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Man Feb 15
You guys really messed up that message-
Do you have the postage? Addresses?

The records & reports
For what you purport?
Are all the passages
Just rewritten, or
Pages overwritten?
Perhaps overlooked?

No longer properly understood?

Is the truth lurking out there,
Buried under heaps of rubble,
Covered by mud & dirt.

Wipe the muck off.

Through the weeds & brush,
Thorn & thrush,
Slash the vine & burn the bush;
Get looking.
Man Feb 13
It's more than simply what you typed,
What you spoke over the phone;
It's how you've done it
Down to every detail,
From the face you made
To each little keystroke.
The trends, the habits, & routines
By which you live your life by;
Tagged with geolocation & time.
Nowadays, there's even more devices
Like the phone or speaker or television;
Like satellite, transmitter, receiver.
There's a tag on your ear
By which you're known by-
It's just not what you go by, chattel.
Man Feb 13
There's talk of rules in a capitol,
Whispers around Moscow
Of how to act clandestinly.

On how to move in the shadows,
Of acting without notice & silently.
On how to avoid & evade,
Of how to deflect & debate.
On how to turn people over,
Of how to churn up info.
On how to survive the living
Of an actor of a foreign agency.

There's talk of rules in a capitol,
Whispers around Washington
Of how to get away with things.
Orion Mistral Dec 2024
Exotic flair dances in screaming hues,
Sensual stench beguiles with spiced odour.

Welcomed strangers crave tamed adventures,
Staring spiteful, shocked at ordinary extremes.

Mother, limit your daughter – in the name of love.
Father, torpedo your son – in service to the family.
Family, direct the daughters – for the call of their fathers.
Love, sabotage the sons – for the sake of their mothers.

Religion, preaching freedom, chains
its limbs to bones and brainstems.
Shadi, rupee, social media
replace Vishnu, Brahma, Shiva.

Exquisite journeys in a shadowed dream.
What a thrill – At such a bill.
Sarah Richardson Dec 2024
Webs of stories form beliefs,
influencing actions,
creating a concept of me—
until I become myth.

A synthesis of cells,
speaking electric tongues,
a possession of matter
by patterns that think.

Through a brain and a spine
and everything between,
a unity emerges:
scattered fragments
woven whole.

Interactions form bonds,
all the way up, all the way down.
Outside and within:
culture consuming society,
society consuming self.

Self devours body,
body devours mind,
biology consumes chemistry,
chemistry consumes physics,
down to quantum foam.
Lizzie Bevis Dec 2024
Their eyes ignite
With every word,
Each gesture met,
Each story heard.
They lean in close,
They catch each breath,
Captivated between
Each life and death.

Like sunflowers tracking
The morning light,
They watch and follow,
The characters plight.
No greater gift
Could the heavens send
Than souls who yearn
To comprehend.

©️Lizzie Bevis
Madison Tomes Dec 2024
Time burns so bright
Candles in a red room
Skin on skin in blackness
The flame eats, it destroys the wax
Climbing and clinging to the silk

Time burns so bright

He wears his rags so highly
Day one day two and nightly
Sun rises and his head falls
A dull thump against the floor

Time burns so bright
I roll over and i groan
Morning was way too soon
Night always seems too late
A sharp pain in my skull  reminds me

Time burns way too bright
Mr Silence Dec 2024
I find it difficult to breathe these days
with your absurd ideas and beliefs
your secular and capitalist culture
it bothers me, still you refuse to listen
you refuse to pay attention to others
because you’re stuck in this illusion
where you are the main character
your life is more important than others
and your way is the only way to live

it’s as simple as an ax cutting skill
wood chopping to board cutting
yet, you don’t respect others
your savior complex
tribal mindset
you must

still, you leave us with no option
because you think you’re Galileo
the father of science, the savior
of his descendant of geniuses
it must be really hard to see
your wrongs about life  
stuck with those
who are

when I look to the left
when I look to the right
they all seem the same
one a wolf
one a fox
with the same intent to ****
no Sheepdog
and only sheep
waiting to be killed
Capitalism, Secularism, America, Identity, etc.
Maha Mar 2019
I wonder quite often
If it's like feeling sunshine on your arms and legs
After being slowly frozen
While being taught white history
If it's like putting on traditional clothes
And strutting proudly around town
If it's like cool water
Tickling your scalp
After this week's hottest day of the century
Is it the feeling you get when you've finally got new tires
And 65 down the toll road late at night
Feels just as smooth as the bass rumbling in your spine
Is it the same as letting go of someone
Who didn't understand
You needed a much bigger ***
So you could really bloom into the flower you knew you were
Perhaps one day I'll know
Till then, I have to be home by 9.
this one is from my days in grade school. she was just tired
showyoulove Nov 2024
Open and broken
Love was spoken

Come back to the place
Of forgiveness and grace

Come back to me and be healed
Come to me and find truth revealed

I will always take you back
Find in me what you lack

I am crazy in love with you
I'm not too good to be true

It is the greatest story ever told
Already more than 2000 years old

You just met me and this is crazy
But I love you. Please call me daily

You are my beloved, you I want to bless
It's a love story, child just say: Yes

My love for you is fiercer than a hurricane
Once you feel it you will never be the same

I was broken so I could make you whole
I will heal your beat up and broken soul

All for you I was crucified
Because of you I freely died

I can lead you to the living water, but I can't make you drink
In faith, walk on water. I'll catch you if you start to sink

I am dying just to meet you
I pray that one day, I will greet you

I love you now and forever without end
In courage and compassion, to the world I send

I am in your corner; I will help you fight
And when you are lost, I will be your light

I rejoice for you are alive, no longer dead
In your hunger, I will keep you fed

The blind will see, the lost are found
The lame will walk, mute are filled with sound

The angels sing a heavenly chorus
When we pray for others as they pray for us

The act of forgiveness is truly freeing
Know the unbearable lightness of simply being

It is enough for me just to glow in your presence Lord
As, for an hour or so, I sit, and we are of one accord

For a moment our hearts beat in harmony
As with saints and angels I am in your company

Lord, please come fill this longing deep inside
Flood me with you, as you break me open wide
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