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My Dear Poet Sep 2021
It’s the end of the world, as we know it
So hurry, hold me close and we can slow it

Beneath a burning sky, lets hold the other
Forget the fights and heartaches, my lover

Meet me down that alley, where we first met
where the fire hasn’t spread there yet

Let us speak the things that remain unsaid
and sit our hearts down, inside our head

Can I call you ‘my wife’, before the end?
There may not be a morrow, but we can pretend

Let’s find a church before they’re burned to the ground
Make our vows before the sky falls down

Take my hand and run through the streets
Sing our love before the chaos proceeds

Play the tune that we’ll always remember
dance beneath a red moon, now or never

The world may think we're a little mad
yet, it’s the best of days we’ve ever had

You and I, my love, are forever
it’s not over till we’re over
Natasha Bailey May 2019
Past says final farewell,

To all things that make me unwell,

To all the hate I ever felt,

To all the love I never (held)

and Farewell
Manic Brilliance May 2018
I have strived for years to become the perfect soul.
not in the ways that you may think, I have chosen to become cold, til the final toll, the beckoned call, I shall accept the righteous fall.

Am tied to memories of bitter cries, til my own eyes, perceived the basilisk bitter sighs, to no suprise, I will call upon the night.

Become what I must this powerful lust of a creature that is raised from dust, the calling of a shadowed bust, a skull that's faded in whitened rust.

Death is nigh for all around, but not from me, I see no ground, there will be no shedding of the tears, as I no longer will feel those that are near and will be released from any fear. Do not seek me out for only you will be found.

Destroyer upon the voyaged seas, crash upon the sirens' plea, ripped from the vessel mercilessly, as my name is called the serpents flee, against the fallens' last decree, you will never be set free.

Of desolation within prismatic eyes, a shallowed breath of discouraged sighs, I hear not the children's cries, crimson skies and broken lies, humanity will see it's demise.

Worlds appear to crumble from a chaotic sound of thunder, awakening all into eternal slumber, from your vessel I shall plunder the souls of every father, child and mother and in my wake all shall shudder as heaven and hell will be left asunder.
Find the hidden message
I watch you
as you lick your fingers
and laugh at the funny man on your cellphone
while the clouds above your head
outside the taco bell are not real
while you breathe in the poisons you can't see

I watch you
as you dance in the fairytale of non disclosure
that the box displays
that the news portrays
the fictional truth
the yodeling boy in Walmart
while pleas from those who see the truth
fade like the voices of trees and bees
and empty seas

I watch you
as you shed tears for a dying love
but close your heart to a dying planet
the clock ticking
the hours wane

I watch you
picking out the last car you will own
working so hard to get that promotion
and you know you're so much better
as you ponder sugar substitues

through red and tired eyes
tears loaded with nano particles and other poisons
I watch you drown in your blindness
your sad brainwashed life
your own slow suicide

tonight, before you begin your final sleep
open your eyes just wide enough to see
you could have stopped this
feeling particularly dark today - I guess I'm just getting tired of internalizing
Apollo Hayden Nov 2016
Must've been a glitch in the matrix
Cuz all of these faces are all starting to look the same to me.
Caught up in their fears of tomorrow, lowering their vibrations,
How will you ever make it to 5D?
It'll take more than a board to surf these waves,
more than fog lights to clear all this haze,
from the heart and the head is where it all vibrates so become aware of what's in front of you to see what your subconscious mind is trying to say.
From head we project what we see, just like a movie screen, we are the directors unaware of the rolls we play; thoughts creating our realities everyday.
Hearing echoes from Obama saying we need to believe in change; listening to Micheal as I stare at the man in the mirror, remembering where it starts first.
It can't be done if it ain't from the heart first,
the war can't be won if you don't put God first because there's a shift on the horizon.
As I write these lines time is speeding up while some still on the dark side of their mind hiding from self.
We can build heaven here on earth, or we can choose to remain in a hell.
The trumpets are blowing, in this age of knowing
Jacob's finally breaking out of his sleeping spell.
Read the signs and know that it is high time to rise up and rebel.
GaryFairy Aug 2016
so ****** doomed, destiny defeated
we need what we please, not what is needed
searched for something new and never succeeded
we even said please and begged and pleaded

there can't be no doomsday deleted
we cheat each other, it's we who are cheated
more reckless reasoning is repeated
can't stop the cycle, nearly completed
Wrote this a few years ago...i know the word completed isn't used properly
Brent Kincaid Aug 2016
If you were the only
Girl in the world
And I were the only boy.
It would be the end of
The human race.
Not another baby would
Ever grace this place.
The Garden of Eden
Would never had been
If I were the only boy.

Nothing much would matter
In the whole world today.
We would all know when
The  race would waste away.
Oh, for sure, we'd have fun
And  end of times rituals
Much of what we did would
End up being quite ******.
Fun and games just because
There ends up being no point.
But still in the end you would
Possibly not feel much joy
If I were the only boy.

If I were the only boy
in the world
And you were the only girl.
Unless you've kept a secret
From the gays of the world
You will be crying as the only girl.
I could take you dancing
With the other boys.
You will surely not want
To play with their toys.
I won't mind helping you
Give your hair a good curl
But, that's all I'll have for
The world's only girl.
Ashlie Lozano Aug 2016
Army, where is your voice? It's time for us to break the silence, no more passive compliance.

It's time to let the world know of our home, I will no longer hide behind a poem.

I will not hide my faith for your acceptance, I am a stranger in this land of deception.

Army, where is your voice? Let them know of your choice. I walk the narrow way, I am no stranger to God's grace.

Choose this day, to show you're not ashamed of His name. I was lost but now I'm found, scream it out loud.

Jesus is the only way to escape this world's fate.

I offer you an ark to escape the flood, I'm showing you the way to escape Armageddon before it has begun.

Army, where is your voice? Choose ye this day, what will be your choice?
IsReaL E Summers Jan 2016
He knows to stay away.
His nature holds him sway.
But hunger holds to thirst.
And Blood has quenched the first.
A white lie'n the pride of the Savannah
A gentle lamb, who's name is Hannah.
O'God reign heavenly manna!

We eat in Peace.
Though wars never cease.
Body vs soul heart vs mind

— The End —