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Gideon Mar 8
I think I’m an *******. What’s my excuse?
Well, it came from my parents’ emotional abuse.
Their parents before them. And theirs before them.
So, there! That’s my reason for not being a gem.
But reasons and excuses have nothing to say
To protect you from criticism at the end of the day.
That's a beautifully odd name
What does it mean?
It means I was born
For the simple reasons
No one understands
Relationships can exist or not. Both for trivial reasons, they can either stay or walk away. Make it a good reason. No child should ever feel insignificant.
Raven Kuhn Jan 29
you say you can’t say beautiful things, but you do—
yet they’re leaving me hurt, and broken and confused.
in loving the way you hold me after it’s defused
is like some *******’s fantasy; i see the beauty
in “modesty:”

modesty | ˈmɒdɪsti | noun [mass noun]
your praise for my self-hatred.

you say you can’t make beautiful things, but you will.
your art is a luxury most can’t define
except when they’ve been through the same,
but they haven’t, so they lie! and pretending
is easier than admitting they want out,
but i could never do that to you.

you say you can’t do beautiful things, but you could.
they say actions are louder than words, and
you claim you’re bound to a chair.
“with wheels?”
“no, they’re braked.”
i guess your arms don’t work either, because
when I ask if maybe I could hold your hand
so that I can stand, you use them
to push me away.

you say you can’t say beautiful things, but you do—
because I think you broke me, too,
as someone else did to you.
After steel tulips’ “I Wish I Could Say Beautiful Things, But I Can’t.”
V3NUS Jan 13
excuse me?
... why?
"I saw you talking to all those other boys, you didn't report them"
Noah, Gus, Josiah, and Carwyn?
they sit at my table, I have to talk to them
I had to talk to you
"that doesn't explain why you don't report them"
that's easy, they havent--and will never do--what you did
"how do you know that?"
Noah knows better, we both know that
Carwyn is scared of me
and my mom knows Gus and Josiah's moms
"why don't you talk to me anymore?"
because you made me uncomfortable
and i'm not taking my chances
"but I won't do it again, I promise"
you had your chance and you blew it
"but... you still talk with Gus and Noah"
they didn't make me uncomfortable
and they were on my side
"but you said you had to talk to them"
and I had to talk to you
but you took it too far
STORY TIME!!! in sixth grade I was sexually harassed by a kid in my science class. I told my parents and my parents reported him to the grade's assistant principal (each grade has one at my school). At each table in science there were four people. the one I was sitting at before was me, Gus, Noah, and the kid who harassed me. I was moved to a new table, which was me, a girl, Josiah, and Carwyn. I spoke to Josiah and Carwyn because I had to and continued to talk to Gus and Noah so the kid got jealous and this conversation followed.
Steve Page Oct 2024
Obstacles are inspirations
Hurdles are made for jumping
Walls are built to climb
There's no need for hesitation

Voices in my head.
G Vermeulen Aug 2024
Here I am
Sitting at a simple desk
With a simple light
And a simple book next to me

The bookmark is sticking out on page 10
And in order to move it further
I will have to read
I will have to work
I will have to put my mind to it


But life is the same
I feel like that bookmark
Someone has to move me
But doesn’t put their mind to it

I am next to that person
On their simple desk
Under their simple light
Located in a simple book

Why am I left there
Stranded between words
A complete standstill
Because of someone else’s excuses
Ruheen Aug 2024
i don't know anything
but i'm young
i have an excuse

you're older
you say you know better
but you know nothing
what's your excuse?

you say you know me better
but if you really did
then you'd never want to see me again

see, i don't know anything
because i'm young
so just excuse all of the above
i just told you my excuse

or so everyone says
when they justify what i do
what other young people do
then turn around and fault us for being young

i don't know if i like it
if i'm supposed to feel relieved or insulted
sometimes both

you see, there's the kind, comforting "you're young, you'll learn"

the exasperated, tired-of-you "oh my god, you're young"

the condescending, i-know-better-than-you "you're so young"

the i-wish-i-was-you, "i can't believe how young you are"

the unsolicited, let-me-give-you-some-advice "you're young right now"

and then the hesitant, i'm-not-qualified-for-this-and-i'm-bullshitting "you're know..."

i might have missed some
let me know
i just know that ageism is a real plague to our society
it's time things change

Hahahaha I'm kidding. Maybe. Not really.

Call me young.
I am.
There's nothing I can do about it.
I'm going to stay young for as long as I am young.
What good comes out of growing up too fast?
So call me young.
Until I'm not.

I will use it as an excuse for as long as I can.
Remember, I'm young.
Malia Mar 2024
You’re right—
I’m just making excuses.
Why am I so 𝘵𝘪𝘳𝘦𝘥
All of the time?

“You get more sleep
Than 99 percent
Of your friends,”
You said.

So doesn’t that mean
I am supposed to be

“Be happy,”
I say to myself
In my head.

I am supposed to be

But I am not,
And all I have left
Is excuses.

And yet,
Why do I look for more?

I want somebody
To tell me
That you are not right.

But I know you are.
Jeremy Betts Dec 2023
Why do I feel the need to explain myself to myself
Using preloaded excuses from myself for myself then toward myself
Feels impossible to keep myself safe from myself
In the attempts to escape myself I've lost myself
What's it going to take to save myself from myself?
The endless battle with my mental health, fighting myself despite myself
Do I even know myself well enough to know if I should save myself?
Why, at times, do I want to be someone else?
These are the things I ask myself...
...I tell myself to keep it too yourself

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