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Being a grandmother is a beautiful gift
I became a grandmother in January.
My son's 1st child.
Sadly I have yet to hold or meet my little grandson Rex.
The girlfriend has decided that no family can meet him.
My son has decided to agree.
I raised him better than this he was so close to us and especially me.
So sad so confused never thought it would turn out like this.
I don't know what he thinks I've never done to deserve this.
I don't know why he doesn't stand up and say this is not happening.
That baby deserves to know his family.
We accepted her into our family.
She's always had some issues but this is the final straw.
Time is flying by and that little boy is growing up without our love and our spoils.
I yearn to hold him
Tell him I love him have pictures taken of us too.
It's like I say you never know what's going to happen tomorrow.
I could die tomorrow then what would happen then how would they feel.
I pray that doesn't happen.
I also pray , I meet that little beautiful boy..
A grandmother's love is special and , I hope
, I get to share that with my beautiful grandson.

© Jennifer L DeLong
Rex Emil Behr Macaulay ❤️❤️
Helena Jul 2018
when your eyes
start turning green
and the dawning sun
lays dead upon them
You will ask about my dream
And I will tell you

When words don't suffice
to fill the voided skies
Between worlds built
On separate minds
And then I'll try

When the rivers run too
And you no longer listen
Francie Lynch Jul 27
Given the choice...
There is no choice.
No alternative
To poll your voice.
Be surgical.
Be precise.
This isn't the time
For being nice.
Fight against what you know's not right.
This is the quarrel for our childrens' lives.
Bethie Jul 18
15 years later, and we came back
the same creaking door announced our arrival
wood paneling and deer antlers seemed to remember us
the same way we started to remember them
six bunk beds and wooden shelves
where I used to put my radio and listen at night
the same key chains hanging from the light strings
we sat at the same wooden table
and put together that circular puzzle that has never left my mind
we went to the river and ran in bare feet
with the same fear of snakes as we did way back then
we sat 17 around the table and ate supper
and did the dishes with boiling water
we played Dutch blitz and card games
and always took someone else with us to the outhouse
we pumped that same water out of the same red pump
and the water had black flecks like it always used to
we all lined up and jumped off the rock in the same order as always
"my name is Bethany and I'm 22"
we hopped in the truck bed and went deer spotting at night
and remembered why we were scared of bears
and I remembered how much I miss being around my sisters
I slept on the top bunk with my sister
and she didn't stick her legs under my back like she always did
we climbed up to the fire tower
and rubbed leaves on our yellow jacket stings
I wish there was a natural remedy for nostalgia
when we left, they ran to the road to say goodbye
like they always did before
and my heart felt like some of it didn't leave with me
it took 15 years, but I came back
Francie Lynch Jul 16
Would I do it all again
For the price of joy,
The debts of pain;
For the strains of love?
What would I gain?
It could never be the same.
Not better than we had before,
With entwined lives,
With all we bore.
Yes, all that,
And one day more.
I know it’s a Beatles title
Nigdaw Jul 15
I have taken my daughter
back to where she now lives
but she still calls this space
a word that describes so much
than just four walls and a roof
this is love, this is sanctuary, this is
as long as we exist on this earth
this will always be where you
Maria Jul 14
No quiero vivir donde
My people aren’t elated
Pentru să vin acasă.

I am greeted with tears in their eyes
Își iau avânt să mă întâlnesc căt mai rapid
Estoy envuelto en los abrazos más grandes.

They insist to hold my bags for me,
Una mano en mi espalda y la otra en mi equipaje
Mă ghidează la parcare.

Niciodată întreb pentru o călătorie
Una experiencia impagable por el amor que me rodea.
I always get a pang of emotions even for others experiencing the same with their family.

Never enough time
Niciodată destul timp
Nunca suficiente tiempo.
I wrote my first poem in Romanian, English and Spanish (the three languages I know) because I wanted to show how the words may come to me more easily in one language rather than the other. I tried to change up the order I used each language per line. Will continue experimenting with this. They aren’t direct translations by any means (except the last stanza), and that’s why it is special to me and anyone who speaks any of these languages, you’ll get different pieces (that make up me).
Zywa Jul 14
Read my family

story, it is a portrait --

how I see myself.
Autobiographical account "De harde kern" - 1 ("The *******" - 1, 1992, Frida Vogels) - April-May 1966 in Amsterdam

Collection "Trench Walking"
Mrs Timetable Jul 11
There is no why
For now
Only goodbye...
For now
For Logan. Rest well young man
Lazlo Mehl Jul 11
Hey there little Brother

You've left is once again, I know that this was not by choice but God needed you there, I know that you hurting, the same way we all do but you have to know this Louboy, you've won the race and now you get to see God's face, please don't be so disheartened, your mom's and dad's  are okay, you were truly special that's why God couldn't wait, for you to come back home and take up your rightful place, today we are mourning but we also celebrate the beautiful memories that we got to make, no no don't cry, dry your eyes and celebrate your life is now eternal we still have to wait. So please little brother, please prepare our place for we pray to meet you once again face to face.
Louis was only 16 when he tragically lost his life to mistaken identity. Forever broken
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