the way it percolates
driving us mad
bringing tears to our eyes
often heavy and sad
my neighbor claims karma
an act of simple fate
laughing i drove off
his words unaware of my morning escapades
an affair with a man
married in state
his wife wears a crown
of the knight that she made
his heart, may be heavy
his head overwhelmed
his pain numb insideĀ
mine a throbbing shell
under the dripping treesĀ
of the Old North State
our lips met
our bodies sought fate
tangled were our limbs
no judgment we laid
onlookers know not
their ignorance in spades
my jealousy gripping
like the pulse and the pain
our tongues lapping up
what others disdain
hands clenched together
a night full of waves
guilty some may cry
but please save your rage
i have no time for your misdirected pain
we work and wonder
our daybreaks heavy and claimed
years have gone by
what have we paid
mountains don't move
not like thrashing seas
nor do carolina skies
or the heavy florida heat
where will we be when the clock strikes time
beneath a hammock of oak
or a splintering of vines
tobacco barns in sight
the owl's swift decline
curving roads leading
rabbits fly by
empty nest for one
the other full and spry
moments of sanity
spared by lucidity
medication blurred thoughts
windows to the world
veins pumping heavy
words turned to swords
heal we must
but how do we know
if this is the pain of the stay or the pain of the go
anonymity for one, me, i don't care
i have no shame for my truth
no guilt left to spare
my journey, long, spirited and cold
my hands pumping blood
meant to eventually go