Merry Christmas Eve.
Merry Christmas Eve.
If I said holiday cheers one more time
it'd become redundant,
but to each of you
that chance upon this--
know that if I could
I would wish you a thousand splendid
Christmas Eves.
I would become the chain
children make in school
counting down the days till Christmas.
I'd become the warm smiles
with hands holding
even warmer coco
to keep you toasty; tis the season.
I'd bring fresh pine scent
and logs for the fire,
these will be here
to bring the aura of the holidays to your home.
I may not be a rich man,
more near to those you see
pitching for spare change;
this would never stop me
from finding you a gift to cherish.
I would give you all the time
you ever wanted and needed,
because I know that around the holidays
we all need a little bit more care.
Merry Christmas Eve.
For everyone out there, sincerely, from me to you I heartfully ❤ wish you the best holidays, and