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An ugly green bud.
Closed off to the world.
No one can see in,
and it can’t see out.
As the seasons changed, it changed with them.
One by one, petals sprouted.
The dashing canary yellow of the new addition lured them in.
It looked like every other flower didn’t it?
It had a pollen filled center,
and a stem with rigid leaves.
So it was a flower,
and it lived its life as one.
For the feeble-minded, it was perfect.
It was unique in its own ways, sure, but it was just like every other flower,
and that was okay with everyone else.
But as you spend more time in that godforsaken field,
more time plucking it’s petals out
more time seeing that “flower” for what it truly is,
you’ll see that everything is not as it seems.
You’ll know why the flower never lets anyone get too close,
and never lets anyone stay for long.
It will close back up,
and when it reopens
it will simply be a thought you once had.
As it is blown away in the wind,
you’ll see small traces of its presence left behind,
traces of what it once was.
Of what it could have been.
But you will not thank it,
For it is not truly a flower,
but only a ****.
Malia Dec 2024
A triangle block in a square hole.
I manage to fit but there’s still
Something missing.

The uncanny valley of personhood.
I blend in just enough to
Stand out.

I use it as a weapon and so do they.
Emery Feine Oct 2024
They should really invent a place where I belong.
Not one with entirely sunshine and rainbows,
God knows I've prayed too little for that,
But one where
I fit.
I don't stand out,
But I'm still my own person
And not that me that I've shown others,
Deceived them for far too long.
My fixation with belonging
It's like a need
That will never once be met.
And I'm left starved and ravenous
For just an ounce of it
And its empty calories
this is my 127th poem, written on 10/11/24
Emery Feine Oct 2024
Why do we wish that orange sunset won't ever die?
When we barely notice the normal, beautiful blue sky?
I think why we crave for the sunset to prolong
Is because the prettiest colors are the ones that don't belong
this is my 91st poem, written on 4/14/24
writteninribon Jan 2021
She’s been trapped in a memory,
Missing out on a remedy,
****** up off Hennessy,
She pretends to be what her friends believe.
Up all night, she dances with the devil,
But when she’s all alone she remembers,
She’s a lost soul – a pretender.
it feels good not to wear a mask when im with her. im consumed by all these happy feelings that i forget to pretend, and i think that's why she's the closest thing i could call home.
Kelsey Dec 2019
I made them laugh
I made them smile
I found my purpose
For a while

But they kept laughing
When I said nothing to chuckle
Then they stared and they pointed
As my knees began to buckle

"But I was useful"
That's what I thought
But a delusional clown
Fits in with naught.
Finding your place in a work setting can be difficult, especially when you're so different from your coworkers.
Eloisa Jul 2019
Yes, you are indeed right.
I’m weird and a bit strange
unconventional, odd, different.
But no,
I do not want to cut myself into pieces to suit
to your approval of what’s normal
and what’s needed.
I do not need to edit myself to fit in.
I do not need to apologize for what
and who I am.
I am strong enough to live my life in my own terms.
I dance to the beat of my own music.
It doesn’t matter if nobody understands me.
I am just being me.
I am real.
I am beautiful.
I am unique.
I am a proud misfit.
~ A co-worker asked me a week ago of what I usually do during my free time and I  answered that I read poetry and scribble some pieces most of the time. Shaking his head, my reply invited a chuckle and an eye roll  from the others as well.
Sarra Apr 2019
You want to please them.

Fit in their box.

Though your soul is too big
your dreams too wild
your feelings too strong
your sight too vast.

Though your heart is chained
your mind  blocked
your senses numbed
your visions faded.

You keep trying.

You want to belong.
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