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Debra Lea Ryan Jun 2024
The Vessel was Shattered
Long ago
So only filtered Truths
Get through

Never negating
Simply stating

(c) Debra Lea Ryan
Lost in  time and space eh! Life Happens only Time heals some wounds or you accept it is what it is and work with it eh.
(you sweet..  succulent,
                       tender  little ****..)

"I don't know what to keep
and what to throw away, Paul"

"All of it, young love..   none of it..
I mean wait..     what?"

"All's I'm saying  is..
I can finally see myself  in the
reflection, now that the mirror's
wiped clean. Problem is..  I can only
hold on to it for so long before it all
completely goes away again..

    the image of me, I mean"

"Ah. young Lovely..
the insurgent is embedded   far too
deeply  into the City  called,

'All of who it is that you are'
To engage it or try to take it out right now
is  going to create far too much
collateral damage"

"Then what am I to do..
how am I going to be able to hold on?"

"I have an idea, young love..
       Shhh..  listen--"


  "I have a  feeling
we're in Kansas anymore, Paul.."

****** right we're not, sweet one   :))


A moment in time

Black and white

The lens

Timeless the colours

Changing times
Ces Sep 2020
The Facebook zombie
Distorts its face:
Contorted, convulsing
A spasmodic smile.

Ignoring internal scars
Emotional wretchedness
Faking with gusto
What the good life is.

The Facebook zombie
Hunkers not for brains
But drools for likes
And virtual applause.

Like dazzling neon lights
Its ego shines bright
"I am the best"
"I am number one"
Says the connoisseur
Of filters and fakes!

The Facebook zombie lumbers
Towards the next bite
The next hit
Mindlessly raising its
Bony hands
As the camera sways
Finding the perfect angle.
Nicholas Mar 2020
I left the pack
Cause of too many whispers
And all of the filters.
You want the listeners
And I want the strippers
They are not prisoners
They are practitioners
Unlike you “thinkers”
You gossip like sisters.
Talking **** in your slippers
And all I hear are whimpers
From all these high up sinners
Reading made up scriptures.
Mystic Ink Plus Feb 2020
When they asked
How to write a poem?

Your soul

Feel everything
That deep
You will dissolve
Every thoughts
The words
Genre: Inspirational
Theme: Stimuli
Note: Does it make any sense?
Jojo Mike Oct 2018
Have you forgotten who you are?
Has the world changed your mind set?
Do you doubt who your father is?
Aren’t you a daughter to a king?
Why won’t you believe you’re beautiful?
You put filters on your photos
But now you have filters on your heart
So no one could see how you feel
You smile a perfect smile
But you know you are breaking apart
Your perfect life
Demands constant upgrades
Demands perfect emotions
You cut off real friends
Replace them with people
You gossip about
But its ok society demands and approves
You’re so used to filtered life
That you’ve forgotten how to live
Your emotions are filtered
That you don’t remember
How it is to feel
You are so focused
To please others
That you have forgotten
You are a kings daughter
You have abandoned your throne
To please peasants
You have forgotten your origin
But is it worth it?
You only live once
So why live a filtered life
You miss your throne
But to you picking up your crown
Means losing frenemies
To you sitting on your throne
Means feeling and living
And some how that’s a bad thing
Because society won’t approve
Dear Queen
Society is a hungry bottomless pit
It will never be satisfied
It will never approve
All it does is take
**** you dry till you’re empty
As a Queen you have so much to offer
But you can’t offer much
While you care what society thinks
You must sit on your throne
And show the Society what YOU think
Because that’s who you are
A Queen who knows her worth
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