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Donna Jun 2017
I watch sky darken
As I relax in garden
Big trees look like hills
Night sky x
Star BG Jun 2017
From a spark, a flame
of creativity ignites a sacred fire.
It grows with words embedded in light
spreading rapidly behind a focused eye.

The vellum pit expands,
as line after line exposes another view
that envelops a reader's, heart.

The fire meets night sky with fury
releasing a kaleidoscope of colors
that aids one to feel peaceful and free.

Inside the quiet, the crackle of energies are felt
as they merge life force energy
with a writer's pen.

In time, a sonnet is born.
Born, from an artist's gifts for the public to savor.

StarBG © 2017
inspired from a conversation with Jax  Spades
Amaranthine Jun 2017
Free your art
From the object....
Description will be
The subject.....
Object this subject
Subject will object,
Your art.....

Free your vision
From the limits
Grab your attention
On rare wits.....
Holding this object
Close to your eyes,
You shut out the world
& Creativity dies...
Don't let them limit
Your vision....

Free your vision,
Free your art
Fulfill ambition
By best dart.....
Conquer mission
You are smart
Warm wishes
From my heart....
Donna May 2017
Like kings sat in thrones
around silver table , fish
is served for dinner
I have lake near me and it's full of willow trees it truly is lovely I feel blessed to be able to visit my local park often :)
Xavier Quinn May 2017
They say that "You're your own worst critic."
In that case, I have it out for myself.

I say this because whenever I create something, whether it be poetry or fiction
I find every f̶l̶a̶w̶
Every e̶r̶r̶o̶r̶
Every m̶i̶s̶t̶a̶k̶e̶
Every word
And point it out
Showing myself the absolute m̶e̶a̶n̶i̶n̶g̶  nothingness they convey
Reminding myself that

All my work is a̶c̶c̶e̶p̶t̶a̶b̶l̶e̶  terrible
I a̶m̶ ̶a̶ ̶w̶r̶i̶t̶e̶r̶  am not good
I should c̶r̶e̶a̶t̶e̶ ̶m̶o̶r̶e̶  give up

And with that
The familiar feeling of doubt continues to crawl under my skin and through my head
Whispering sweet nothings into my ear as I type
As I look at the screen,
As I look at what I have accomplished:

I l̶o̶v̶e̶  hate it

I leave it be
Unfinished and hated
For d̶a̶y̶s̶
Months at a time
Until I come back
Remembering the words
Remembering the hatred

Mr. Hemingway had once said “You shouldn’t write if you can’t write.”
Brilliant man.
Brilliant writer.

People seem to enjoy my words and my writing
So the question arises:
"What if I can write, but am convinced that I can't?"
Should I still give up?
Should I force myself to write, as I am now
Hating every w̶o̶r̶d̶  flaw?
What should I do if the only force that stops me from writing freely
is my own self hatred?

The only option to combat this doubt
is to convince myself that I am g̶o̶o̶d̶


My own d̶e̶p̶r̶e̶s̶s̶i̶o̶n̶  worst critic.
**** you for being right.
For those who are familiar with "Writers Block" and/or depression, perhaps you can relate with me when it comes to creativity.
Thank you for taking the time to read my piece. It means the sea to me.
Have hope, and take care, my friend.

(UPDATE 8/12/17: Forgive me if you are reading this on a PC. I have only just now realized that the formatting only completely shows up on mobile.)
Tasman Suitor May 2017
Pony Tails belong on Ponies,
And yet she still insists,
To have one on her head
Swept back in utility bliss.

From there she can study
And run her errands
Paint paper, not her hair
And hide away split ends

In truth it is beautiful,
Even if it is just function,
For finding ways to live a dream,
Really takes some gumption.
Messing around one night challenging a friend to write about the most random things we could think of. I got pony tails but probably ended up writing about them.
Julie Grenness May 2017
Once upon a lifetime,
I knitted a disaster line,
My sister was expecting,
So, I thought I'd be creating,
That first ****** looked beautiful,
Second, third and fourth not so dutiful,
They turned into footy boots size,
So I bought socks in Kmart--surprise!
I never found a baby with four different feet,
For DIY disasters, booties can't be beat.......
Feedback welcome.
Julie Grenness May 2017
Once upon a lifetime,
I knitted a disaster line,
My sister was expecting,
So, I thought I'd be creating,
That first ****** looked beautiful,
Second, third and fourth not so dutiful,
They turned into footy boots size,
So I bought socks in Kmart--surprise!
I never found a baby with four different feet,
For DIY disasters, booties can't be beat.......
Feedback welcome.
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