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Forgotten traces of a pencil – I’ve been built
by words; public reputation is the means of
being good at your own public relations.
As love’s repetition is loving those you’ve
fallen in love with, off the pages of life rather
than the scripts of perfected fiction.

And to believe your love is perfect is to rival
God's – where you become your own judge;
biased as much, for the flesh desires to feed
only itself; the flesh isn’t the perfection of love.

For everyday of life is the day for all equal dogs,
moral or uncouth,  posterity rests its favour –
Still a dog must know not to bite the hand that
feeds it; as it seeks the hand’s favour – wouldn’t
we all like to find favour in the hands of our Creator,

What are dogs to their Creator?
Gideon Mar 8
Art is a lesson for both its creator and those who admire it.
With every soft brushstroke, carefully selected synonym,
or drawn out note, the artist learns a new way to create,
a new way to evoke emotion from others by ripping it
straight out of their own chest. An artist can do this with
a graceful combination of ease and effort. Those who see
the canvas, read the pages, or listen to the melody, are only
able to grasp the pieces of the pain that are reflected within
their own souls. Inside, we are all fragments of the same
shattered mirror. Its glass once reflected only the face of God,
but now it reflects parts of us. Does it still show God’s visage?

Are we God’s art? Were we a lesson for the all-knowing? Does
even our creator learn from our mistakes, flaws, imperfections?
In the garden where the earth’s soft sighs meet the sky’s eternal gaze,
Ladybirds, small as dreams, flutter through the tender haze.
Their wings, delicate as the soul’s first awakening,
Carry whispers from the Divine, silently, unshaken.

And butterflies, like thoughts that pass through the heart’s door,
Glide upon the winds, seeking the sacred shore.
Their wings, a tapestry of fleeting grace,
A reflection of the Light that guides our place.

O’ seeker, do you measure the Infinite by what your eyes behold?
Do you seek the Divine in the vast, the bright, the bold?
The Lord is found in the humblest of forms,
In the ladybird’s flight, in the butterfly’s storms.

What is size, if not an illusion born of the dust?
In every flutter, in every breath, there is trust.
For the Eternal is hidden in the smallest of things,
In the tiniest creature, the light that sings.

Look not for God in places far or high,
He is the flutter of wings, the tear in the eye.
He is in the moment, in the breath of the leaf,
In the fleeting joy, in the quiet grief.

In every ladybird, in every butterfly,
The Divine stirs and spreads its wings to fly.
O’ heart, know this—size means naught to the One,
For in the smallest breath, the Universe is spun.

So let the dance of the ladybird be your guide,
And the butterfly’s flight, your spirit’s stride.
For the Divine is not measured, not caught by the eye—
He is the breath of the soul, the wings that fly.
Tiny Ladybirds and Butterflies 20/12/2024 © All Rights Reserved by Jamil Hussain
There’s a novel in which I’ve been caught
But my storyline’s tied in a knot
Come villain or lover
I’m drawn to discover
The author who penciled my plot
Before I go,
Let me express my last gratitude
To those who enjoyed my company
And those who were always true
Before I go,
Let me share my laughter
To all those jokes that we shared
For us to entertain one another
Before I go,
Let me embrace you for the last time
Let the warmth of my body
Get us through these cold nights
Before I go,
Let me pray to my creator
To seek forgiveness for my sins
And mercy for what comes later
Something I have pondered about
Luca Scarrott Oct 2024
Pressed against you like paper and ink
through the rolls of a printer.
Stories read to children
to help them sleep at night.

The author’s prized creation:
solar systems of endless
chances repeated
with each bursting supernova.

We could have a sky:
habitable or raining diamonds
or the catalysts for life ready to procreate.
Chemical reactions fusing into flames.

We are a fragile anomaly
of lives and worlds colliding.
We are words printed
across this infinite universe.
The conflicting feelings of a relationship (romantic or platonic) being intentionally aligned by a creator and the coexisting feeling that your lives are part of an uncontrollable chemical reaction, and every moment is a game of chance.
MetaVerse Aug 2024
Since Jesus Christ is God, and I am not;
Since I am not my own creator, I,
Adam, shall seek no more to justify
Myself; for every tittle, dot, and jot
Has been fulfilled by Christ who's God of all,
The Adam hitherto I could not be,
The faithful Adam faithful now in me,
Adam redeemed and lifted from the fall.

The God of all the gods of nature, earth,
The kosmos, hades, greed, lust, war, and death,
Whose word is life, whose life is breath, whose breath
Inspires the wind that seeds the second birth,
Is Sin's Exterminator, Death's Decease,
Judgment, Forgiveness, Mercy, Love, and Peace.

Jeremy Betts Jul 2024
A part of me is left behind every door that closes
Like a mourning loved one, I leave roses
Another chunk of me is stolen by future pretend friends
Right when I step through the convenient door they told me always opens
With every new venture a strand of hope ends

Mark Wanless Jul 2024
the time of peace is
in my mind only and i
ZACK GRAM May 2024
thank you for following me... im Zack ... nice to meet you... im the richest man in history... hope to talk some ...this month is mariah carey an my 17 year heir to ww1 ww2 and alexander the great... i was made in a vine hidden in the pyramids millions of years watching all life.. i seen creation..i seen jesus crucified as if it was me... i drank from the fountain of youth.. i was in the garden of eden ... i am heir to all king blood on earth .. 1 million trillion.. in 1994 during the war i gave everyone eye surgery to see screens to compete with chinese.. we are in a program i built that can **** all giants in another dimension so thats why we are here
We are center of the universe
I saved you
You are dying again
This time im bone an flesh
I will die trying to save you again
My Ancestry King Zack
My Ancestry God Zack
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