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Melanie Feb 25
all I know how to do is love
my bones ache to care
and I'm not sorry for trying
even if you didn't deserve it
I deserve the chance
Nick Legg Dec 2024
When a book is worn, it's safe to assume it's been loved by many.
This year made me understand that the same should not be said for people.
Love should not wear you down, it shouldn't tear or wrinkle your pages.
I deserve to be treated like an autographed first edition.
Loved in such a way that I forget what it was like to collect dust on a shelf.
A love that smooths out the pages and appreciates every word that makes my story.
If filling the gap
Between the man I am
And the one you deserve
Isn't enough reason to
Get up in the morning
Then I don't know
What ever will
I like to think I'll get there...
Jeremy Betts Sep 2024
I have no tongue left to bite
A gruesome sight
It's been cannibalized
From accepting your lies
That hit a raw nerve
"That's what I deserve"
You know that's on my mind
Hit with my own issues on the side that's blind
You take advantage of my choice
Willfully giving up my voice
But now this one sided desire
You set on fire
And blame it on me
Because it's so...

maria Sep 2024
you laughed at my anger
I took it as a sign
a sign you didn't care
didn't understand me

but I was the one who didn't understand
I was the one who took your laughter as disrespect
it was just you trying
trying to calm down my flames

you were only trying to fix me
fix what's going to happen next
change it so it doesn't get bad
you were the one understanding me

I just took it as
as something I can't explain
but you can clearly explain it

break it down and explain it to me
that's what I admire but I also misunderstand you so much
I don't deserve you
I really don't...
Amanda Kay Burke Sep 2024
I listen to point of view
Eyelids opened so wide
I never see until too late
Thoughts moseying through your mind
I hear your message with ears
Try practicing what you preach
So I witness joy cover your face
Gentle ways you cannot seem to teach
When fingers lace together
Forget our friction for awhile
Avoiding conflict best as I can
Still fail to make you smile
Refuse to learn from mistakes
Present is clouded by dread
Human histories breed hesitation
Future is dangling from a thread
Tired of being the erroneous one
Doomed to displease from the start
Afraid of ruining intimacy
How easily I fall apart
When you're less than perfect
Stop treating you like the enemy
The truth is I don't deserve you
Swear I'll change and become a better me
I am changing although it's hard to see sometimes
Amanda Kay Burke Sep 2024
I am terrified to fall in love with you
Know how easily I can break
Say it is worth the risk
Don't get how much is at stake
Got fantasies frolicking in skull
Pills do not make me feel as great as you
I don't dare succumb to effects
Fairytales are too good to be true
That little voice whispering
To try again and be brave
My longing is stifled by past events
When I last let my resolve cave
Can I find strength to take the plunge?
Leap off cliff to uncharted depths below?
Without harness or safety net to catch
Unwilling to allow myself to sink that low
Help cut tethers trapping me in this place
Give anything to feel free once more
My fear holds me captive inside a prison
I can't seem to find the door
You make falling appear easy
With snap of fingers head over heels
Icy heart has been frozen for so long
Can barely remember how being alive feels
I wish I could forget sorrow
Brought by mention of a familiar name
Remind myself that you are different
Still worry it will end the same
It does not seem fair for you to give your all
Equal effort expected in return
I am simply unable to reciprocate
Love and consideration for which you yearn
I want to but I don't know how to anymore
Aditya prajapat Sep 2024
I feel sorry for those men who beg for love
Or shed tears
Are ready to sacrifice everything for a woman
The man who knows how to surrender
deserves more than love
They get less.
Jeremy Betts May 2024
I don't deserve her
She deserves better
Didn't know you could experience a record skip with a paperback chapter
Forever risking this status of together

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