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aneeshans Nov 2018
I trespassed into the woods
following the fragrance of a wildflower.
There was a spring of silence, birds,
and tall trees; silent indeed only
the winds sounded silent,
once I found her, she whispered...
Are you feeling dark and gloomy?
Black and empty as a dusty chalkboard?
Spooky like foggy lights falling along leaves?
Did you paint your walls with
Broken crayons?
Do you remember when we lay beside
each other, bodies warmed by darkness?

A lonely ache knocks. Asks how
far I will go to find you in me.
When everything cloaked in silence?

Wounds will heal as time flies
Call me melancholy
Kevin Aug 2018
Fell from the soaring heights
Into the endless abyss
Swam through the canals of despair
Out to the boundless void

Brushed against the essence of eternity
Shut inside the chamber of time
Battered with clubs of agony
Shattered into pieces of abandoned self
Kevin Oct 2018
The veil of ostensible happiness raised
And the bitter truth revealed

With the heartless sound of the gavel
A long overdue judgement pronounced

Yet again bereft of purpose
Imprisoned on an abandoned raft
Shackled to the impregnable hopelessness
Paralysed by an overdose of lethargy
Petrified by the horror of calmness

Drifting on the dark waters of boundless void
Awaiting indefinitely for the predestined doom to come
Jonae Oct 2018
Whenever I’m happy I become sad
Whenever I’m sad I become disconsolate

A gloomy cloud hangs over my head -
Showering me in black thoughts,
Soaking me in dangerous emotions
Weighing me down with what if questions

Everyday my heart hands out invitations
Everyday my minds says I should know better
Nothing’s wrong with being emotional
Nothing’s wrong until the pain have to be released
I keep my pride n tell everyone lies

I’m tempted to turn my pain physical
To mark my skin
To cut my thighs
It’s something I could hide
Something that would make me feel relieved inside
someguy Oct 2018
Here in the darkness I lie alone
Letting her raven wings cover my ******,
Her gloomy and dreadful mystery runs through my veins,
As I slowly become one with her.

Time goes by, I’ve already fallen into the abyss,
Immersed with its darkness, my soul has been obliterated by it
Blind, deaf and emotionless, I’m fine with it
Since it’s warm and peaceful inside it, like in mothers’ belly.

But what is this?.. a light?
Haven’t seen it in years, decades of time
It burns my eyes, it kills me,
And though some say light is a savior,
For me it was just a destroyer.
Jillian Jesser Oct 2018
Happy Valentine's
the drapes have caught fire
the lovers have died
your friends are all liars

the moths eat your clothes
the spiders spin webs
the children put ropes
round your very neck

your heart's broken up
into small jagged pieces
two angry pit bulls
are off of their leashes!

oh, sweet valentine,
how will we fare?
where will we go?
when God isn't there?

Jillian Jesser Oct 2018
Happy Valentine's Day
Everything hurts
the nightstand's a pallbearer
the dresser's a curse
the apples are browning
the skies have gone black
and monsters are creeping
at your very back!

the wind whispers boo
and the sun doesn't shine
the birds are all dead
and the hamsters all cry

Oh Dear Valentine!

Where will we go?
Where to be being,
When the moon's made of snow?

Milan Oct 2018
I am a lair, I am a cheat
I fooled myself to believe
everything around me, I understand,
but now I can't, I can't pretend,
I'm losing my ways, my soul's been hit
my life is headed towards a bottomless pit.

Abandoning the oasis, I pursued a mirage
ended up in a swamp now I can't get away
I'm being pulled down by the gravity of hate.
On this fathomless desert, I'm stranded; alone and scared
scorching heat, freezing cold; fearing life that I never cared,
Each day clinging to the flickers of hope
that one of these days someone will come to my rescue,
a wanderer such as myself or an angel, I don't know
or I'll just be drowned here without a clue.
Tired and lone now I laugh at time's stern jape
knitting the sad iffy dreams of my escape.
Craving for freedom from the prison of existence..
Milan Oct 2018
Cranberry juice spilled around
coffee stains on her shirt,
motionless her legs
emotionless her heart,
cold breeze tickled her ear
her dog wanting to play,
all anxious for her song
yet not even a word she would say.

Mother called her a thousand times
"baby wake up! it's getting late",
father with intention to lure, asked
"Who will eat this chocolate cake?"
But still to no avail
while the day grew warmer, her feet went cold,
aesthetic was that smile on her face
pearly tears from her eyes, they rolled.

Into a dream, so alluring and big
she ventured far and forgot to come home,
she ran afar from here
into a nirvana, so snug yet forlorn,
The angels welcomed her with songs
mother fare-welled with stopped heart and teared face,
father sat there frozen and weak
her little doll now gone, staring that chocolate cake,
whispers all around, blames on god
the dog still looking for his friend to chase,
who will tell this little puppy now
that heaven stole his friend, never will he see her face,
now in heaven surely there would be dance I swear
but on earth, only dark clouds and tears of blood everywhere.
Into an everlasting dream...
My eyes were beaming out,
onto the gloomy streets.
Fog was lurking in.
It adhered to my skin.
As the dew latched on,
after only seconds,
I slowly became damp.
Contributing to my silky skin.
Dusting my cheeks,
generating rosiness on my surface.
Glazing over my hair,
gluing each strand to another.
Coating my hands,
nipping at my fingertips
The haze in the back of my head,
It kept getting heavier.
Digging my fingernails into my head.
Tugging on each strand,
between my scalp and jagged fingernail.
Clawing as my nails trailed down my skull.
Blood dripping,
Creating tidal waves.
Fog was sprouting in my essence
The fog began to maneuver on me.
Blanketing over my body,
weighing down my soul,
overloading my carcass.
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