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Zywa Feb 2019
I don't wait for the bus
I'm already on my way
it's the Eve

a little busy in the street
everyone's wearing their best
shoes, polished for the feast

Open curtains, tables laid
chuckles and soft music
people will be at home tonight

The candles are dancing around us
the big loaves smell of peace
we have no questions now

The decorated bus
has clean seats
on which no one died

There are pigeons fluttering up
and three angels above the stores
are blowing their buisines
“Three angels” (1970, Bob Dylan)

Collection “The migration”
An apple, they say
But why Eve?
Was it a woman who first saw
Lies beyond God’s command?
Was it a woman who first decided
Not to follow blind orders above?
Free will, they say
Yet He was angry at her.

Hey, Eve,
What was it like ?
Tasting knowledge at the first hand
Were the devil’s promises
I think so too.
a prose about an apple, from an old collection.
nja Jan 2019
Embarrassed at her crude, superficial motivations she continues. This is a hidden therapy she’s toying with. She thinks she isn’t any good. She doesn’t know as many words as he does.
Comparison is her damnation.
Look at her, she’s plastered herself to the floor.
Immobile, she can’t even reach the glass ceiling threshold.
He slithers away, contented.
I explore the reasons I started writing poetry again. Realising, it was to impress a boy who is a poet himself it led me to this take on Adam & Eve and original sin.
LearnfromBOBD Dec 2018
I saw you in my dream
You came through indeed
What’s the hell is this
Is New Year Eve, 2019
that I can see
Coming down from the hills
Pete King Dec 2018
Smooth down the next clean page
As you bid this chapter farewell.
The story of life isn't easy to write,
But there's still so much left to tell.

So, take a breath for composure,
And spend every moment this year
Creating a tale to leave readers in awe
And your grandkids bored-to-tears.
Happy New Year! Huge thank you to everyone who has taken the time to read any of the stuff that I've made over the last year.
Zywa Dec 2018
Enough is enough
We tie a bow around the old
year and share wishes

"don't think too much
of days to come
because your feet will always stand in the present"

happy to be
with our neighbours
at home where we live

nothing special
everything just

For Christel Huilmand and Benny Berson #1

Collection "Summer birds"
Pete King Dec 2018
I stopped striving for the perfect year,
Because my concept of "perfection" was flawed.
I was chasing a scenario in which,
I could go a full rotation of the sun
without anything going astray,
All my dreams being fulfilled.

This search for perfection,
Was like looking at a window,
And being annoyed because
All I could see was a sheet of glass.

But, I decided to alter my desires;
Try to live single year in hopes of good autobiography.

To say yes more often.
And say no when needed.
To relish in successes.
And learn from mistakes.
To love without exception.
And to be kind without expectation.
To revel in every single wonderful moment as they come,
And not letting their fleeting nature feed the bitter parts of me.

Don't chase the perfect year.
Chase an amazing story.
Leave readers captivated.
And your grandkids bored-to-death.
Michael Ryan Dec 2018
Merry Christmas Eve.
Merry Christmas Eve.

If I said holiday cheers one more time
it'd become redundant,
but to each of you
that chance upon this--
know that if I could
I would wish you a thousand splendid
Christmas Eves.

I would become the chain
children make in school
counting down the days till Christmas.

I'd become the warm smiles
with hands holding
even warmer coco
to keep you toasty; tis the season.

I'd bring fresh pine scent
and logs for the fire,
these will be here
to bring the aura of the holidays to your home.

I may not be a rich man,
more near to those you see
pitching for spare change;
this would never stop me
from finding you a gift to cherish.

I would give you all the time
you ever wanted and needed,
because I know that around the holidays
we all need a little bit more care.

Merry Christmas Eve.
For everyone out there, sincerely, from me to you I heartfully ❤ wish you the best holidays, and
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