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I often find myself choosing
The option that pleases people
Even if it doesn't
I rather not have the conflict
Of choosing something different
But because of it
I see myself
Burdened with lines and cages
Boundaries and limitations
Filled with unwanted self expectations
To fit in so I'm not left out
To avoid having to explain myself
Why am I like this
Why do I like this
And then ask myself
Why do I still feel unwanted
I put myself in this box
Even though I didn't have to
Now I will tear this box
And build a fort or castle
Just because I want to
mjad Sep 2018
It's become a routine
Letting guys use me
I settle for below my league
Or so my friends tell me
From mental disabilities
To family issues
They still get me on my knees
I don't want to be the lock
I want to be the keys
Choosing which door I fit
Not letting them unlock me
Grace Ann May 2018
Contrary to most Catholics my mother
believes in reincarnation
I clearly was a fish
bigger in my mind
longing for the ocean but trapped in the
needs of freshwater
But unlike my mind
my soul longs for puddles
I was a fish in a past life and I’m still
trying to get used to the idea that I am
now on land.

    --Is this homesickness?
I crave the unattainable.
D A W N May 2018
after all those years
chasing people and hopeless dreams
falling in love with boys
who weren't meant to be
I've convinced myself
things aren't always what they seem
I see six, you see nine
i see black, you see white
I've built walls high above the ground
And I've let them turn it down
and i kept chasing and chasing
hoping they'd finally face me
embrace me and my flaws
but no..
they drew their claws
slashing and gashing.
with gnashing jaws
i shut myself away
away from monsters
who embody my sanity
and I convinced myself
maybe i dont need people.
for the people who tell me why i dont care. this is for u :))
Aidan Apr 2018
It’s too much,
The world, the expectations.
It’s all too much.
How can you put this on a teenager
I’m still learning who I am in this world
And you put this on me as well?

Did I do something wrong for this to happen?
What can I do to fix this?
All of these stereotypes are not me,
So why are you trying to make me conform?
Why are you trying to turn me into the norm?

It’s all too much.
You expect me to do a lot of things
My life is only so long
I can only do so much
Don’t force to me to become a perfect human
Don’t force to me to be who I am not
It’s my life
And you’re making it too much to handle.

I need to figure it out on my own
Without any guidelines to hold me back.
I will reach my potential
All you need to do is allow me to succeed.
You may be surprised at what you see
You may actually be proud.

Just give me a chance
And I’ll prove to you that
I can create you’re too much,
Into a just right for me.
A personal internal struggle of fitting in and learning that not everyone can be pleased. It’s too much to think about what others may think even though it is very tempting.
Luke Mar 2018
Black coat and silver eyes,
what dances within,
you know but keep quiet,
your coat dances on wind.

Paws so silent,
no tracks left behind,
are you a ghost,
why must you hide?

The answer became clear,
upon the twilight,
you raised your head,
pulled back.

Releasing your jaw,
shoulders relaxed,
you let out a cry,
no reply came or followed.

The sound was mournful,
could it be that,
you are alone here,
in this world we call home?

Crackling twigs underfoot,
burrs caught in your coat,
fire and pain in your eyes,
what do you hide?

You want to fit in,
you seek only companionship,
but always you leave,
never have you stayed.

In the dead of night,
once again,
I hear you cry.
Lilly frost Apr 2016
Smoke and mirrors
Unforgiving sneers
Steering you through the show
Go where they say to go

Finish the play
Smoke and mirrors
Bow deep down
Smile proud

Costume off
Makeup gone
Smoke and mirrors
Mask replaced

On your bed
Close your eyes
Forget who you really are
Smoke and mirrors
Sarah Caitlyn Sep 2016
Head down
Hair up
Don’t say a word.
Walk past
Quickly now
They might see you.
Duck into class
Sink in your seat
Don’t risk it
They might see you.
Long sleeves
Mostly black
Blend into the crowd
So they won’t see you.
If they do
They’ll judge you
Every move
Every breathe
They’re judging you.
Your name is called
Just walk past
Before they notice
That you’re
not the same.
Leave behind
Any thoughts of fitting in
this is you
And if you aren’t
Completely silent
They might notice you.
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