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Andrew Dec 2021
The young gypsy girl
Who fell off a cloud
That found peace
When her feet
Touched the ground

She held the sunlight
Which would burn
Golden bright
While watching over you
As you sleep
Throughout the night

Her long red hair
With her stylish dress wear
Flows down the street
Floats on thin air
ZACK GRAM Dec 2021
******* I die alone
When you rot in hell
Scream my name in prayer
Save me Zack
I'm sorry
I dealt you a bad hand Zack worse then anyone who's ever lived
I'm sorry Zack
Please rest my soul

You knew this would happen
As soon as I spoke before birth
Teaching the writing
Showing the language
ZACK GRAM Dec 2021
first ******* called smoothe
light a match
biting ankles
1st not last
Took The Riah Out of Zachariah
master achiever
master offensive
defense on play route
give me that bible back
light a match
1st not last
thats Zacktree
en-coded identity biblically
no riah no need
get rid of that talking bout the 1st
even though youre in last
ball zack aye ballazack
dime zack
big zack
number 2
The 1-The Only
fresh from the elements
light a match
ZACK GRAM Dec 2021
She loves me/// she loves me not
She loves me/// she loves me not
One pedal at a time
She loves me/// she loves me not
She loves me!!!
She loves me Yes She loves me....

Kiss me/// love me,
tell me-
I love you, I love you more....

Gas to the floor///
At the port loading the private///
Anywhere/// Anytime/// Anything....
No boundaries-
Have me feeling like a King....
No higher plains....
Alexander Dec 2021
like the bruise carefully placed on my upper thigh,
by the man who gifted me my green eyes
you affectionately caused pain in the name of

this cycle truly never ends
Zay Dec 2021
Baba tucks me into bed & I ask him to read me a story.
He tells me tales of foxes & rabbits,
Each one ending in glory.
I dream of baby bunnies with cotton tails & cottage houses,
Sneaky wolves with evil plans,
Being deceived by mouses.

Baba tucks me into bed & kisses my forehead goodnight.
We exchange our “I Love You’s” as he turns off the light.
I dream of my new school & wonder if the kids will like me,
Maybe if I pretend to be sick, Baba won’t have to take me.

I yell out to Baba “goodnight!” before closing my room door.
His footsteps keep me up at night,
Till 2 am, 3 am, 4…
I want to tell him that I’m concerned for his health,
That I love him & so much more.

I tuck Baba into bed & kiss his forehead goodnight,
Telling him tales of better days, before turning off the light…
Dedicated to my father, as we continue to watch each other grow.
aar505n Dec 2021
I saw you
As you stared at me
Two deers caught in each other headlights
As brief as a flash, blinked, and you’d miss it

I am only reminded of my heaviness when you are there
Standing – Floating – Watching
As ghostly as any ghost, then
Gone – Vanished – Nothing
I am alone, again, cursed to remain here

I tried to follow in your footsteps
Untangling, unknotting, unravelling
Myself from a generation of debt and duty
These twisted roots of familiar obligations
How did you escape such a similar situation?

I wasn’t born light, like you.
I was born heavy, brother.
I will have to earn my lightness.

Sometimes on rainy days
when the weighty pain becomes unmanageable
I find myself slipping into the tangible delusion
Of ascribing meaning to everything

That maybe you think of me as much as I think of you
That you see my pain and want to help
But it’s just too much for you right now
When you’re ready, you’ll come back to me
You’ll come back.

Sometimes the little lies we tell ourselves
Can be enough to get us through this life

But not tonight.
'He ain't heavy, he's my brother'?
More like he *is* heavy and he ain't my brother
Veemz Dec 2021
I wish I could’ve been there for you
I wish I could’ve stood up for you when he put you down
I wish I could’ve put my foot down when he raised his hand at you
I wish I understood how difficult it must’ve been to raise two kids with a monster
I wish you had the vocabulary to articulate how you feel
I wish the Indian society wouldn’t judge a single mother
I wish I never gave you a hard time when I was growing up
Although I look like him I promise I won’t be like him
I will respect my wife and never lay a hand on her
I will listen to my wife and never undermine her
I will be responsible with my money and never put my family in bad situations

But most importantly I will be a great husband and father because we never had one
Family trauma reunion
Matthew Nov 2021
Whenever relatives come
I know it's time that I put it on
So they can accept me
Restrict my speech and movement
so that I'm palatable for their one track mind
"Do you got a (insert partner of opposite gender)?"
Haven't been that lucky.

I'm so hot and sweaty
I feel like I can't breathe.
Maybe I should take it off.
Mel Nov 2021
I remember, once,
In my childhood home
There was a mean young man
Whose house was across from mine
He had no children to call his own
But five really mean dogs who
Like to give me a barking fright
My mother grew weary of their mean accusations,
So we moved, to a land far far away

I remember, once,
In my grandparents home
There was a girl my age
Whose house was down the street from mine
She had two siblings,
One young and one old
But she still treated us all the same,
A happy smile on her face
She was my best friend for only a year
Her only causality is she didn't move with me

I remember, once,
In our brand new home,
How I knew nobody there, not a soul
I was the new kid, over five years ago
And it's never left me
Since I was twelve years old
I made friends, lost friends, dated a whole bunch
But my happiness was never
Up to code
Never up to standard
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