...whence? I know, I know, you've the florist's packet of preservative mixt for your cut flowrs don't you? Good luck.
Lo, tulip capes so thickly clustered they'll
Ne'er blossom, like sardines is it from hence?
Wait greenly by the back stoop for a sense
Of April in the wings. And jonquils' hale
Green tendrils wait likewise for that detail
I guess, as maids whose innocent suspense
We fail to notice, full of vain pretense'
Auld lies as if such might at last avail.
Girls have been known as flowrs, since oh, in tour
God's Scriptures told us that, I spose. Aye, do
Men ink laments of this or that as twere
It's thus: "...her virgins, pure, deflowrd--" they knew.
These latter days we are taught lies, (in poor
'Scuse know by instinct) and cut flowrs down too.
*NOTE: googling Wordsworth's invocation and tribute to heady "jonquils" supposedly they're our daffodils. That two-beat term was more useful and etc. in L4. Ls 11-12: I can't recall whose line and sonnet that is.