn't birthed in rosewater
No Silver Spoon have I
The very ground I walk on
Breaks open the sky
I'm swallowed up in sulfur fumes
It rains sulfuric acid
The sea is so tumultuous
It makes the tempest placid!
Don't walk on smooth pavement
I take the hot coal route!
I walk in moccasins so tight
My big toes stick out!

But it is a challenge
And I will not complain
That doesn't help folks anyway
Constantly placing blame
I am just conveying this
So you'll understand
I'm not sending out drummers
Or breaking out the band
Sometimes I just get away
Sometimes I just want peace
And listening to music
Gives me some release

So I am not on site enough
My parents need assistance
They are both in power chairs
(I keep my toes at distance!)
My dad's completely deaf
And he's losing vision
But we won't put him in a home
That is our decision
He's 92 in February
But still vital and strong
Sometimes he has lapses
His cognition goes all wrong
So it is a problem
Since he still has health
He wants to be helpful
And do all things himself!
So you can see the problem
He can go astray
This is what I deal with
And do so every day.

I want you to understand
I know you have compassion
You are lovely people
For poetry's your passion!
You have hearts that love
Your spirit's prone to share
Because you are so sensitive
You have souls that care

Believe me when I tell you
It grieves me to the core
That I don't really read as much
As I did before!

But I pray for EVERYONE
I intercede for thee
I really love the poet's here


♡ Catherine
Please don't think that I'm griping... I actually like the challenge of what I do. But it is very difficult and I need breaks often. I do that by listening to music. My Christian praise music. And uplifting secular songs. So please forgive me for not being on site as often as I was before. I have an account on Facebook also that is lapsing. I find the need to be with the Lord quite a bit too. Thank you for understanding. And it is true that I love and pray for you all!
SøułSurvivør Nov 2016

From a grateful Soul's heart
I feel the need
To thank you for loving
In thought and in deed

I left for a long time
Didn't say where I was
Didn't give a goodbye  
Didn't make a big fuss

And here I come back
With no word of my life
Didn't tell you the details
Of my burdens and strife

Let me just telling you
That there's been no lack.
But you asked no questions
And accepted me back!

I just cannot tell you
What that means to me.
But I want you to know
And I want you to see.

I've thought of you often
And prayed for you more
I did not know then
What was in store

I returned to HP
Didn't have to atone
You opened your arms...


Now I rest easy
I can make a new start
The timing is perfect
From a grateful Soul's heart!

♡ Catherine
'Nuf said.
No one has ever become poor
from giving of themselves
New month,
Ordinary start,
Very hopeful though,
Every great thing starts small.
Manage the little youre blessed with,
But dont stop trying to get better.
Earlier this year you made it,
Remember to use your history for strength.
Happy new month,
A sign of hope and new beginnings,
The year is coming to an end and youve made it this far,congratulations!
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