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Mystic Ink Plus Feb 2018
Temper of truth
Momentum of energy
Healing silence
Translated smile,
Whistle in the dark
Non Judgemental
Breathing a common ground
Removing difference
Perceive beauty anywhere
Murmur against a thought
Once in a lifetime
Start leading a life, free of fear
Chords awaked
Conscious living
With a third eye
Forgotten language
How to rhythm, what to say.........
Keep ego free
Never let it to be tamed

Fabricated, all just a dream.
Genre: Abstract
Shared from my Anthology, Canvas: Echoes and Reflections, 2018.

couldn’t resist a minute more.


I again…

After six months sober


in this pain I know all too well.

Ten years lost to this drug, my veins ache for.

First breath in the morning and last thought at night all consumed by it,

Every cell in me craves it.

That physical euphoria my body portraits.

Feels like someone has poured pure joy into every single muscle and fiber of my being.

It makes me feel so content

I am literally in love the entire world.

Every single bit of me is singing and buzzing with life and love.

It’s like the ecstasy of *******. That first, blissful, pleasurable pulsation of endorphin's and serotonin.

Is what I feel when I first take LOVE.

And then,

And then, the honeymoon stage is over.

Fights erupt,

never-ending debates,



no trust,



“I’m done”

Again, it feels like a part of my soul is leaving my body.

Again, sitting here numb.

A toxic love

I’m addicted too,

And there’s no way around it.

It’s already deep intertwined with my veins.

Yet no matter the toxic tragic event that happened before, I sit here, and I want nothing more than to spend my life next to this soul.

To see his eyes unchanged as the skin around it wrinkling and old, is what my heart will always desire, to stare at those eyes for the rest of eternity.

Dead air…

So here I’ll wait, until you decided to come into my life again and repeat this déjà vu.
Gale L Mccoy Jan 2018
déjà vu in each word
I have never written before
as if I was meant to write
all this
a long long time ago
vanzilla Nov 2017
You’re the closest thing in my mind.
Or the most familiar heartbeat—uninvited yet throbs.

Maybe, maybe you were there before,
in those blurred, blank spaces of my memory lane.
Praying, just earnestly waiting
to contain me in
your poetry.

Your shape, your skin, your voice
seems a revisit of the past.
Where I’m sure, out there
the universe conspires
to meet us halfway,
promising that
we already are
both part of
one another
a multiverse existence,
where realities slip through
the hourglasses of time,

memory is a sweet drizzle,
originating from the clouds of conscience,

an atmosphere made of nostalgia,
and we are the floating planet.

the galaxies are unknown and untouched,
we bloom and wither in this cataclysm of life

but I recollect all this,
from a beautiful dream with eyes open,

so was it a deja vu?
or my hands just slipped of this typewriter.
Abby Jo Sep 2017
My heart got excited
Then got let down
Decided not again
Until you came around.

My heart got excited
Then got let down
Never again, not this time around.
Niklaus Sep 2017
Sitting alone in a park
and a familiarity sent
chill inside your spine
like a spark; the sudden
even playing in front
you took you to your
tomorrow, and all you
could think of is a
vivid memory of your
the warm home you
came from; the vague
feelings took over
soon as you heard a
song and surprising
noises of the children
playing at the other
side; you never felt
so nostalgic with it
"I feel like this thing
Happened before?"
you thought and
your girlfriend came;
everything vanished.

—Deja Vu

you arrived your home,
exhausted and hungry
Yourself felt detached
with everything inside
The home was unheated;
it has been years after
your parents died from
sickness and accident;
Your chest felt heavy
and an overwhelming
feeling oozes down
like what you have felt
awhile ago at the park;
uneasy with the tight
unnamed feelings, you
felt negativity inside;
the detachment tires
your whole being more
and you will see yourself
crying to release the
uninvited feelings

—Jamais Vu
Aaron LaLux Aug 2017
I can’t remember to forget you,
I can’t forget to remember you,

I can’t remember to forget,
I can’t forget to remember,

I can’t remember to,
I can’t forget to,

I can’t remember,
I can’t forget,

I can’t,
I can’t,


I remember,
you told me to watch Memento,
that must of been over two decades ago,

it’s interesting how we remember little trivial things,
from years ago,
but somehow we sometimes forget important things,
that happen moments ago,

Selective memory is a thing,
and so is selective amnesia,
I suppose in some ways my memories of you,
are kept inside me as personal mementos,

I miss you,
I miss the life we never had together,
I miss you massive fridge,
I miss our days in Bali,

I miss making love,
with you like you were the only person in the world,
and I mean that honestly,
because in those moments you were the only person,

the only person,
that showed me hope,
the only person,
that showed me love,

when I met you I was a street kid,
I had no money and no class,
but you took me under your angel wings,
and I will always remember that,

I can’t remember to forget you,
I can’t forget to remember you,

I can’t remember to forget,
I can’t forget to remember,

I can’t remember to,
I can’t forget to,

I can’t remember,
I can’t forget,

I can’t,
I can’t,


I know,
that you’re married now,
happily in fact,
and I’m not trying to mess with that,

please don’t take these words,
as an invitation of any sorts,
I wish you all the best this world has to offer,
because honestly that’s what you deserve,


I love you,
I can not deny that in any way,
but that love,
is so far beyond this physical plane,

I know how dysfunctional I am,
and I’ve given up all hopes in making a family,
so when I see that you are married,
I truly pray to God that that marriage for ever after progresses happily,

and actually,
I only wrote this to tell you that I finally saw Memento,
and I don’t even if you remember telling me to watch it,
I guess that’s part of what Selective Memory Loss is,

or rather selective amnesia,

anyways whatever I’ll just get back to what I was doing,
so that you can get back to what you were doing,
which is continuing to live this life and create this memories,
or erase these memories either way I hope you get whatever you’re pursing,

I can’t remember to forget you,
I can’t forget to remember you,

I can’t remember to forget,
I can’t forget to remember,

I can’t remember to,
I can’t forget to,

I can’t remember,
I can’t forget…

∆ Aaron LA Lux ∆

author of multiple best selling poetry books.
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